Here is a special interactive post for the continuation of cracking the language to discover more of the truth. A word is posted that either needs to be broke down or someone has already broke down. We will begin with HUMAN.

HU- An Ancient British god heavily worshipped depicted in the form of a snake. So in essence that term HUMAN means Snake Man.

Mrs or Miss - To want something you do not have. To not make it on time to get something. As in I missed out, I missed the ball. Its amazing this is the word used to describe the female, what We face we can face together for man and woman.


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Definitions of 'time' is penalty implant universes (of 16 dynamics)



A planet circling a Sun - This Means Time (in creating)

Heavenly clock, sitting in clouds - This Means Time (in causing)

Electron decay - This Means Time (in intensifying)

Some sort of cartoon watch - This Means Time (in imagining)

Sun swingning through the tropical sky - This Means Time (in knowing)

Sun over brook - This Means Time (in understanding)

A water clock - This Means Time (in absorbing)

A clock on a wall - This Means Time (in learning)

An hour glass with the sand running down - This Means Time (in exchanging) 

Shadows of Sun moving over a village of houses and stilts - This Means Time (in playing)

Digital clock on scoreboard - This Means Time (in competing)

Clock on the wall of a bank - This Means Time (in manipulation)

Siamese clock - This Means Time (in combining)

Clock on a big clay building (which looks like a upside-down pot) - This Means Time (in matamorphosing, shaping)

Shadow swings across the dome of a palace - This Means Time (in changing)

Sun, shadows on village in the snow - This Means Time (in bringing order)

Building (like Empire State) with big wrist-watch style clock on it) - This Means Time (in reasoning)

Sun-light-shadow moving across a structure in orbit - This Means Time (in orienting)

Dusk in prairie - This Means Time (in guiding)

A toy clock - This Means Time (in computing logics)

Mechanical clock with exposed gears - This Means Time (in engineering)

Sun in orbit - This Means Time (in building)

Pulsing crystal - This Means Time (in structuring)

Mechanical clock - This Means Time (in inventing)

Sundial - This Means Time (in inspiring)

Sun swings over storybook land - This Means Time (in beautifying) 

Sun swings over the fire city (clay slabs and billowing fire and balls of fire) - This Means Time (in purifying) 

Sundial in plaza - This Means Time (in arbitrating)

Saucer in orbit - This Means Time (in defending, protecting)
Sun over lagoon, floating houses & fish-people - This Means Time (in converting)

Sun on clouds - This Means Time (in connecting) 

Sun over forest and castle by lake - This Means Time (in worshipping, believing) 

Sun shadow far above a posture of a flat Earth - This Means Time (in predetermining)

Sun passes over an elf tree city - This Means Time (in collecting)

Sun swings over the forest glade - This Means Time (in emdodying)

Grandfathers clock - This Means Time (in locating)

A shadow moves underwater (or world turning in sunlight seen from low orbit) - This Means Time (in permeating) 
Moving swirl of color - This Means Time

Cells-micro-organisms in the sea as day turns into night - This Means Time (in growing) 

Sun swings over ship at sea with centaurs - This Means Time (in discovering)

Shifting slat of sunlight through forest canopy - This Means Time (in healing)

A clock on a tower (silver ball with streamers) - This Means Time (in adapting grids & threads)

Sun over ocean with dolphins - This Means Time (in sharing)

Sun swings over the battlefield - This Means Time (in uniting)

A water clock (a series of trays of water) - This Means Time (in controlling)

Courtroom clock - This Means Time (in judging)

Beeping computer signal (red flashing light on console) - This Means Time (in organizing)

Sun moving across a space station - This Means Time (in co-operating)

Moon swings (nigh-time) above a mermaid on a rock at sea This Means Time (in participating, hypnotizing)

RR clock tower over station - This Means Time (in expanding)

Wristwatch on wrist of an insect body - This Means Time (in reproducing)

Caveman by cave overlooking a valley with shadows creeping - This Means Time (in satisfying)

Sun swings over a cubist city with flying cat people - This Means Time (in joining)

Bird-girl on the porch of tree house watching the sunset - This Means Time (in caring for)

Sun swings over snow covered forest - This Means Time (in experiencing, feeling)

Sunset in the desert - This Means Time (in replenishing, surviving)

Sun swings over tiger eating monkey on hill above jungle - This Means Time (in consuming, eating) 

Sun swings over pyramid (with eyes) - This Means Time (in enduring
Well, coming back to the subject of time- I've had an annoying song in my head all day- Azazel singinging "Time is on my side" by the Rolling stones. The same guys who gave us "Play this overfed myth" an anagram of Sympathy for the devil...
One biggy of course is "Govern" Ment"- to rule or control the mind...
Also the Sumerian Eridu, the first city of kings, (where they first arrived/descended?), in german the word for earth is 'Erde', and in dutch it is 'aarde' So you have Eridu-Erde-Aarde, so also in other european languages besides english you find these 'oddities'.
Shh they have Ur's everywhere. Ear-th They have to know We know.

Here's one: Earlier = Ear- Lier = 2 ur's in 1 etc....

lie-r lol!

And sometimes a course is a CURSE indeed!
Or what about these two words;
Diet (in extreme case people that starve themselves imo) to DIE-T,
or to believe (a lie) be-LIE-ve,
Television, Tel-A-Vision, or te-LEVI-SION, and all of the 'programming' it does!

Also recently I saw a episode of Poirot, the detective, called Cat among the Pigeons. Some quick observations, there may be more, the two bad characters called Shaitan and Shapland, movie starts with a revolution in india Ra'mat (and involving theft of red rubies). too much to mention you will see it all over, illuminati pyramid logo on writing paper etc. It is everywhere...once you know/see.
tell - lie - vision....not only how things are "spelled", but how things sound. This goes deep in many "old" languages.
speaking of "feel" about all the noise about the 2010 census (senses). Putting there feelers out there for in formation.
Festival - Fest Evil - A Festering of Evil

Some that have been imagining lesson are not learned to be ignored are feeling groggy and somewhat disorientated right now so I remote looked into it. I will tell you what I see. Many thought they could participate in Santa - Satan's Red Festival and it has lingering effects, especially this year as Sat's energy grows stronger even attempting to consume the Son but no matter it rains on the just and the unjust alike however some enjoy water. Now what is at hands is the same process, Salt baths and some serious detox. Almost a starting over as the chemicals in the food was really high this year. That's why We have MMS. I can not say enough 2010 will not be the year for tests, it will be what the test have been for. Let's get to it. 7



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