I am interested in exploring the spiritual aspects of our physical female functions and phases (menstruation, cycles being linked to the moon, birth, childrearing, menopause), These are major points of contemplation for me, and my intention is to know thyself. Thyself is physically female, and I'm trying to inner stand what that means. I do not see myself as separate from males, and I'm hoping this isn't mistaken for a dualistic intention. I do, however, recognize the power of our cycles and phases and their inevitability.  This is where I'm at on my path, and I'd like to believe this timeline is heading to unity. 

There is a lot to explore here! What do you inner stand about our physically female experience?

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hi im new to the group, I resonated with your post because I am on the path to discovering what it is to be womban. I study the book sacred womban by queen afua. its a very good book on taking care of the womb and healing yourself and unlocking your feminine powers. another book I have ordered is by dr.phil valentine called the wounded womb, its all about wombans health from a metaphysical standpoint and more. there is a lecture on youtube by dr.delbert blair called the woman. its very informative. this journey is very hard for me because I know im subject to a lot of negative programming. so I have a lot of body issues, I was taught that career and money is most important. and childrearing and motherhood is looked down upon. my relationships with men have been very damaging to me mentally, emotionally and physically. so now i just want my womb to be healthy by eating a vegan diet and embracing my femininity. if you have any tips on what works, let me know. lets share information and encourage each other.

Hi, this is a very good subject. I have been focusing on The Divine Feminine which is the isness, Hari Om, god. I spent the last several years opening to the Beloved aspect, seeing myself as Beloved. Devi worshippers see god as Beloved/Mother. If one is too beloved one is too selfish and if one is too mothering, one can be smothering - the balance centers us. This is not really about being a female or male but to be enlightened the Devi say be do see everything as a woman and you will be very close...lol So I did an experiment. I accepted myself as beloved and did everything I loved inside, like watching the old Dr Doolittle about a hundred times because he is so sweet. I just lived as if I was beloved and after a year, a beautiful man wooed me as my lover. I accepted this man who was 28 years younger. I had never had a healthy relationship like this in all my life. I felt completely ugly from an abusive experience at 7 even though I was told I was attractive. I am on my first step to healing  from this experience because I never allowed it before. I spent 60 years refusing to accept myself... but finding about the Divine Feminine let me accept loving myself. The Devi see masculine as the energy of experiencing the feminine energy (life Force). If it honors the feminine then growth, joy health, happiness results. So it has become a mantra for me to follow the path loving from my heart and also loving myself. I hope this helps in some small way.



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