After using this substance for over a year, I have to say that it's the most safe and effective one that iv'e ever used. It's absolutely amazing stuff! Not only does it to an incredible job of tetoxing the entiire body, it also makes you feel REALLY good! Among many other benefits. Since it's an essential element (bioavalable sulphur), it's about as toxic as water, which means it's almost impossible to harm yourself with it (you might get the runs if you take too much). The other huge benefit is sulphur acts as an alkaline PH buffer in your body ( a good thing). I switched from MMS to MSM after trying both because I find MSM to be much easier on the body and had better results in the end. Bulk MSM powder is the wway to go since it's WAY cheaper. 

Here's the rundown on it:

7 Benefits of MSM – The Miracle Supplement



Biologically active sulfur is one of the most critical nutrients for our bodies to remain youthful and energetic.  As we age, along with a diet deficient in essential nutrients, our bodies become stiff, our cells become rigid, and our overall energy begins to rapidly decelerate.

MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is an organic sulfur compound that’s naturally derived during the earth’s rain cycle.  Sulfur is present in many natural unprocessed foods, but it’s quickly lost during the cooking process.  MSM is gaining a lot of attention due to the recent focus on longevity and anti-aging technologies.  Here’s a list of 7 impressive benefits that MSM delivers:

1. Improves skin health and complexion

MSM is necessary for collagen production.  Sagging skin and wrinkles, as well as dry, cracked skin are all developed through a loss of collagen.  MSM works together with Vitamin C to build new, healthy tissues.  MSM can normalize collagen formation and radically improve skin health.

2. Improves flexibility

Research has shown that MSM is highly effective in improving joint flexibility.  Additionally, it helps to produce flexible skin and muscle tissue.  This leads to an increase in overall flexibility due to a restoration of the “juiciness” in the tissues.

3. Detoxifies the body

One of the most important features of MSM is that it makes your cells more permeable.  This means that it allows toxins and metabolic waste products to easily be moved out of the cells, while essential nutrients and hydration can be moved in.  It’s a calcium phosphate dissolver, so it has a remarkable ability to break up the bad calcium that’s at the root of degenerative diseases.

4. Strengthens hair and nails

Collagen and keratin and both critical for the production of healthy hair and nails.  MSM is a bonafide “beauty mineral” that provides the sulfur needed to produce collagen and keratin.  It’s also highly noted to contribute to exceptional strength and thickness of the hair and nails, which can be noticed in just a couple weeks of consistent use.

5. Accelerates healing

Lactic acid and other byproducts cause pain and soreness in the body.  MSM increases the ability of the body to eliminate waste products at the cellular level.  This speeds recovery and frees up more energy for rebuilding.

6. Naturally Increases energy

Due to the increased permeability of the cells, less energy is required to deal with the accumulation of toxins.  This results in more energy being redirected towards activity and necessary healing.  Digestion is the biggest energy requirement of the body (Approximately 70-80% of your energy is spent on digestion each day). MSM increases the absorption of nutrients so that the energy expenditure on digestion is vastly reduced.

7. Anti-inflammatory

MSM is a powerful anti-inflammatory due to its ability to allow metabolic wastes to be removed from the cells.  Excess weight on the body is actually inflammation.  The cells of the body are chronically inflamed and retaining the byproducts of metabolic processes.  Sulfur needs to be present In order for these toxins and wastes to be removed from the body.  When these byproducts can be removed from the system, then the cells can also dispose of excess fluids that were being stored as a buffer.  What results is a natural and effective reduction in unwanted weight.

the protocol I used is called an "MSM superdose cleanse". Here's the directions: sure to take 1000MGs per day of vitamin C as it assists with the removal of toxins

2.start with 3000MGs of MSM per day with plenty of PURE water. I find it easier to split it up and take it with meals.

3. Add 1000 MGs to your daily dose each day until you reach 20,000MGs per day of MSM. Stay at this dose for 3-7 days until you feel your body is flushed of toxins ect. (you will know since you will feel GREAT!)

4.back off the dose to 3000mgs per day for healthy maintenance and PH buffer. This can be adjusted depending on how much acidic foods or drink are taken.

that's it, no fuss, no mess! 

one last note:

From my experience this does help decalcify the pineal gland, every time I do a superdose cleanse I have numerous OOBE's and feel pressure in my third eye area, dreams also become very lucid.

If I missed anything please ask.

enjoy ! :)

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after doing a google search, I noticed quite a few sites recommending MSM for pineal gland detoxification and saw a connection in the above post:

" It’s a calcium phosphate dissolver, so it has a remarkable ability to break up the bad calcium that’s at the root of degenerative diseases."

This makes perfect sense!

In any case, I can't say enough about how great this stuff is. It's very easy to find, affordable and effective. Hope it helps some people out with detoxing and activating...

wow awesome I am going to get myself some asap...thanks for sharing Silas :)

your welcome! I just want to add one note here, be sure to get PLANT DERIVED MSM, as some cheaper MSM products sold in the United States are derived from petroleum byproducts.

David Wolfe also mentions MSM as one of the four substances available that is proven to break down and remove bad calcium deposits from the body. The thing I like about MSM is it's the easiest to obtain and costs the least. For anyone who hasn't heard of this guy it's a MUST WATCH!

This is Awsome thank you I've been using mms n yes very expensive and I would use a smll dose but now I realize that it was the culprit for the non arthritis pain n skin feeling brand new lol thank you thank you

I live in Los Angeles, do you know where I would buy in bulk?.

Thank you,


thankyou for sharing

Ive found that msm powder mixed with distilled water in a spray bottle after a bath or showere be it cold/hot variations sprayed on the skin while damp tightens the skin during detox or/and rapid weight loss!...thanks



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