I dreamt that I was at the lobby of some demonic Headquarters (which were all minimalist & pristine, I must add).  Greys and blacks.  -Here's the funny part- I went there with Paige from Charmed (out of the left field, really).

But we were to be separated at one time, so we planned that I would take advantage of being left alone in the lobby to look in the reception desk for something that would give me information of a demon we could vanquish!  LOLOL

However, as I found some information on a message pad and was writing it down, a female demon guard came to be with me to ensure I would not take any data from them and she took away what I was writing. I hid the pen and was led by this female demon to a restroom where I took advantage and wrote it down on my left palm as best as I could remember.

I don't remember the name of the demon (either on the notepad or the one following me), but the company was: XTsite or Xty-site, and the number was: (666) 662-6565. <b> Here is the odd thing a friend brought to my attention, if U add the last 5 digits, it adds to 6 too!!!!</b>

After that the female demon took me to a projection room where I was seated next to her and she morphed into a man, always searching making sure I didn't take any information with me.  The dream goes on, me leaving and trying to make sure the info doesn't get erased from my palm, as he follows me to ensure I didn't copy it.

WTH could this all mean?  Weird is that I can remember the dream sooooo clearly.  I was just given a St. Benedict medal last week, which allegedly protects you from all sort of evil entities and attacks.

My friend thinks that because of this "added protection" my spirit may be wandering in dark areas of other realms, could this make any sense to anyone???

BTW, the energies didn't feel scary or evil per say.  Just denser, as if fear was the motivator making them act.

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Yes. If it had come to me.

Does it make sense for you? What sense I make of it could just as easily hinder you to help you. Dreams are personal to you, their meaning defined by your life (lives), currently level of knowledge, experience, memories, position in the universe and so many other factors.


Learning some methods for learning from dreams, recalling and questioning dreams, practice them and meditate or consider the meaning of the dream, what lessons or research it might inspire. There are many books you can google on dream recall, dream journals are common, as is waking at sunrise, charging, then sleeping again afterwards.


In my life, I am becoming the cipher to every bit of text I come across, every language, and every dream, when I see the patterns in my own life, all information is usable. You might feel the same, you might not :), do you see why giving information can hinder or help? It can have you chasing shadows.


I can comment on emotions however, from my current level of innerstanding. Fear is a spiritual block, it is the reaction that will stop the spiral and cut whatever is going on from happening. Love is the opposite, it will encourage a spiral and experience to happen. As you grow in strength, try hugging something you fear, avoid shutting down in a gut fear reaction if you can. :)

Thank you Karrade! 

Yes U would have thought that because of the St. Benedict medal, my spirit is being gutsy wandering in darker realms?

I am usually pretty good in my instinct about my dreams, and always feels a higher guidance to undestand them, a higher awareness making them clear.

In this case I was just baffled, because it wasn't scary or frightening despite the subject matter.  I never felt unsafe, just a bit paranoid about my demon-guard finding out I had outwitted him!  Hahaha

The odd part is the memory recall of the number, and that my friend immediately was able to realize that the addition of the last 5 digits was also 6.  Does 6 have a mythical meaning in the Occult?

And the fact that I can do a detail memory recall, not like that of dreams that often is fleeting....

Many Blessings my friend!


I used to look at others, look for higher guidance, look for external things to explain the bouts of intuition I did receive. I even used to go to websites to find what each dream item meant :D, talk about a way to tie yourself up knots. The higher guidance, if it is the true feeling/sensation not the ego or something you are stuck in/with, is YOU :). 


Every ability is within. The more you look to others for something (external), the more you deny an ability within yourself to flourish. It is why technology is the opposite to spirituality, as it empowers something else.


Any gut reaction you have, it can be beneficial to note it in passing, but then come back to it when you've had a chance to absorb what the lesson was, a day later I will often revist a dream journal and realise I had assumed something. This has to do with the time lag that many people experience, and of course all the junk programming most of us are or were stuck in at some stage.


6 Has many meanings when you consider the spiral connection with 9, the split of duality which is actually whole (when remembered), it has to do with much of creation. I find this is beneficial though as in asking questions you are moving, you are looking at what is there and thinking of what makes sense to ask/seek.


I will leave that for someone with more knowledge of numbers to enter in here if they feel it will help, otherwise i'd take it as a sign to go and research those details on your mind, in as much depth as feels right to you. There may well be a book or two in the library here, if you find one let me know as I wish to research the subject of numbers myself, and will take this question as signal to do so. Thank you for that :)


(Blessings is - Be Lessed, Be Less) But I appreciate the gesture, the english language (Spell - Ling) is a minefield. Happy journeys and Wholeness to you :)

Well thank you, that was most informative.....yes, I am very blessed to be very connected to both my Gurus and Higher Self,and am constantly striving to heed their guidance above that of my mind.

Interesting breakdown of the word Blessings, How did U derive at that?  Never heard of that before.




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