In my studies I constantly see this and it never resonates with me. I have very specific reasons why, but I will start by saying when it comes to the Hebrew language there are two things that should be kept in mind: 1) You cannot just switch around vowels based on English transliteration or trying to match it up with other words that seem similar and based on the root consonants in a particular and maintain the same meaning or family of thought. The roots of proper nouns are usually verbs. That being said, the definition of YHWH from my level of knowledge at this point is Is-Was-Will (Cause) to Be. This is not the same as Jehovah (re: definition of Hebrew word "hovah") or other variations as they do not contain the "hawa" part of the compound Yahh- hiyah-hawa. For me this gives an indicator that the description has something to do with space/time and the true nature of reality. Ive looked through many occult writings and "workbooks" and a common thing I see is the Tetragram written as a seal/protective barrier against neg entities in rituals but Ive never seen/heard a proper pronunciation. I intone YAH- h- WAH and I can feel the vibration even stronger than OM when I draw out the sylabbles. The Ah part is like the a sound in "caulk" our "awe" and the (h) is a fast, warm exhalation like if you shot our your breath real quick on a cold piece of glass to create a mist on the surface. .Ive been deep cover in synagogues and sensitive sites in the State of Israel and the Sabbateans/Illuminists do not use this pronunciation and frankly seem to be scared of it. Thoughts?
Here you go
..and here's the recording
come with us to the etymology and ciphering groups :)
you know i been highly interested in etymology since i was a shorty. im in.
cool beans! bout to listen to it now and check out those groups afterwards.
This is an energy that has evolved over time, originally meaning Fire or the Fire force of a two fold essence. This is why Ya is seen as a male while Yah Hovah is male female. Again as Carolyn pointed out if you take a gander at the last show you will notice that the current rulers have absorbed the title and placed their imagery on it. To fully restore its meaning one would have to follow history/herstory for a great deal of time. It is better to move back to the basics of the essences themselves. As every great occultist knows names are only used as words to give one some type of ID for the totality but it could never as being just a word, hold power within itself, the power is within the individual and this separates those who are just reciting from those who have not only made contact but are the contact.
See below what Yah Ya Ja Jao Iao Alpha and Omega has evolved in to and witness the corruption. Again, time to go back to the basics rather than trying to find some fake god to stand behind. I trust this will clear things up.
what article?
Wadup Ben! I see you on a roll here!
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