Level Advanced, initiate, adepts only please.

Some source viewing:




Anyone who is assuming all frequencies are inside the lightbeam to your consciousness, from its source, is assuming the matrix holds everything. I am suggesting not all are inside the current (and quite limited) matrix, perhaps the original blueprint certainly but not the limited current matrix of language/culture/manifestation that humanity is contained within. Our supposed pressure cooker to encourage jumps of enlightement, turned into little more than a childs toybox.

Ego aside, this should mean, if we can amplify a signal through the astral as I have before it can breach the current matrix. I am currently blocked on the astral so cannot continue it, but even using the physical tools such as crystal patterns amplified with frequencies should help this situation. This should allow a hole to be punched into the grid, much like when you enter a bliss experience and raise your frequency too high for the grid, or enter into an irregular pattern that the matrix cannot cope with (as it needs to be self replicated from a limited framework of language/emotion/imagery to sustain the illusion). Again a bliss field isn't dangerous to humanity as it's divine love (clarity), but to the current social order its a gradual upliftling mechanism, because once you let in divine love in, it enters the field (global consciousness) and thus raises the frequency of all humanity.

So to cut a long explanation short, what crystals focus frequency/energy/light best in your opinion? What frequency should we be pumping into these crystals? Of course they will need to be isolated from regular electro static and the usual nonesense vibrations and fields that most people have to deal with on a daily basis. So we need a fractal location that is largely naturally most likely. I had thought to view maps for this but I have no idea how to measure magnetics over a large area or even where to start on that angle. - Geologists or anyone fluent in physics might be very welcome to comment here, and add pieces I lack.

I am however suggesting that puncturing the matrix is possible with crystals and frequency alone. Possibly adding your own chi to the experience if you can move it. I have my own experience with frequencies and crystals to go on, but this requires other aspects to function correctly.

Thoughts, Comments, Ideas?

NB Many of you know me now, however this wouldn't breach the original construct that we came here to be within,  as that contains all, your divinity, but this would breach the fake shell that is still there for the multitude of people on the planet. My ego wants to leave no doubt, but first I think we need a fair look at what we came here to be within, if you can help please do.

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Well there doesn't seem to be much around on punching through the grid specifically in a brute force way, its all emotion or energy work, so here goes on a theory, one I will be investing some time and effort into if things continue to fall into place. Even if all this does if you give you some new crystal ideas it was worth the time.

First some background reading on the relationship to gravity and the magnetic field. Or rather what holds you to the earth ;)

Until now, it was assumed that the differences in the density of the molten iron in the earth’s core are not large enough to generate a measurable signal in the earth’s gravitational field. The newly determined mass flows in the upper outer core allow a new approach to Earth’s core hydrodynamics. So there is a relationship between the field and gravity and even science is beginning to accept it.



Magnetic Breaches or a weakening in the field exist naturally -  The Density of anomalies inside of it, a weakening in the grid/matrix at these points?

I feel a breach in the grid, or an ascension is possibly more likely here, where the natural tug is already weakened? (And possibly has seen heavy ascension/decension before) What people in the program like to call ufo's landing ;), as the website below highlights. Failing that generating one big enough for just yourself, or giving you the edge you need to do something like project a bit more vividly free of the matrix's illusions should be easier.




Magnetic anomalies represent an estimate of the short-wavelength (< 2600 km) fields associated with these parts of the Earth.

If all of existence is supposedly inside the light spectrum of the current matrix, then obviously its lacking something in these areas, if there is a possible dip in the total wavelength. How do you breach there, use wavelengths outside of the accepted spectrum perhaps, that is what the crystals give out or rather allow us to channel? Another possibility exists that they cause the dip or rather existed outside of the matrix's design.

The magnetic anomalies represented on this map originate primarily in igneous and metamorphic rocks, in the Earth's crust and possibly, uppermost mantle.


Here it goes on to state, that some crystals responsible for breaches in the earth's usual magnetic field are:

Maghemite (a form of hematite with the crystal form of magnetite), also pyrrhotite and magnetite.

Pyrrhotite - Once of the nicest looking crystals I've ever seen :)



I have not been able to find Maghemite yet, read into that what you will :D.

According to that article the largest of these anomolies is several times the strength of the earth's magnetic field, so this would lend strength to the above concept that they do breach the grid already, and by quite sizable amounts.

Some other reading:

Using their center as a point of access to infinity. Alternatively the center could be the strongest point in the grid, where its bolstered.


or the Magnetic Declination



Choosing the centers as a preferred spots, personally this looks like where the grid has been rebuilt to try and hold it together in these areas. The other possibility of course is that a stronger magnetic field is needed to ascend but at present I have yet to find evidence of that.

I am very off balance at the moment, on another upswing of kundalini, and so I hope some of this is of use. I am planning to pick one of these spots to move to, somewhere near the equator where I get plenty of solar energy as well, and is fractal naturally, though finding fractality will have to wait for another post. - My gut says the ocean is an easy to find fractal point.

