Lilith is symbolized by the Lily and that Lily is the Fluer-De-Lis. Of course the controllers claim to be from the bloodline of Christ, which in turn is linked to the bloodline of many Kings who have proclaimed their allegiance to Lucifer out in the open. Once again the play is they are all the same thing. They work with collective power, it is the only way they can succeed and they are failing. Even part of their own collective have overcome them and broken free. This is the story of the Golem or Dobbie that gains a third sense and is endowed with the ability to engage. A machine waits to be engaged just like a computer does. Many people are just waiting/weighting, doubt it not they are getting heavy and going into deeper sleep. The opposite is also happening, many are becoming very awake.
Cain is a Smith
Cain is the Canaanite archetype, he is Smith or fashioner of weapons, this is also Smith in the Matrix. This is why another part of the Matrix deception was to show Neo merging with Smith in the end. The word ìknightsî as in Knights of the Round table is nothing more than. K-N-IGHTS (Canaanites).
Cain is Con, Cohen, Coin, Kahn, King. ìCainî is said to be entombed in a subterranean chamber in the center of the Earth, he is said not to be dead but eternally sleeping where his dreams/ideas still effect the thoughts of mortal men. This myth continues that on the arrival of the new Golden Age, Cain will return to shepard his flock of believers who are preparing his way on the surface. It is highly possible that the giant man depicted in the invented Golden Age of AQUARIUS is Cain.
This story itself is identical to Cthulhu, Kraken, and many other dreaming gods such as Orpheus/ Morpheus. Half dead gods suspended in animation. Such are the secrets passed around in Ancient Egypt about living after dissention as a vampric demi-god.
Tis true the masses of people do not do things until they feel it is most necessary, this is domestication. Even the fleshly man is not longer a wild animal he been domesticated. Waiting to be fed, waiting to be instructed, waiting to be terminated, always waiting. Waiting on Jesus, waiting on the Mahdi, waiting on Horus, waiting on Q, you get the point.
There is Ninus of Persia, Attis of Phyrgia, Krishna of India, Bacchus of the Greeks, Buddha of India, Salivahana of Bermuda, Zhule of Egypt, Horus of Kemet, Odin of the Celts, Crite of the Chaldeans, Zoroaster of Persia, Taut of Phoenicia, Indra of Tibet, Bali of Afghanistan, Jao of Nepal, Thammus of Syria, Adad of Assyria, Mikado of Syntoos, Beddru of Japan, Eros of the Druids, Cadmus of the Greeks, Adonis of IO, Prometheus of Caucasus and many more crucified ìsaviorsî that many people died waiting on and are probably coming back, waiting, and dying again. The imagery says everything, it is the man of strength beaten to a pulp, humiliated and them put on the cross. They are not marketing the risen savior, they prefer the crucified one for particular reasons. When true Spirit body gets wind of what is happening and wakes up, Time is over, literally.
In addition many of these gods are forgotten, also called the Forgotten Ones. They are being re-erected by mortal man and woman in their fascination for worship. These beings , which also include man gods, carry the title ìonce dead but now aliveî. The unconscious worshipper is being used for such tasks. "Praise the Lord" means "Raise the Lord".
These types of people will always be the workers and not the owners, the members, but not the pastor, the disciple but not the Guru, so in this state they will never know. Until you realize it is entirely up to you and you alone to get up and get ready to trek higher in your existence, you will remain in dominion being sub consciously controlled by the deluded and those not thinking clearly for various reasons. They suffer from ideas of supremacy which are the most infectious to clouding the mind. The ìChosen Oneî program.
It is very difficult in this time to dissect and break down anything of this nature unless you have been involved from its highest levels. This is always the trouble with religious dissertations and debunking. You either have those who have read every book about it and have judged it as such, but of course they have never attended in Spirit and in Truth.
In addition you have those who are just blindly following along using the same technique as many of our unfortunately short lived ancestors. That is the one of blind unwarranted trust along with sacrifice. Our ancestors in history have been forced in many cases to be worshippers and such states are not natural. They like to say the animals are worshipping the Creator to, well that is the clue they are not worshipping in any way like man is with sacrifices, ceremonies, and the likes.
I will be clear, reverence is sometimes at hand and there is no harm in casting crowns. This is no different than watching a magnificent act and admiring the actor for their splendid performance. However if one starts to look upon the actor as some type of savior, escape goat, genie in the bottle, or a possible way to cheat or get ahead in life through some unseen advantage, this behavior becomes questionable and should be paid careful attention to.
