Previous to posting Kanye West and Amber Rose, 21st Century Schizoid Duo then “Mainstreaming Satanism and Multiple Personality Disorders, Beyonce Knowles, Hip Hop Mistress of Baphomet” on the internet, I discovered that Barak Obama had been associated openly with the iconic celebrity photographer and overt psycho Luciferian Terry Richardson. [1] When researching Kanye West and Amber Rose, I discovered that they were also open admirers and bedfellows of the same powerful and influential Luciferian.[2]
Terry and his father, Bob Richardson, were famous celebrity photographers. Bob Richardson (1928-2005) was born into a malfunctioned Brooklyn Irish Catholic family. Bob and his older brother were schizophrenics. A younger brother and sister just disappeared.[3]
Both Terry and his father were fascinated and preoccupied with Nazi Symbolism.[4] Terry photography featured punk rockers and skinheads with Nazi symbols. W magazine was so shocked with his work that it accused him of being an anti-Semite. [5]
In New York, Terry’s father had been part of an inner circle of the infamous celebrity Dr. Max Jacobson, the real Aretha Franklin’s “Dr. Feelgood.” Dr. Jacobson was strongly implicated in the deaths of an incredible numbers of world famous musicians, artists, actors, authors, and politicians. There are few media stories, books or reports regarding the espionage of Dr. Jacobson. Who was he really working for?[6]
Max Jacobson (1900 – December 1979) immigrated into the U.S. from National Socialist Germany in 1936 joining a number of Nazi agent provocateurs and spies. Dr. Jacobson had access to the rich, famous and powerful from Hollywood to New York, Marlene Dietrich, Anthony Quinn, Tennessee Williams, Truman Capote, Eddie Fisher, Cecil B. DeMille, Yul Brynner, Zero Motsel, and Nelson Rockefeller. He also had unprecedented access to the President of the United States, John F. Kennedy.[7]
Dr. Jacobson was actually clandestinely drugging the president and the famous, rich and powerful with dangerous levels of amphetamines. He was part of the presidential entourage during critical international nuclear summits until the U.S. Attorney General, Robert F. Kennedy, discovered what he was really up to and banded him from the White House.[8]
Great Deceptions: Chasing “Big Black Brutes”
I thought it was strange that U.S. Presidential Candidate Barak Obama had been forced to distance himself from his former pastor at Trinity Unified Church of Christ in Chicago, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, for preaching Black Liberation Theology and Bernie Mac for some raunchy jokes; and not from a demented Satanist-Luciferian like Terry Richardson.
Obama said that he was “outraged” and “saddened” by Rev. Wright’s behavior (First Amendment Free Speech and Exercise of Religion). In May 2008 under a great deal of public pressure, intimidation and threats, Rev. Wright had to resign his membership in the church [9] and seek refuge in Africa. Under pressure from his handlers, Obama called Mac’s humor “inappropriate” and distanced himself and his campaign from Mac.[10] Within days, Bernie Mac was dead.[11] By the great public deception, it covers the tracks of the Luciferians and it is always easier to devert the public attention by chasing Black Big Brutes and Dark Skinned Bogeymen like Bin Laden then speak about the unspeakable, Satanism and Lucifer’s Servants.
I had first read about Obama’s strange CIA (Lucifer Servant) connections from Rev. James David Manning. Rev. Manning maintains that Obama was a CIA operative who used Columbia University as a cover up to go to Pakistan in 1981 when the United States and the Taliban worked together against Russia.[12]
I knew that people of color and Lucifer’s Servants, the CIA, is by its very nature always problematic, a strange deadly brew. But, I didn’t attach too much significance to Manning’s allegations until I discovered a series of explosive detailed exposes from Investigative Journalist Wayne Madsen about Obama’s family extensive connections with the CIA [13] that seemed to be stranger than fiction and seemed to confirm and verify Rev. Manning charges.[14]
“Heil Lucifer” on Democracy Now
On September 24, 2010, I watched Democracy Now on public television as I regularly do. Amy Goodman introduced Tom Morello and Boots Riley on the subject of resistance music. Morello is the guitarist for Rage Against the Machine, and Riley is the front man for Oakland-based hip-hop group, the Coup. They started a new band called Street Sweeper Social Club. Tavis Smiley reigned Morello as, “one of the most influential guitarists in modern rock.”[15]
I would normally have turned away from the Morello-Boots Riley interview, but I looked at Morello and a chill rolled down my back. What struck me as peculiar chilling and eerie was the weird grin on Amy Goldman’s face. Tom Morello was blatantly wearing a green baseball cap with bold gold letters, “handsome DEVIL.” Morello’s green shirt was boldly inscribed “Metal God” with a red symbol of a dragon eye and six-pointed star, Mark of the Beast.[16] Judas Priests are considered “Metal Gods.” What is their subliminal message to the world? GOD IS EVIL.[17] I couldn’t believe my lying eyes. I pondered why this man was symbolically and openly raising and manifestly implanting Devil-Lucifer and Pagan Heavy Metal Gods on national public television.
