Green symbol entities, positive to life on Earth or Negative to life on Earth.

For some reason my brow chakra is still really fired up, more than other chakras, last night very much so, perhaps because I lay with sodalite on my head for sometime. - Lovely crystal.

This translated last night into another third eye experience, where I could see the real world, or at least what is just beyond the physical through the closed eyelids. I put out a few waves last night into various forums to wake a few people up with some tactful words, so it isn't too surprising I got a visit by something. 

My question is, are the green symbol entities, that flash different colors, and are covered in symbols, a mixed variety of entities or are they a specific type of entity - is that entity positive or negative to accessing the astral realm. Without the third eye they are swirling static to me with two, but with the third eye they are green, I want to say digital, but think digital covered in letters/Egyptian symbols is a better way of putting it. The first one I opened up my heart to it after a time of it in front of me, and it flew off, as it was quite a powerful burst that filled my being.

The blue/ice/energy encased ship is what Sevan and a certain kind lady, helped me power up to move through the ice/energy tunnel, this looks a lot like my immediate surroundings when I can see them. There is no fear seeing these entities now, I actually create some excitement when  they show up so to encourage contact, then send out emotion to see if they can withstand my preferred frequency. I am not 100% sure but they might have been in face to face contact while I lay there eyes closed.

When I said hello out loud I don't think it was overly surprised, as I've done it before, until it knew I was focusing in on it very specifically.

*Perhaps certain crystals, on certain days, are able to focus energies more directly. I think experimentation with them shaped as mini pyramids, over all chakras would help.

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Thankyou for your share ... I wanted to ask .. I have a green malaquite pyramid stone that i could use on my brow chakra .. yedterday after seeing your post i tried it ... Wondeful feeling relaxing .. with a travelling sensation ... What can you tell me ? (newcomer ) Claire  Wholeness Blessings

What I know:

Pyramids focus energy 3 fold, 3 fold for many reasons. Father/Mother/Son - Descent/Rebirth/Ascent - 3rd Dimension, length/width/height, 432hz pyramid ground level, the solfeggio frequency of you etc.One of the most powerful shapes you can use on this dimension.

All crystals have their own secrets, rose quartz, sodalite, moon stone and orange calcite are always relaxing in the energy I find on the brow, cooling and soothing, but that is likely to be due to the personal developing relationship between myself and those entities. As you have found with yours. I sleep with a lot of them, and cycle energy through breathing (cycling is key, back and forth to the crystals)

I had not tried Malaquite so I cannot comment on the spirit/entity itself. We are drawn to stones or crystals for many reasons, I like to look at it as a mutual relationship and try to treat it this way. Charging it in sunlight, washing the ones that can be in distilled water, i'd use a natural stream but I have none to hand. I keep selenite at the center of the crystals often in a crystal bowl, (don't wash this one ;)) as it is a clearing crystals, it raises the vibration of all. Crystals are neutral from much of human duality, so what you put in counts, they are learning this reality just as you are.

For me (different for everyone) - On the brow often the energy gets stuck in today's reality, as it is overworked with all the imaginations/illusions it's been tasked to do, and how much it has been handling.

Sevan recommended Dien Chan, I recommend it also! Very helpful physical way of moving energy around the upper bodies systems.

I do that whenever I am sitting around with nothing else to do.

I have found that in the near physical, the nearest astral, the crystals resonation is incredibly intense, so just beyond the physical they are incredibly potent and strong. That is what is on your forehead :), tempered down for us here to experience. I've said before in a few threads I nearly came out of this existence by moving into their frequency, on reflection because I was going to their frequency rather than this one.

I avoid using the term -low- astral, as that implies up and down in infinity which is a silly notion. Anyway hope some of that experience helps, by all means share yours please.

Gratitude manifested and sent for reaching out.



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