While experimenting with the Dodecahedron communication device in the Scalar room there was a great success. As the geometric pattern is 6 sided shape the Dodecahedron is 12 thus sending up two beams. You can witness those two beams of communication, sending and receiving. If you also notice it is over the chair not behind it so the beams are not coming from the door.  

Scalar Room from Sevan on Vimeo.

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Correction - 31 Frames per second
Garnet is a natural dodecahedron, it is showing a lot of promise transmitting beyond the web.
AWESOME! When can I go to the lab!
Soon as its fully configured the lab will be coming to you. ;-)
what are those screens in each corner of the room ontop of the boxes... or is it top secret?
The screens are emitting a special electro magnetic code that meets in the middle of the room colliding then canceling each other out creating a space of no time. Sorta of like noise canceling but light canceling. The machine is calibrated for healing. It belongs to a very prominent lady here that has it in her house. :-) This device is about 30K. I'm working on it to see what its true potential is as it was developed by a technician for NASA Sandra Rose Energy Enhancement Systems. The amazing part is this machine would be hard to find even in Beverly Hills at somebodies home. Here I am in Costa Rica and a friend that I met saw the machine in her friends house and called me because she knew I liked this kind of stuff and viola! I studied scalar technology really heavy for about 1 year so it was perfect because they had the machine but did not really know what it could do. In certain areas the Path is already dug out, all one must do is follow. In other areas the forage is so thick you can only take one careful step at a time. It good We travel together.
This is amazing, it is the same shade of purple, I saw during my experience.
Actually free energy is of great value to ascension as most free energy devices purify the atmosphere of the user. There is another book called "Pentagon Aliens" in the Library, In the "updated" section. His first chapter reveals the ultimate free energy device, check it out when you get a chance Rob.



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