The Morello interview became stranger than fiction and another Obama Luciferian link developed. Morello revealed that his family background was almost identical to Barak Obama. Morello said, “…other than the fact that we are devastatingly handsome (DEVIL) dudes with Kenyan fathers, white American mothers from Illinois who both went to Harvard…” there was little difference between his bio and Barak Obama.[18] We go down into the RABBIT HOLE.
Obama’s Mother & the CIA: Stanley Ann Dunham (1942-1995)
According to Wayne Madsen’s expose, Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, worked for the Ford Foundation, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Bank Rakyat (the majority government-owned People’s Bank of Indonesia), and the CIA-linked US Agency for International Development (USAID) while she lived in Indonesia and later, Pakistan. Dunham also travelled to Ghana, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, and Thailand working on micro-financing projects.[19]
In 1959, Dunham met Barak Obama Sr. at a Russian language class at the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii. Obama Sr. married Dunham on Maui on February 2, 1961. Barack Obama Jr. was born August 4, 1961. Obama Sr. left Hawaii for Harvard University in 1962 and divorced Dunham in 1964.[20]
Barack Obama Sr. had been part of what was described as an airlift of 280 East African students to the United States to attend various colleges — merely “aided” by a grant from the Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation, according to a September 12, 1960, Reuters report from London. [21]
The airlift had been a CIA operation to train and indoctrinate future agents of influence in Africa, which was becoming a battleground between the United States and the Soviet Union and China for influence among newly-independent and soon-to-be independent countries on the continent.[22]
Obama Sr. and the other students from British eastern and southern African colonies were brought to the United States for college degrees prior to their homelands gaining independence from Britain. The students were selected by Kenyan nationalist leader and the CIA’s “Golden Boy” Tom Mboya who later conducted classified surveillance for the CIA at Pan-African nationalist meetings. Mboya was particularly focused on two African leaders who were seen as too close to the Sino-Soviet bloc, Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana and Sekout Toure of Guinea.[23]
Ann Dunham activities at the East-West Center were linked to CIA/USAID student operations that were conducted through the CIA’s Covert Action Division No. Five within the Plans Division. One of the chief missions of the CIA’s foreign student operations was to infiltrate leftist student movements/African-Black Liberation Movements to disrupt, recruit and inform.[24]
Since its founding in 1947, a man by the name of Richard McGarrah Helms (1913-2002) had always worked in the “Plans Department,” a.k.a. covert operations. By the early fifties, Helms was running the department.[25]
Richard Helms was an extremely vile, evil mass murderer and human rights abuser of epic proportions. Helms is linked to the secret influx of Nazis (Lucifer’s Servants) and rise of the Third Reich in America through Operation Paperclip.[26]In fact, the CIA was created as an American extension of Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler’s Knights of the Black Sun, the world’ greatest mass murder cult, the SS.[27]
Helms led the mass murder of up to 100,000 civilians in the CIA/Phoenix Assassination Program during the Vietnam invasion.[28],[29] He is linked to the assassinations of Malcolm X, President John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Little Bobby Hutton, and so many more world-political leaders and influential civilians across the globe.[30] When it comes to the Illuminati-Olympian-Luciferian New World Order Agenda (NWO) of racial mass murder, mass population control and world domination, Helm’s end all justified the means.
At the East-West Center-University of Hawaii in 1965, Ann Dunham met and married yet another CIA operative from Indonesia, Lobo Soetoro. Soetoro was a Senior Officer recalled to Indonesia to assist Major General Suharto, Helms and the CIA in the September/October 1965 bloody overthrow and assassination of President Sukarno, the First President of Indonesia.[31]
In 1966, at about 5 years old, Barak Obama, Jr. joined his mother and his step father Soetoro in Jakarta where Soetoro was attached to the Suharto dictatorship and Mobil Oil Company.[32] Keep a note in your mind that Obama Jr. spent his formative years from infancy to five years old in and around the East-West Center-University of Hawaii.
