I really enjoyed this material. There was a few interesting correlation moments while reading this. I remember as a child having this dang bloody noses. I even once sneezed out a huge  almost organ object covered in blood out of my right nostril. It was not the oddity of the object that stuck with me, it was the feeling I remember experiencing as a child. The feeling, immediately as the event happen was "what is this foreign object - this is not from me - this was not supposed to be in there" I was embarrassed as this all happen in front of my baby sitter who was fliping out and was scared to death as I might of lost some important organ, on her watch. 

Hope something here is helpful to some of you.


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Have you ever thought that perhaps that this object you had sneezed from your nostril could have been implanted when you were in the hospital by one of the doctors or nurses?  I don't let anything go past them.  Especially if they're part of one of those secret societies.  Did you remember what kind or organ or shape it looked like, and are you able to draw it on paper.   

Interesting read but something to think about.  


I had this happen to me when I was in my mid 20's. It was white, fleshy, and spiral. I never told the doctor.

It didn't hurt. I was just blowing my nose. It did freak me out a little and I still wonder what that was. thank you for your post.

A couple of weeks ago my 26 year old son alarmed us all with an organ-shaped, mini liver like object from his nose. Still concerned and going through the blue planet pdf - can you please tell me in short what your conclusions are? We showed our doctor and he said he'd never seen anything like this. Should I worry? Where did this come from? So happy to have stumbled on your post by 'accident'!

Hi eugenie, I am 40 now, when this first happen to me I was about 5-6 years old. I have not discovered what it is yet for sure. Although I have noticed some thing, that might be related. In the past 2 years I have on 3 occasions been coughing up more of the same type of tissue material. No where close to being just phlegm, it is hard tissue and rather tough.On the 3 occasions, it came up and out right after I had just, spoke my mind or stood up for my self and communicated a boundary - I link it to a 5th chakra type block, literally. Establishing my space and it is a relief. Speaking truth, what's difficult at times seemed to have a link. the pieces have been smaller each time and unpleasant. But least now I view it as a healthy thing. Block removal

Thanks so much - makes a lot of sense ito what's been happening in his life. appreciate your input.

Michael, I am having challenges getting in to the Blue Planet Project.pdf.. is it still available ? Sometimes when I am looking at different material, my computer will just lock up out of the blue or I can not get to what I want. 

I did a google for "BluePlanetProject.pdf" and got a lot of hits... cheers

Got it! Thank you! Interesting!



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