I think the they used earth grid\ leylines for that reason. The magnetics increase at about 3am when the sun starts changing the field. They have seen this in Egypt around the monuments. It is an electromagnetic storm that can be seen with flash photography.

the WILL will virtually oscillate the silicon dioxide crystal, depending on the energy level of the DNA.since the brain s the transducer of energies which bridges the physical and the metaphysical domain. the crystal class i mentioned has a natural cut of 51,2 degrees from the perpendicular of the side just like the pyramids in Giza.if naturally or artificially you create an electromagnetic vector around the crystal this will cause the the crystal to amplify the energies charged in it. if you do it with a STRONGER "force" the stronger it becomes.

crystals can also replicate energies, with the aid of a knowledge in radionics.

here's something new that i discovered, if you expose an uncharged and clean crystal to an audio, psychosomatic and photic entrainment device, the crystal will absorb the entrainment frequencies and will oscillate the subtly energies and retain the energies within for months. depending in the desired WIIL to it.

Jun Perez:

How would you personally increase the force?

What kind of vector are you referring to?

Many thanks for your insight into quartz :) (Silicon dioxide for anyone wondering)

the force would depend on your WILL or a charged subtle energy device linked to the crystal. its kinda lengthy, but you can check out an excerpt i've taken to lucidate a subtle energy device on my photos/.

i'm referring to a magnetic or electromagnetic vector. a subtle energy field or "torsion fields" propagate from this. it is also briefly exlplained in the excerpt.

thanks mark. i mostly use the crystal in my subtle energy devices. particularly, the silicon dioxide crystal which i believe exudes "higher conciousness".

Setting your own tranciever/reciever to the crystals around you, any of them, with your pure intent is enough to accomplish this. I currently emit my own high frequency (albeit, I don't know why, but have been for a while now) and live amongst many crystals. I keep the intent of love in my heart at all times, thus broadcast at all times. I also have created many inspired forms of organite (not your typical variety) in which I point at a local ley line to inject into the grid :o) It's all intent. Not for gain or control, but for the greater plan of homo luminous to be accomplished.


1, How would you achieve this if the reception to that intent was very foggy in your area.

For example - High density areas take a while for the intent to reach you, whereas highly electrical areas can block the transmission of the signal to you entirely. To Strengthen, or to clean reception to the signal, as many ideas as you can, and feel free to engage imagination freely on this. How would you faced lets say with the problem of not getting clear reception to the luminous. Whatever comes to mind, please share thank you.


I think this is where we meet the problem:  How do you KNOW that you do NOT have clear reception to the luminous?  That's what comes to my mind immediately.

Your reply greatly appreciated.  Perhaps you take your clear perceptions for granted but many of us hope that our intentions will just DO IT!  But I ask, how can I develop my discernment which is the Q I have been asking for 2 years.

My kundalini is active, at least thats what I think it is, electrical blue fire held within, mostly active at night and in the early morning before rising.  Is it just a matter of focusing it now?


This is the harsh side of me answering: You get a good reception when you are not asking for yourself, as its already in your chest speaking through you - for you. If you want a stronger answer, ask a better question, and get used to what it feels like when it answers.

Its always communicating with you every second of everyday. The more we align with it, the more synchronicities and in harmony that is. Kundalini is like the bridge to powering it up in widescreen TV, its the two subtle channels of the heart reactivating and cycling, your natural energy system switching back on. Work a lot on the subtle channels of the heart, specifically if you are in those enviable states to feel them.

I am very far from that at the moment but I still know what it was like, however to get a straight -answer-  its really easy, you ask the heart. You direct the question back to the heart. Everything you need to answer ANY question is right in front of you already, everything. I am not saying you'll click your fingers and interpret a complicated answer, but its all there, to lead you to the answer. 

If your reception is good, and if you're aligned with what you feel is right. I am not at the minute, so I have a bad reception, but I know what's right. My heart and my emotions tell me what's true, most of the time. Sometimes I'll get no answer whatsoever, sometimes i'll feel, in my chest the knots and strings that the heart is tied up in, and how lost my higher self is, how boxed in is and restricted. I see that in my dreams, I see that in the real world, its all the same thing.  All of us are so boxed in, and its not just belief systems, its everything from spiritual knowledge, and those entities looking to keep us stuck, to physical life in your jobs, to your relationships or what people feel they 'need' to be like, to your beliefs, to your language, to everything and it really hurts me to see it all.

For anyone wondering no this isn't some soppy romantic ideal, they already proved all thoughts come from the heart. What is the heart, the source of your life on this earth, if you had no toxins or accidents happen in your lifetime, it would dictate when you were to leave this life as its spin slowly slows down.

A bit like earth its not quite spinning as it should be, not level. Anyone else see that all of this is the same thing? The earth not spinning as it should be, off kilter. All the way up from the earth and beyond, you break one piece of it, you break it all, I sometimes just wish those so called advanced intelligences would realise that too, and get on board with fixing it instead of looking to even old scores. (Karma).

Does that answer the question?

I know I am not getting a clear signal - when I am not getting a clear signal. Its that simple.

Very helpful, esp the second paragraph because it explains what I am feeling, the 2 energies "recycling" and rebooting the system.  I am on the right track at last.  And referring the Q back to the heart, "answers right in front of you" gives me the place to look.  I have felt very free lately just to be me and let go.  Feeling the energy rise in me and spontaneously sing without thought, tickling my neurons and making me smile inside out.  Yet the determination and the Will are very strong.  I feel "balanced and whole' (imagine that!) I appreciate your answer and don't think you are harsh, not at all.  I ask a real question and want a real answer.  Your posts do that.

Jennifer if you ever get a chance at 3am, can you take some flash pictures near the line. I would love to confirm the light balls that I have seen elsewhere.



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