Grandmother & CIA: Madelyn Dunham (1922-2008)
In 1971, after spending about 5 years in Indonesia, Obama Jr. (10 years old) returned to Hawaii to live with Dunham’s mother and father, Madelyn and Stanley Armour Dunham, while Ann Dunham-Soetoro stayed in Indonesia. Madelyn was the first female vice president at the Bank of Hawaii in Honolulu. Various CIA front entities used the bank. Madelyn Dunham handled escrow accounts used to make CIA payments to U.S.-supported Asian dictators like Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos, South Vietnamese President Nguyen van Thieu, and President Suharto in Indonesia. In effect, the bank was engaged in money laundering for the CIA to covertly prop up its favored leaders in the Asia-Pacific region. The bank would handle much of Bishop, Baldwin, Rewald, Dillingham & Wong’s covert financial transactions, a secret CIA front.[33]
Madelyn’s father had been a strict Methodist, Rolla Charles Payne (1892-1968). Payne had been employed as a leasing agent for John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil in Oklahoma and Kansas. Madelyn Dunham also worked for Boeing during WWII. In 1955, Madelyn, Stanley and Ann moved into Seattle, WA on a secret Boeing assignment.[34] Through a common ancestor, Mareen Duvall, a wealthy French Huguenot (Illuminati) merchant who immigrated to Maryland in the 1650s, Madelyn Dunham is related to former Vice-President Dick Cheney (an eighth cousin once removed).[35]
Grandfather & CIA: Stanley Armour Dunham (1918-1992)
What is officially known about Obama’s grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham, is that he served with the 9th Air Force in Britain and France prior to and after the D-Day invasion. After the war, Dunham and Madelyn and Stanley Ann moved to Berkeley, California; El Dorado, Kansas; Seattle; and Honolulu. Armour Dunham is said to have worked for a series of furniture stores.
Stanley Armour Dunham has been identified as the man with the white shirt standing next to Barack Obama Sr. with the flower wreath. How does a furniture salesman gain access to Hickam Air Force Base posing with a CIA mission unless he has high security clearances and part of the operation. The FBI destroyed Armour Dunham’s FBI file on May 1, 1997, but Madsen found an explosive picture of Armour Dunham as part of Barak Obama, Sr.’s 1959 CIA’s Airlift Africa Project welcoming committee at a Hawaii airport (Hickam Air Force Base). Similarly, the pre-1968 passport records of Ann Dunham were also deliberately destroyed by the State Department.[36]
Madsen also uncovered a photographic clue that the Dunhams may have been assigned by the CIA to Beirut, Lebanon in the early 1950s. The photograph above of Obama’s mother and grandparents emerged that shows Stanley Ann Dunham wearing what may be a school uniform with the insignia of “NdJ,” which stands for the College Notre-Dame de Jamhour, a private Jesuit Catholic French language school in Beirut, Lebanon. Graduates of the school include three former presidents of Lebanon, Amine Gemayel, Bashir Gemayel, and Charles Helou, all of whom maintained close relations with Washington.[37]
Obama’s Godfather & CIA: The Red Herring- Frank “Double Bind” Davis (1905-1987)
Armour Dunham appears to having been the CIA/FBI contact agent for Frank Marshall Davis. Barack Obama’s maternal grandparents were originally from Kansas where they had known him. In 1925, Davis became an early member of the secret Black Greek fraternity, Pi Beta Sigma at Kansas State University.[38]The early Black fraternities were conceived of as an organization that would contain the “best of Skull and Bones of Yale.”[39] In 1919, the FBI began to systematically recruit “reliable Negroes” as informants in the “various negro lodges and associations.”[40]
There is a lot of speculation on the internet about Davis. There is internet talk that Davis is Obama’s real father. There is also a FBI file from 1944 until 1963 clearly identifying Davis as a communist, but note again that Dunham’s FBI file was deliberately destroyed in May 1997. Dunham’s background is a critical piece to the puzzle. Without Dunham’s confirmed connection to the intelligence community, many have been misled and lost chasing communist red herrings down the rabbit hole.
However, sometime between 1927 and 1948, Davis had been recruited as a special agent or reliable Negro informer for the FBI. Davis admitted in an interview with Chris Conybeare and Kathryn Takara that he had been indeed a FBI special agent of informer, but he intentionally misled the FBI with disinformation for its own good.[41]
Before moving to Hawaii in 1948, Davis (Dunhams?) received some type of special indoctrination and training in Seattle, Washington. Davis’ wife, Helen Canfield, was a card carrying member of the Communist Party USA from Libertyville Illinois. She was white and 18 years younger than Davis.[42]
In 1959, Davis and the Dunhams reunited in Hawaii where Davis began to mentor 10 year old Obama in 1970 to allegedly implant a black identity. Obama Jr. aka Barry Dunham admitted that Davis had been his grandfather’s pal and mentor for 7 years in Hawaii. Recall what I said earlier, “…people of color and Lucifer’s Servants, the CIA, is by its very nature always problematic, a strange deadly brew.” Davis had lived a double schizoid life.
He lived one life as a communist leaning labor union/social justice activist. On the flip side, he was a deprived schizoid sexual predator and pedophile. Davis proclaimed himself to be bisexual, a voyeur, exhibitionist, mildly interested in sadomasochism, and deriving sexual gratification from “bondage, simulated rape and being flogged and urinated on.”
