A helpful part of Ascension can be the active raising of charge in the body. I wanted to start a discussion on Food/Herbs for charging the system, and purifying the body/mind to raise Charge. Feel free to contribute for others, I will post what I know from experience and not any assumptions or 2nd hand research. Please only do the same.


Whole Foods - Eating whole raw foods, non cut by human hand, as these have had a chance to absorb charge, if you do energy work enough you will become more sensitive to the movement of the etheric, and thus may feel the tingle in your mouth when you contact perfectly formed food. Perfectly formed being its natural shape, that it has spent its entire existence creating, a shape that is related to the Golden Mean Spiral, being inherently natural in all life; if you eat or even breath into the spiral it can be of benefit. If you cut foods you make them into a fractal, denying yourself that benefit. – Kindly experimented upon from Daniel Winters Research.


Bettering Food Supply - The less you do to food, and the fresher it is, the more benefit it will give in terms of energy/charge. Growing food yourself is a good way to know exactly what you are putting into it, second to this is having someone or an organic store you trust to buy from. It does sound common knowledge but food just dies the longer it is under artificial light, or other non organic materials, and further loses part of its benefit if you were to fry it in oil for example. If you want charge for energy or ascension work, this is a simple thing anyone can make a choice in their life to do - Raw Foods, Non Cut, Organic or the best quality you can obtain, washed in non fluoride water.


Less in this case is more. If you need to digest and use more energy, digesting more food that isn't as useful for your system, you are wasting energy. Whereas if you have a little food that is going to be of greater benefit, you will reap greater rewards in energy conversion, the purer it is.


Golden Mean Spiral - A note here. If you want to see more of the golden mean spiral's effects in all life, open your eyes to what is around you, your own world is a version of the internet out there :D. Pick up the snail shells or animals in your garden, look at the flowers, shells and other creatures, look at your own spiral finger print. All things are already created else they could not be, you are relearning or recreating them inside yourself, or outside yourself.


Fluoride - Adding fluoride to the system is well documented on this site to calcify important ascension related organs, and thus render them less usable if not completely shut them down. So if you live in a water system contaminated by fluoride, removing fluoride and decalcifying these organs is a critical step in the process, if you want access to those abilities again, such as your third eye. My preference here is Gotu Kola, the pure herb in capsules if possible, not with all the additives. I have tried fresh parsley and found it to be beneficial, but Gotu Kola is the best I have used to make progress in this area. Getting calcium in your system is another way to not have fluoride mimic it in its place.


Distilled Water - I have used a water distiller to remove fluoride/chlorine/heavy metals for a bit over 1 month as of writing. As my diet is mineral rich almost exclusively fruit and vegetables, I have not needed the minerals the distiller removed from the water, if you do there are mineral supplements out there to replace them. First hand I can say it is significantly more pure, beneficial and I use it wherever I can, it is one more step on the path to detoxing your system. The crystals I have washed in it like it but I feel would prefer a natural spring/natural water. One thing to be aware of, is that when you shower or bathe in hot water, you are absorbing fluoride in the same way. So cold showers are another way to keep it out of your system, until you are able to buy a fluoride water filter for the shower/house, or obtain access to your own purified water supply from nature. Cold showers also allow you a place to practice the flow of energy around the body, cleaning the etheric, as the movement of energy is encouraged naturally.


MMS/Etherium Gold – Is well worth investing in, as is Etherium gold from my personal experience. Etherium Gold will level out your dreams, intensify memory, and help center you, I have found no magic bullet, but there are steps on the way and this is one I am very glad I put into my system. The site has enough information on the very versatile MMS, suffice to say if used responsibly, has only proven beneficial for things such as skin conditions, and infections.


Spinach - In the UK, spinach is a good affordable supply of both magnesium and iron, two things the body can lack in peoples diet. If you are on a tight budget I highly recommend it.


I will be trying Chulen to build deeper Chi next, so I will have a report in a month or so of some more supplements and their effects, as well as any affordable food options I find that have beneficial ascension effects.

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Just to add to your bettering food supply notes, off the top of my head, if you are going to grow your own food, you can intuitively choose crystals to amplify the energy in your garden, the vegetables respond very well to the mineral friends. Remember to clear and charge your crystals first before placing them in the garden bed, you can even use intention to program your crystals to grow the food more wholly for you. Lastly when working in your garden, tilling the soil etc., be bare feet and wear no gloves, the reason for this is the vegetables and herbs will actually pick up the your specific essences and needs through your skin and will grow according to what your body needs.  So say you are deficient in vitamin C or something then your veggies will grow to include more vitamin C in them. Now thats custom nutrition! Happy Gardening :)

Thank you, I am experimenting with crystals on the body and in distilled water to give the water form, then drink it etc. I will be happy to try this in relation to the vegetables :D. Wheatgrass is also an excellent choice, can be done with little light/space, has high mineral values and is a living food, meaning fresh as fresh can be :). Beansprouts are also something I am growing now for the same reasons, but I am trying everything and I have, with the help of family dug out the entire families front garden. Working with someone I used to argue with daily, has healed a great deal of what was left to heal.


In conclusion taking on board the growing of food, connecting with soil, the animals in the garden, crystals, water and what you eat, any or all of this can be a healing and spiritual awakening tailored to you too. :D. Which in turn empowers chakras that are underworking.


Can I ask how you personally clear and charge, so far all I am doing is putting crystals on my chakras and breathing into them (out), then cycling the energy back into me in a constant balanced circle. For clearing I am cleaning them in distilled water if I take them out or someone else comes into contact with them. Usually i leave myself empty for any education the crystals wish to impart as well which has been beneficial.

I clear my crystals by burning sage over them coupled with conscious intention to clear them. Then to charge them are several ways. Basically any of the elements will do it for you. Running them under water is one way, unless they are porous and a more delicate crystal, the water may damage it. Leaving them in the sun is my personal favorite and they sparkle after a day outside :) You can bury them in the ground, blow on them with your breath, or just hold them in your hand. Another very effective way is letting them charge under a full moon, they energy is so strong at that time and they get a really good charge. Hope that gives you a clear idea, wholeness.

Diffidently agree with what you have said so far Karrade. That said I have tried to eliminate fluoride from my life where possible. I have noticed more my perception of other realities and energies more so now with the added supplementation of Gotu Kola helps also Spirulina is another key supplement especially a organic supply.

I am taking Etherium Gold & Black via spray under the tongue to gauge if the bio-availability is indeed better.

As well as Aulterra, and my own Jing builder. Chulen will also be the next step as well as Shilajit.

The Imploder water Energizer - http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_agua10.htm

I'm sure Mr Dan Winter could pip in on this particular topic, as I've wanted to get a Imploder for my veggie garden for quite some time.

Colloidal Defense - Also my friends Harmonic Innerprizes, The manufacturers of Etherium Gold,Black etc. Have a product called Colloidal Defense which is great for keeping you're immune system high or basically helping if your run down a little bit. Has a lot of uses.

Raw Diet - Juicer ; Ok I've been looking at different juicers rather than blades cutting there is the Tribest, Greenstar. Which squeezes at slow rpm to get the most juice out of the Veg, Fruit. Is there any other suggestions makes/models for this?



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