I have a question. Perhaps this question has no answer. But I will pose it anyway. Does anyone else feel a sense of loneliness? It seems to me the more I learn and the more conscious and aware I become the lonelier I am. Those I had contact with prior do not understand me and so friendships have faded. My family thinks I am eccentric, they still love me but we have little in common anymore. Trying to physically reach out to like minded individuals is not very easy short of the internet. And even then one has to be careful as there are many with not so honorable intentions. I am able to keep myself focused for the most part, but there are times when my vibrations drop and emotions run rampant. Anyway, enough of the whining, just wanted to know if this is common and if so any suggestions on how to manage it.

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Thank You...Thank You...Thank You...This is it, this describes it perfectly. I will continue learning about this phenomenon. There is hope, I will not be trapped in eternal limbo. I will emerge stronger and wiser if I keep in mind that this is just a phase of my growth. Turning back is not an option, remaining in this limbo is not an option. I will obtain and be grateful for the lessons I receive during this time. Thank you again. This has made my day.

Thank you for the link orange. I too need some source of information to dive into to 

   I don't know if it is common and I'm new, so maybe I shouldn't be replying but yes.  I have started feeling very lonely lately.  More so than I have ever felt.  I feel sad and sort of depressed because I feel a sense of loss and I get my feelings hurt so much more easily and I cry at the drop of a hat.  And, no, you're not whining.  But, I say that all the time too.  

   I don't have suggestions on how to manage it and I know that you wrote this in December of 2011 and this is June 2012, but if you would like someone to chat with, write to, I'm available.  Maybe we could become friends?


It is always wonderful to make a new friend. The loneliness continues, but I do understand it better now.

Quote from Sevan:

"What you are feeling is the space between one plane of consciousness and the next, the zone I call the void or buffer which keeps the frequencies from infringing on one another. While you are passing through it you feel very much alone because you have left your previous frequency and all of the entities that existed within it and you are yet to breach fully into the new frequency so you in effect feel as if you have no friends or nobody to relate to, stay your course and you will find a brand new vista of relationships ready to board as soon as your new frequency becomes balanced and consistent. Not to mention you have Us. :-)"

       This is a very powerful place to be.  To feel alOne is to feel alive.  If you read through the comments on just this one topic since December 2011, there is inspiration and deep connection to be found.  The land of the Lion/ess.  We who all feel this alOne are together.  Please don't be afraid to reach out to any one of us, for we are reaching out to you.  Don't judge yourself through the eyes of others.  You are the Judge, the Jury, the Witness, the Defendant, the SOVEREIGN ONE.

I myself am writing from this very place and these words give me strength to climb the mountain.


It makes sense, its just so overwhelming though, im pretty sure you get adjusted to it. The suicidal thoughts is what gets to me though. I wish i would never read that article about nothingness my brain cannot connect to it at the moment. I feel alone because i feel like my existence is pointless.

My dad and I have a bond I can't put into words. We just connect on every level. When he remarried when I was 5 my world turned upside down.  Many nights I cried myself to sleep wishing to die but I knew it would literally destroy the spirit in my dad and I couldn't do that to him.  So I carried on.

He was the reason for my existance. That's how I felt.

Now that he's gone I feel the same way you do. What's the point to my existance?

Wholeness to all,

I am to quote Sevan as I have walked this line and am where I am currently.

"What you are feeling is the space between one plane of consciousness and the next, the zone I call the void or buffer which keeps the frequencies from infringing on one another. While you are passing through it you feel very much alone because you have left your previous frequency and all of the entities that existed within it and you are yet to breach fully into the new frequency so you in effect feel as if you have no friends or nobody to relate to, stay your course and you will find a brand new vista of relationships ready to board as soon as your new frequency becomes balanced and consistent. Not to mention you have Us. :-)"

It does change, the way you're thinking now is not what you will be thinking tomorrow, the next day, the next week/month/year for that matter.

That void or in between state is familiar to all but just not recognized as such.  It's strong in some and not in others but if you stop distracting yourself with distractions you will feel it straight away ha.

We're not 'alienating' ourselves, we're just opening up.  What I have found is that by just accepting that I am shifting, by letting go of external factors then others begin to ask questions regarding the eccentric and strangeness about me.

I don't let my emotions dictate my answers so I speak of what is happening to me and my spaceship and my adventure.  Others can take from it what they are ready for and everyone walks away happy as Larry!

All I can say is keep moving, keep learning, keep experiencing.  If you have experienced that sense of peace and wholeness it's really hard to feel a lone here.

I hope this provides some sense of clarity of connection for some and it sure is a beautiful day!

Wholeness and Balanced Vibrations to all.


when you remember you are a child of the universe and that the unverse is inside you... you will realise that you are never alone. Listen to the silence within and find yourself there, find a beautiful place in nature listen to the stillness of your surroundings, you may be surprised by what you find.

Your loneliness is a shared experience, we all feel it and it becomes pronounced as we grow apart from others at different stages of spiritual growth. But I remember mpy most socially active years where I was always surrounded by people who didnt know me because i didnt know myself. I was the mst lonely then.

You will be fine, keep your spirits up.

Alone, "All one" we are all individual souls though soul is one we are all the perception of the great soul reflecting on itself, so
"aloneness" is only an ego based fetter, it is a construct of our social expectation, it is a fear fetter that we need to release

J.L. I was literally just going to tack on a comment to the thread simply saying "Alone <> All One" and saw you already handled it ;-) this place never ceases to amaze me. at this point it's just a matter of who is going to be the first to share what most of us are thinking as we continue to progress through these profound changes. WBV

Yea as you grow through the changes the key to a stable mind are the same.



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