It is generally accepted in 1968 that Davis authored a hard-core pornographic autobiography called Sex Rebel: Black, under an alias, Bob Greene. It has been described as an “appalling catalog of admitted real-life decadence…laced with perverted sexual activity, bisexuality, rape – and the seduction of children.”[43]
Double Bind: Creating Schizophrenia without Brain Disease & Trauma Based Programming
In the book, Davis recounted an incident of “swinging” with a couple from Seattle, and how he and his wife had numerous encounters with an underage girl named “Anne.” He confessed, “I’m not one to go in for Lolitas. Usually I’d rather not bed a babe under 20. But there are exceptions. I didn’t want to disappoint the trusting child. At her still-impressionistic age, a rejection might be traumatic, could even cripple her sexually for life… Anne came up many times the next several weeks, her aunt thinking she was in good hands. Actually she was.”[44]
Many believe that the swinging couple from Seattle was the Dunhams, and Annie was Ann Dunham, Obama’s underage mother. One thing is clear is that Davis knew ritually raping an underage child was traumatic abuse subject to mind splitting capabilities, MK ULTRA-Monarch mind control programming methodologies.
The above photos are allegedly Ann Dunham taken from Davis’s photo collection. It cannot be confirmed whether or not it is Ann Dunham. There was a well developed older and mature 1950’s pin-up star named Marcy Moore with similar facial features,[45] but in my opinion the young lady above is young and not well developed as a Ms. Moore to be that porn star.
In the passage above from Sex Rebel, Davis also demonstrates a full understanding of the “Double Bind” theory creating schizophrenia without brain disease. Usually, I don’t bed children of an impressionistic age, but I doing it for their own good, “you should like what you are getting from me!”.[46]
Double Bind is a communicative situation where a person receives different or contradictory messages. The term, coined by the anthropologist Gregory Bateson, attempts to account for the onset of schizophrenia without simply assuming an organic brain dysfunction.[47] More on Bateson and “Double Bind” below.
Davis also left behind after his death an uncompleted manuscript, “The Incredible Waikiki Jungle,” which describes how Davis “specialized in sex (rape)” during the period 1969-1976. The manuscript covers the period that Davis mentored (tortured) Obama during his “impressionistic age” with alcohol, pot and ritual sexual abuse for his own good. During this time, his grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham, also feed him with mind bending contradictions: whiskey, pot and cruising and patronizing the Honolulu red light district prostitutes. Davis also wrote another unpublished manuscript called “Mixed Sex Salad.”[48] Only God know what that was all about.
Obama & A World without GOD
You may ask yourself how could the Dunhams allow their daughter and grandson be ritually sexually abused and tortured by Davis for the CIA-MK ULTRA mind benders. Here is a clue. In 1955, the Dunhams dropped their strong traditional southern Christian background for Unitarianism in Seattle. Unitarians/Universalists believe there is no God to whom they should answer.
As for Ann Dunham, Obama’s half sister, Maya Soetoro said, when asked if their mother was an atheist, “I wouldn’t have called her an atheist,” she said. “She was an agnostic.”[49] An Agnostic is one who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God, or is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism.[50] Unitarians represents a unification of every religion whether or not true religions and their followers are allowed to choose their own paths even to Lucifer.[51]
Ann Dunham was born at the Fort Leavenworth Army Base in Kansas. Fort Leavenworth was the center of the U.S. Army School of Intelligence.[52] Soon after her birth, she was drawn into the Luciferian Cult of the Military Intelligence and the CIA. And, undoubtedly she and her first born son, Barack Obama, had been sacrificed unto them for multi-generational MK ULTRA mind control programming as future assets as a sick patriotic demonic expression of a world without morals and religion.
The symbol around Barack Obama’s (10 years old?) neck above is an inverted pagan symbol. The peace sign is also an inverted pagan rune sybmol associated with “DEATH.” Such inverted symbols is also demonic, the “FALLEN ANGEL.” For whatever reasons, Tom Morello wear a similar pagan symbol.
Mary Morello & the Mau Mau
Tom Morello was born on May 30, 1964, in Harlem, New York to Ngethe Njoroge and Mary Morello. Njoroge was Kikuyu Kenyan and a Mau Mau guerrilla. Jomo Kenyatta, the revolutionary leader of the Mau Mau, was his uncle. Njoroge served as liberated Kenya’s first ambassador to the U.N. In August 1963, Njoroge and Mary met at a pro democracy protest in Nairobi, Kenya. In November 1963 after discovering her pregnancy, Mary returned to the United States with Njoroge in toll, and married in New York City. [53]
Undoubtedly, Mary Morello similarly to Ann Dunham worked for either the U.S. State Department under Dean Rusk through the USAID student operations ran by Helms to infiltrate leftist Black African Liberation Movements to disrupt, recruit and inform. Ann Dunham was three months pregnant when she married Barack Obama Sr. on February 2, 1961. While Obama Jr. was being conceived in 1960, Mary Morello was circulating in Nairobi, Kenya. Mary Morello had travelled to Kenya as well as Germany, Spain, Japan under a clandestine veil as an English language teacher between 1957 and 1963.
