Greetings Dear Ones,
I'm posing my question here in this forum as it seems I am having difficulty deciphering this idea and discerning whether this could be true. . .
Could TOPPT be real and could their filings have any real effect on TPTB or (as Heather Tucci says, TPTW) or is this more smoke. The only place I've seen this talked about is in places where channeling abounds and New Agers wax poetic about St Germain's Trust.
Posting a link and will return with a couple more as I am on a mobile device:
How are you? From my Innerstanding if you look into the OPPT (agency) its another Corporation that's asking you to sign over your consent (or nature) so they may lead your intent! Meaning this is another agent operation from the ones who want to Govern over your mental.
A number of questions have been posed to various people about all this “OPPT business“, on various sites, from all over the world. Already American Kabuki and D of RTS have posted some of these. I am going to post everything I have right here, in this one posting area. It may be a bit long, but it’s all here, in one place.
I especially enjoyed the story by K at the bottom of this post. Perfect analogy to what’s happening here, on this planet, now.
Thus far, everything that I have studied on The One Peoples Trust appears to be legit. For me it is a matter of engaging the process and experience the results. I will post my findings in future post. In the meantime for those investigating The OPPT here is a forum of detailed discussion on it.
You might want to check this out. It may not be as legit as some people think.
Yea, that's true about the trust. And I'm pretty sure it was dissolved before I even wrote that comment on April 24. The UCC filings remain unrebutted, though. New Age HolloWood? You mean what I wrote? Not sure exactly what you meant.
Could you send a link for the Mark Passio presentation?
Well, I watched it. I wouldn’t call it brilliant, but much of it agrees with my viewpoint. I wouldn’t ask Mark Passio to apologize, as he says so often he won’t do, but I do not find his vitriol very easy to listen to. And not because I’m a new-ager, rather because I am a human being with a heart who seeks to bridge gaps between people rather than alienate them by insulting them for their current sleeping state. It's just me to feel that way.
Now after spending 7+ hours watching that, I would like to know how that applies to what Heather Tucci filed with the UCC. Did you ever read what she wrote? Do you know it’s about people seeking freedom from the shackles that have enslaved us through the banking and monetary system? I am not following what you said in your first posting… that it is New Age hollowood script. Is this opinion based on what you have explored with your own seeking, or is this what someone has told you to think about it? Please explain it to me like I'm a fifth grader. :) I mean, point out to me what parts of the UCC filings by Heather Tucci fit with Mark Passio’s 10 New Age Deceptions. I'm just not seeing what you mean.
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