If this goes a step further and the person is then willing to prostrate themselves, beg, entreat, bequeath, or even sacrifice what is precious to them. Then they have become open to the infectious force that is being quarantined from the Galaxy. The Worshipping Warships.
These days a person is easy to determine something as true when they:
1. Have an experience in it that is life changing such as Genuflection with the deities or spirits themselves.
2. Have people that they know and respect that are involved so they are taking blind advice and direction from them.
3. Follow the masses assuming that out of the millions involved someone has done their homework about the authenticity of what is being believed.
This has left the world in the state it is in now and thus there are only two types of people. Those who truly ìKnowî, and those that are not in the ìKnowî. Those that are not in the know are further divided into two factions. Those who are pretending to know and those that could care less.
There is a famous story in the bible that begins with the 12 tribes. Of course those 12 tribes are meant to mean all descendants of the Earth but more importantly all descendants of the Quadrant of Space which is called the Sea or Holy Sea. This is the twelve signs of the Zodiac that govern the procession of the character traits and influences on Earth. There is also a hidden 13th sign. This works no different then bad company. Certain strong celestial bodies place themselves at certain points to influence the composition of new born stars. Although one can be influenced by a strong Celestial Body just as they are influenced by their parents traits at times, all things are within the power and scope of the mind and many discover their uniqueness beyond pre-programming.
To begin to sum this up, the entire story of the bible is that of confusion because that is how it begins with man and these strange jealous beings.
Genesis 11: 7-8
Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one anotherís speech. 8 ñ So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earthÖ
We have been trained to accept such things and when you break that yoke of control you see the deception. We have to come together as strong Spirits and set straight the heresy and limitation of our Species by these beings that are not the majority even in might and strength. A tiny atom contains the power of 1000 ONS, how many do you think are inside of you, they are countless. Its starts first with knowing, then you will gain the path of exactly what to do from your position.
A time is literally marked when the god of the bible, decided that man had reached beyond his preconceived limitations in pure connection with everyone and everything. What could only be next would be of course total unity with the Creator.
This is a very important moment to point out as it is about to happen again. We are all beginning to speak one language once more. We want to be free and whole, we want the animals to be free and whole, and most importantly we want our Planet to be free and whole. So what are we on the brink of? Will history repeat itself again or will we be much more awake and aware this time?
The so-called Elite are flirting with danger in a scramble to get more information and more control by the invention of the computer. The computer presents a common language when used properly as it has several proficient translators. Everyone is now available to see that We have been all told the same story. No matter how much we have been told it is different, special, and unique to our particular ìchosenî, race it simply is not true.
No religious story is played more then the Crucified Savior story, the death of the enlightened human. This is the Birth and Death of the Externalized god who is ever masquerading around as the Creator but is yet to fully comprehend Its endless potential.
Let us examine some similarities that exist across the board.
1 shall rule over 12 is their concept. Jesus over 12 disciples and serpent over all mammals. Notice how there is no snake in all the animals of the Zodiac but it is one of the most revered animals in ancient lure. This is because it remains hidden.
12 Disciples
12 Tribes
12 Months
12 Judges
12 Patriachs
12 Princes
After Zeitgeist many believe the whole Jesus story itself is Astrological but it is much more than that and seeing it as such takes one even further away from the truth. When millions of people believe in something it has enough strength with that alone to manifest from the ether.
So the story in itself is one that many attempt to emulate to raise themselves as gods. If they can find willing vessels to worship and believe upon them, they can live on in the persons mind and be just as real as me and you. It is a fact this entire Matrix exists within the Mind, it is very real. The term illusion should only be used to determine if whether you are awake in the experience or sleep.
This method of Deification has now been monopolized, and rather than one believing and tapping into their inner connection, they are directed to believe in some animalistic externalized god who craves control over Beings who don't know better.
I will bring up a certain fact. King Minos is the strongest prototype of this ìFounder Kingî god by divine right idea. This reflects in how many Kings of History have been named derivatives of Minos. This Menes of Egypt, Mannus of Germany, Manu of India, basically War Gods.
It talks about the Hebrews in the Bible wanting a King and no longer wishing to associate with the Creator, which is inside of them, but wanting something external to rule over them. So they were given Saul/SAL, which translates to Serpent, as in Salamander.