I suspect that both Mary Morello (Irish-Italian descent) and Stanley Ann Dunham (Irish-German descent) were multi-generational CIA/MK ULTRA sex kitten mind controlled programmed victims.
They must have been part of a clandestine CIA-MI6 operation whereas white American females were used as “honey pots” to turn (whitemail) Kenyan African Liberation operatives for the CIA and MI6. At the time of Barak Obama Sr.’s relationship and marriage to Ann Dunham, he was a married Kenyan citizen, whereas, Tom Morello’s Kenyan father returned to Kenya to renounce his American marriage and son. The results speak for itself.
Libertyville, Illinois: Mary Morello & Frank Davis’ Wife, Helen Canfield
Tom Morello was raised by his mother in the predominately white town of Libertyville, Illinois. Just how likely is it that Mary and Tom settles in Libertyville, Helen Canfield’s hometown.
After graduating from Libertyville High School, Tom Morello was the first student in Libertyville’s history to be admitted to Harvard University. Yet when he graduated with a degree in political science, Tom Morello asserts that he was “unemployable.” He then turned up in Hollywood as an exotic male stripper.[54]
The story is stranger than fiction from Harvard to exotic stripper, yet it gets even weirder. Tom Morello go from Harvard unemployable to a male stripper, suggesting MK ULTRA sex kitten programming, a heavy metal t-shirt peddler, suggesting subconscious satanic and Nazi symbolism layer implants, then to a renaissance faire employee, suggesting implanted paganism; to a scheduling secretary for Stanford University’s Alan Cranston, one of the most powerful and clandestine Luciferian U.S. Senators on Capitol Hill.[55]
Tom Morello, Senator Alan Cranston: A World without Religion For a New World Order
“… the more talk about world government the less chance of achieving it, because it frightens people …” Senator Alan Cranston, quoted in “A Senator’s View of World Order” by Jean Drissell published in Transition (1976)[56]
Above, California U.S. Senator Alan Cranston, and Granston part of welcome committee for Stanford Research Institute’s Remote Viewer Uri Geller on Capital Hill. Senator Cranston had been a member of the Bohemian Club, and was a member of the U.S. Senate Select Committee of Intelligence on MK ULTRA in 1977.[57] Cranston was a member of the Rockefeller-Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Senator Cranston spoke on the subject of a “nuclear-free world” at the twentieth anniversary conference of the Council for Secular Humanism, which envisions “a future without religion,” a Luciferian future. Additionally, Cranston had been the president of United World Federalist funded primarily by International Banker James Paul Warburg.[58]
James Paul Warburg (1896-1969) son of Paul Moritz Warburg, nephew of Felix Warburg and of Jacob Schiff, both of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. poured millions into the Russian Revolution through James’ brother Max, banker to the German government, Chairman of the CFR. The Warburgs and Loeb & Co. were some of the secret financial backers of the Nazis. Adolf Hitler received $10 million from Kuhn Loeb and Cie. during 1929, further payments of $15 million in 1931, and $7 million when Hitler took power in 1933.[59]
On February 17, 1950, James Paul Warburg confidently raved about the coming of a NWO declaring to the U.S. Senate: “We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”[60]
Tom Morello & Barack Obama: The Fortunate CIA Love Childs
Ordinarily that’s the way the story is suppose to end, two small town boys from Middle America makes good. It was just faith that two young white independent American females just happened to be in the right place and right time [one in the middle of the East Africa] by chance meet two centrally placed Black African Liberation figures key to the interests of British and U.S. Foreign Policy.
One entangles the nephew of one of the most important and powerful Black Nationalist political figures of the 20th Century, Jomo Kenyatta, and the other entangles a key tribal rival to Kenyatta in love child triangles just at the moment of the critical end to a long bloody struggle for Kenyan independence from white colonial rule.
The luck of Irish continues. It so happened that the two small boys from the African love child triangles from small town America make it to Harvard University, one of the most prominent and powerful multinational universities on the planet.
It is indeed a story stranger than fiction that Tom Morello as he told Tavis Smiley that a Harvard educated male stripper, with no job experience could just find the name in a phone book and call up one of the most powerful men on Capital Hill, Alan Cranston, the U.S. Senate Majority Whip ask if there are any openings and be hired to one of his most important and critical congressional staff positions, scheduling secretary.[61] While the other African love child becomes one of the greatest illusions of modern history, he becomes a U.S. Senator and then President of the United States, the most powerful man on the planet. That happens only in America. So one is led to believe.
