Here is a special interactive post for the continuation of cracking the language to discover more of the truth. A word is posted that either needs to be broke down or someone has already broke down. We will begin with HUMAN.

HU- An Ancient British god heavily worshipped depicted in the form of a snake. So in essence that term HUMAN means Snake Man.

Mrs or Miss - To want something you do not have. To not make it on time to get something. As in I missed out, I missed the ball. Its amazing this is the word used to describe the female, what We face we can face together for man and woman.

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also the name tony stands for to/NY or to new york. its when all the immigrants were coming to ELlis island
Pancha is the root to the word Pachamama which is a indigenous serpent mother. Their community is actually here also and on the ground reports say the serpent is definitely in high esteem over there along with many unscrupulous character.
tco i love the way your mind works...dont ever stop my brother.....namaste
occular (the eyes cannot move very independently they are stuck in their double circle (eight)
october etc.
8 is the infinity symbol. the twisted circle. (pi, which is infinite is 3.14).....3+1+4=8
stuck in the circle (cycle)

(In the diatonic scale, and the other standard heptatonic scales of Western music, there are 7 notes; if one counts both ends (see Fencepost error) there are 8 notes, hence the name "octave", from the Latin octavus, from octo (meaning "eight"))*

if the cycle is broken, there is something new/nouveau/novel/nova/november

pire=fire fire is also akin to life

respire to re fire
inspire to infuse fire
pyr amid = amidst fire (stars) pyramids are lined up with stars
s pyr al ...upward s fire (light.dna.crystalline)
Hmm some came clear to me earlier.

I am a manager (man-ager) and my work makes me feel older than I am.
I build Cell Sites (many possible for Cell Site, as they radiate the land with RF)
Cell Site - Where genetic mutations occur from the radiation
Sell Sight - What would you do without your phone? You would be technologically invisible.
Whole or Hole?
The tech is based on frequency, and people will freak when they see what its doing to the world.

bankrupt - bank-robbed (yeah i'm new to this)
Maya = illusion, back words Ayam=I AM=Truth
Discuss - Dis Cuss - Remove Curse?
Mental - Men Tall - Giants? Psychic Giants? do not Lament...
Suffrage - The right to vote - Do you Choose the age of suffering?
Veto a Vote?
I amusing myself I am using myself
Do I Amuse you? Do you need a muse? to be inspired.. in spirit...spear it...or spare it?
Consider being the conceder.
If we are One, who Won us? the NWO?

Yes the sounds add another dimension apart from the spelling
would i die from mentioning that dimension says demon zion?

This is fun, I should stop
S*** is 'nuf? Should I post?

Thanks 4 the ankhs.
"dimension says demon zion?"

di (two) men(mente..mind) to split the mind.. (sion) split knowledge
di-mention..split tongue...etc..
de (of) mon (moon) of the moon....not having (or realizing) their own source..
diamond dia (day..light..two..divide) mond ( refracted world....split world..split mound
"Phonetic correspondences exists between the Malinke-Bambara and Yucatec."

Balan - 'jaguar'/tiger balan 'leopard worship'

cats have "mad" BALANce

balan's vibrations....the cat's purrr vibrates within the body...they never have bone problems (healing sound)
The Resistance
Resist the Cane
Canister Thee?
Sister Cheetah

heh, stop me... please.
What does the "nt" represent?



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