I am wondering if the Blood Purifier available in the energy store can or should be taken in conjunction with the Complete Internal Cleansing Kit? Does the Internal cleanse kit include any kind of blood purifiers? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am beginning my physical cleanse and I am interested in achieving the most efficient cleanse without overdoing things.



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Wholeness Adam!
In my opinion, the fact that you questioned it is cause enough not to do them at the same time. The blood cleanser can be done in a relatively short amount of time, if I remember correctly, and it would be best to do it after the internal cleanse. There is no reason to chance your health on trying to do things too quickly! :) 

I think you're right. Thanks!

Good day Adam well there is 2 parts to the Blessed herbs cleansing kit there is the colon cleansing kit and the Internal cleansing kit for other organs and it does contain a blood and skin purifier.Before anything you take the colon cleansing kit as that is the first part in any cleanse that needs to be flush out first for anything else added later to be the most effective. But if lets say you only have the colon kit and are doing the cleanse in the 8 day or 9 option wait until youve completed the kit before you begin taking anything else. The colon kit suggest the less things you take in the better as that is the purpose of the cleanse right after you can begin taking the blood purifer like the SAFI "which is great it really cleared up some skin issues for me"  also a good idea is also taking in some friendly bacteria to repopulate the stomach and help in normalizing digestion. But again if you have the whole complete kit the second part of the Internal cleansing kit you take once the colon cleanse is done with does contain a skin & blood purifier and a friendly bacteria replenisher. Dont rush things I believe its best to  first get the colon cleaned out then move from there I am actually on day 3 of 8 on the colon cleanse. Ill keep you all posted on how it goes.


I thought that might be the case. Thanks so much for your insight!

I'll start with the Blessed Herbs kit and then go from there.

I am sure I will have a new perspective once my vehicle is rid of waste and toxins.




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