Helms & the University of Hawaii
Another explosive issue revealed by the Wayne Madsen Expose is the CIA-MK ULTRA connection to the University of Hawaii. In a series of formerly Confidential CIA memoranda, dated May 15, 1972, points to the involvement of the Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), the CIA, and the University of Hawaii in the CIA’s behavioral science program. The memos are signed by then-Deputy Director of the CIA Bronson Tweedy, the chief of the Intelligence Community’s Program Review Group (PRG) [name redacted], and CIA Director Richard Helms. The subject of the memos is “ARPA Supported Research Relating to Intelligence Product.”[62]
According to Madsen, the May 15, 1972, set of memos appears to be related to the CIA’s initial research, code named SCANATE, in 1972 into psychic warfare, including the use of psychics for purposes of remote viewing espionage and mind control. The memo discussed Kibler from ARPA and “his contractor,” which was later discovered to be Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park, California.[63]
In a memo, Helms admitted that the University of Hawaii had been involved in classified behavior modification programs “for a number of years.” Helms had really been secretly developing “subtle depth persuasion techniques as the transmission of strategic subliminal messages to the brains of enemy populations. He advocated the use of high-frequencies to affect memory and automata theory. In a memo to the Warren Commission, he made mention of “biological radio communication.”[64] Dr. Gregory Bateson had also been with SRI (Mental Health Research Institute) in Menlo Park for a number of years.[65]
In other words, the University of Hawaii and SRI had been secretly involved in using high frequency microwaves and biological radio communications to turn subjects (target populations) into Cyborgs (robots). Automata are self-operating machines. The word is sometimes used to describe a robot, more specifically an autonomous robot.[66]
U.S. State Department & East-West Center/University of Hawaii
From 1953 until April 22, 1959, the director of the U.S. State Department under President Dwight D. Eisenhower was Wall Street Lawyer John Foster Dulles (1888-1959). Dulles was succeeded as Secretary of State by Christian Herter (1959-61), Ambassador to Berlin that married into the (Rockefeller) Standard Oil fortune. Herter was a founding delegate of Council for Foreign Relations (CFR). Secretary Herter was also an active Freemason. He was a member of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.[67]Both Dulles and Herter were Rockefeller stooges. Along with the Rockefellers, they were instrumental in financing and masking the rise of Hitler and the Third Reich in the United States after WWII.
Dean Rusk was Secretary of State from 1961 until 1969. During WWII, Rusk was a staff officer in the China Burma India Theatre along with OSS agent Dr. Gregory Bateson. Rusk was yet another stooge of the Rockefellers. He was Rockefeller Foundation Trustee from 1950 to 1961. In 1952, he succeeded Chester L. Barnard as president of the Rockefeller Foundation.[68] Barnard had funded Dr. Gregory Bateson to study the role of the paradoxes of abstraction in communication (Double Bind).[69]
Ann Dunham’s East-West Center/University of Hawaii was the bastard child of the U.S. State Department and the CIA under Dulles, Herter and Helms in 1959; and established by congress in 1960 as a veil “to strengthen relations and understanding among the peoples and nations of Asia, the Pacific and the interest of the United States” [70] through the CIA.
The East-West Center/University of Hawaii, Operation PAPERCLIP, Project CHATTER, MK ULTRA, Dr. Gregory Bateson, Double Bind & Lebensborn (Hitler-Himmler Secret Children Mind Control Program)
The Navy initiated Project Chatter in 1947, the same year the CIA was formed. It was a high level U.S. Office of Navy Intelligence program beginning in the fall of 1947 focusing on the identification and testing of drugs in interrogations and the recruitment of agents.[71]
Most of the details of Project CHATTER (U.S. Navy Technical Mission Reports) are still classified and top secret. Nevertheless, Project CHATTER secretly identified and recruited Nazi concentration camp mind control research human resources through Operation Paperclip, and tested and expended their medium research tools, trauma, electrical shock, and drugs.[72] Project CHATTER did not end in 1953, it morphed and resulted into MK ULTRA.
In 1953, CIA Director Allen Dulles authorized the ULTRA mind control program. MK ULTRA had indeed been Richard Helm’s Baby.[73] Operation Paperclip and Project CHATTER resulted in MK ULTRA.
A Helms’ 1964 memo would seem telling about the CIA’s secret Cyborg Project that was [74] eerily similar to the objectives of Hitler and Himmler’s secret Lebensborn Children Experiment, “Cybernetics can be used in molding of a child’s character, the inculcation of knowledge and techniques, the amassing of experience, the establishment of social behavior patterns…all functions which can be summarized as control of the growth processes of the individual.”[75]
The Lebensborn Experiment was HIMMLER’S GUINEA (CYBORG) KIDS raised, educated and indoctrinated (mind controlled) by the State to blindly perpetuate the 1000 Year Reich.