As mentioned above Minos son of ìZeusî bares remarkable resemblance to Saturn/Cronus, and many of these bearded gods. One should begin marking the trail now. Saturn/Cronus , Zeus and all these Deities from the Greek pantheon are related to the Serpent not only by their own imagery but also because the all come from URANUS/ORANOS.
Destruction of the Brazen Serpent
As it states in esoteric lure URANUS is the URAEUS or the Fire Spitting Serpent that is often seen on the head piece of Pharaohs. He is the father of all of them so thus if he is a serpent the rest of his offspring would be at least half serpent. This is by far not enough time to explain IAO, Abrasax (365) and the sun gods that go by the symbol of the Rooster/Zoroaster and how Jesus Ben Panther relates to all of this.
I will state as I always do, to say every serpent is bad is just as silly as saying all men are good. Christianity however has some of the heaviest ties to the serpent but represents itself as having nothing to do with the serpent. Nothing can be more deceptive then to make people hate the serpent and then slyly make them worship it. When they find such things out, if they ever do, they are generally taken aback and go into extreme denial regardless of the facts. Even worst is in most cases they just agree to worship the serpent and the New Age movement loves to cater to that notion. A sad lot they are.
Number 21: 8
And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when looketh upon it, shall live.
Moses is instructed to raise up the Nehushtan or Brazen Serpent so all that look upon it can be healed. Silently this is the entry of Jesus as he would in many books later be raised upon a tree/cross for people to look upon him and be slaved. But of course all believe Jesus has no relations to the serpent. That is false and only exist in the belief systems of those not in the know. The pew riders that never examine what the priests are up to and whence their power comes. They are just as dangerous because it is their energy being used to fuel the war that is not so silent but taking place on the opposite side of the globe.
In addition Christianity continues to pretend that it is in no direct offense to other belief systems and their corresponding gods. They tell the members that they use a gentle method of conversion. In the mean time much worse than the crusades are taking place in the spiritual world as any real Adept has seen the deepest magic books especially related to the Jesuit are riddled with the name of Jesus as the source of the energy to the spells. This is the Cult of the IESU under these Logos or Logi. IHS, INRI, etc.
Revelations ends with a new Zion in which the so called elite or chosen are raised into the sky into a new Jerusalem that sits above Earth. It is from this location they imagine they will watch the chaos and torment prophesied about Earth. Of course it has been prophesied by them and also conducted by them acting in place of their god. They have already proclaimed ìheî acts through them but in all actuality it is really them. Just like the Pope.
This means that all the silly believers who never do what the bible tells them to anyway will be manifesting there own destruction out of guilt and shame, two of the lowest vibrations. This prediction if not overturned is really Agenda 21, depopulation sanctioned by the U.N./Thule/V. Praying and worshipping for horrible deaths they are, if they are not warned to cease such insolence. All these believers want is the last days, they are constantly manifesting living in the last days, so now it is upon them and they are not prepared because they have been misinformed. This has happened because they have been consciously and subconsciously judging everyone but themselves.
It is clear, unless something drastically changes this mode of ideology there will be carnage. But again that is for those who are choosing to believe in such things during the greatest era of manifestation. The key to this age is whatever you imagine will happen for you, will happen, this is why the constantly stay at work in attempting to guide peoples thoughts. Manifest greatness and thatís what you will be. Manifest servitude and you will see that there are endless controllers vying for your energy. Do something that is going to increase you.
This is what We propose. Iím more than sure the Most High can see beyond. 1: That Visica Eye in the Sky. 2. The Binary/Rabin way to this world juxtaposed in its Masculine and Feminine Fractal. 3. The movement of the Hermetic Greats 4. The Sidereel place of no time. 5. The Hive Mind Palace of cells. 6. The Carbon and the faces on perception. 7 8. That journey to the center of the Earth. 9. The Anunakki cyclic phase. 10. The Omega Machine and the Droids of 01. So with that being said I have seen all of this with my own eyes and my own Aura and there is a Path that can be forged beyond it. This Path has been grown over due to lack of use. We plan to make super highway on this Path and you are more than welcome to Join Us.
If someone says impossible you should understand it as ìaccording to my limited experience and narrow understanding of reality, thatís very unlikely.
Justin Martyr wrote ìWhen we say that he, Jesus Christ, our teacher, was produced without sexual union, was crucified and died, and rose again, and ascended into heaven we propound nothing different from what you believe regarding the Sons of Jupiterî.
Case Closed
Justin Martyr
A "Pentacle" of knowledge!
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