Cybernetics” comes from a Greek word meaning “navigator” and “the art of steering”.[76] “Cybernetics [the science of communication and control theory that is concerned with the study of automatic control systems, such as the brain and mechanical-electrical communications.” A subsequent CIA directive, summarized in a brochure on “cybernetic technique” distributed by Mankind Research Unlimited, stated that an EMR (electromagnetic radiation or electromagnetic frequency) study facility in Washington, D.C., detailed the CIA’s development of a “means by which information of modest rate can be fed to humans utilizing other senses than sight or hearing.” According to the brochure, the CIA’s cybernetic technique, “based on Eastern European research,” involved beaming information via radio frequencies to individual human nerve cells. The purpose, the directive stated, was “the enhancement of a subject’s mental and physical performance.”[77]
Lurking behind the scenes at the East-West Center and University of Hawaii all along with Ann Dunham and Obama Jr. during his most impressionistic years had been none other than the infamous NWO British Anthropologist and Cyberneticist, Dr. Gregory Bateson. Dr. Bateson of SRI’s Mental Health Research Institute (MHRI) in Menlo Park, CA was considered one of the godfathers of cybernetics.[78] Dr. Bateson had also been a secret principal developer of secret Nazi multigenerational mind control methodologies in the wake of Project CHATTER.
Dr. Gregory Bateson, the Cyborg Godfather at East West Center/University of Hawaii
In 1963, Dr. Bateson was invited by Taylor Pryor to work in the Oceanic Foundation in Hawaii on cetacean and other problems of animal and human communication. Bateson remained in Hawaii working with the Culture Institute of the East-West Center of the University of Hawaii. It is during the Hawaii period that Bateson developed the fourth period – the new epistemology – that stems from systems and ecology.[79] Human ecology is a CIA code-word for behavior modification and mind control.[80]
When Ann Dunham left Hawaii for Indonesia in 1965, she entered the country with Lobo Soetoro under a veil of an anthropologist. She was a math student at the University of Hawaii. She earned her PhD in anthropology from Hawaii in 1992, but posed as a trained anthropologist from 1965-1992 in Indonesia, Java, Pakistan,[81] Ghana, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, and Thailand.[82] So, who trained Ann Dunham as an anthropologist in Hawaii prior to 1965? Dr. Gregory Bateson![83]
Additionally, Ann Dunham was a cyberneticist like Dr. Bateson. She was involved in helping setup microeconomic (micro financing) systems in Pakistan, India and New York for the Ford Foundation.[84] Microeconomics and microeconomic systems are forms of cybernetics.[85] Economic cybernetics can be covertly used by old colonial powers, ruling classes, oligarchies, and the NWO to centrally control and rule nations and populations.
In fact, the East West Center may have all along been the brainchild of Dr. Bateson. Among the inventory of papers he left after his death in 1980, he had maintained a file on the East West Center dating back 10 (ten) years before it was officially funded by the U.S. State Department and Congress in 1959-60.[86]
Bateson’s protégé at MHRI, Dr. Charles Savage of U.S. Naval Intelligence and the Naval Medical Research Institute in Bethesda, Maryland had headed Project CHATTER until 1953 when it passed into Helm’s MK ULTRA. Dr. Savage was a 1939 Yale Graduate, and a 1945 graduate of Pritzker Medical School at the University of Chicago in psychiatry. His research included laboratory experiments on animals and unwitting human subjects involving anabasis aphylla, scopolamine, and particularly mescaline.[87]
Dr. Savage conducted experiments with large dosages of mescaline to induce hallucinations expanding the Nazi Dachau Concentration Camp experiments. In other words, he induced schizophrenia with hallucinogenic drugs in unwitting subjects then studied and measured the reactions as they suffered hallucinations and delusions of reality for mind control objectives. [88]
Dr. Savage was the medical director of the International Federation for Advanced Study (IFAS) in Menlo Park, CA founded by a shady intelligence figure, Captain Alfred Matthew Hubbard, known as the Johnny Appleseed of LSD.[89] If Hubbard was LSD’s Johnny Appleseed, Dr. Savage had been the pipe piper. He was one of the first, most likely for the CIA, to use LSD for mind control research and experimentation in the United States.[90]
In 1957, Dr. Savage left Georgetown University for SRI’s Center for Advanced Study in Behavior Sciences in Palo Alto, CA, with Dr. Andre Weitzenhoffer, a Stanford University renown master hypnotist that did early work in particular interest to the CIA’s Bluebird, and Artichoke assassination program, “The Production of Anti-Social Acts Under Hypnosis” (Weitzenhoffer, 1949), published in the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology. Dr. Weitzenhoffer had also been an associate at the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma Veterans Administration of Dr. Louis Joylon West, another notorious CIA mind bender.[91]
In 1959, Dr. Savage was a consultant at Bateson’s Mental Health Research Institute (MHRI).[92] The MHRI was funded by the Josiah Macy Foundation, a front for MK ULTRA mind control programs.[93] In that same year, Savage and Bateson attended a Macy/CIA sponsored LSD conference at Princeton University. At the conference, Dr. Bateson commented, “one of my interests is in something which I call “schizophrenia,” in particular, in the formal patterns, the formal characteristics of experience of members of families containing schizophrenics,” in other words, multigenerational mind control.
In fact, Dr. Bateson’s multigenerational mind control objectives at MHRI were described more acutely: “…to continue its family research program in schizophrenia under the direction of Gregory Bateson and to enlarge this program to include delinquent and apparently normal families.” [94]
From 1957 to 1960, Dr. Savage must have been sort of a loan to MHRI, because he was also working for U.S. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) under another notorious mind control specialist, Dr. Robert Hanna Felix, which used NIMH as another secret conduit for CIA funds for MK ULTRA programs. [95]
In 1960, Dr. Savage expanded his broad psychiatric base of collaborators by the S Factor and joined California Department of Corrections Health Facility CIA station chief, Psychiatrist Dr. James Alexander Hamilton; Dr. Wallace Chan (MK ULTRA) and CIA LSD consultants Dr. Jay Haley, and Dr. Don D. Jackson at Stanford University Medical Center.
Frank Marshall Davis was likely an early (1948) Project CHATTER guinea pig as many targeted unwitting Black subjects. Initially, Project CHATTER had been a racialist program just the same as its Nazi forbears.
Davis had implanted multiple personalities paradoxically opposed (Dissociative Identity Disorder). Due to the severe trauma induced through electrical convulsive therapy (ECT), sexual abuse and other methods, the mind splits off into alternate personalities from the core. Formerly referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder, it is presently recognized as Dissociative Identity Disorder and is the basis for Project CHATTER, MK ULTRA and MONARCH mind control programming. Further conditioning of the victim’s mind is enhanced through hypnotism, double-bind coercion, pleasure-pain reversals, food, water, sleep and sensory deprivation, along with various drugs which alter certain cerebral functions.[96]
Davis’ core personality had been an internationally renowned good hearted-heterosexual conscientious poet, journalist, civil rights and social justice activist.[97] At the same time, his other overwhelming split off personality was a secret evil- demented cross-sexual ritual rapist, exhibitionist, sadomasochist and pedophile. Neither Davis nor Obama could explain the two vastly opposing schizoid personalities, a classic “Double Bind.”
Bateson, Savage and their colleagues at MHRI developed the “Double Bind” theory methodology.[98] They didn’t develop the “Double Bind” theory to cure patients of mental suffering. They developed “Double Bind” to drive subjects insane without brain disease as a tool in mind control programming.
My beloved father had been an early Project CHATTER victim. One day in late 1947, he failed to come home from his civilian (civil service) job at the Alameda U.S. Naval Air Force Base. My family found him forcibly interned at Highland County Hospital then at an undisclosed naval facility at Napa State Hospital.[99]
For nearly a year, my father suffered so from torture by drug and excessive and repeated ECTs that reduced him to a vegetable state who could neither take care of normal daily human routines or recognize his family. My father was never the same after being tortured. My family was torn apart and thrown into abject poverty.[100]
My father suffered complete amnesia blocks that I didn’t know about or couldn’t understand until I discovered some of his medical records after his death. He had been an early Project CHATTER experimental subject and I believe and pray but can’t be sure that his implanted alters weren’t perfected as in Frank Marshall Davis.
My father’s medical records that I worked from to develop profiles and develop Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to numerous federal agencies regarding his confinement and naval personnel torturers were subsequently stolen.[101] Napa State Hospital claimed that all his medical records from that 1947-48 U.S. Naval commitment had been destroyed.[102] To my utter horror, I found Dr. Savage and Bateson in the shadows of the path of my older sister during her hospital (TB) confinement in Livermore, CA.[103] At that time, I had no way to understand my mother’s fear that the Luciferians could come back for us.
LEBENSBORN & MK ULTRA, the Formula Used To Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Cyborg Slave
Early on, I asked that significant note be taken that Dr. Bateson and Frank Marshall Davis, who had migrated to Hawaii as early as 1948, had unprecedented access to Barack Obama as Davis described during his “impressionistic” stage from womb to 5 years old to ritually sexually abuse him, split off alter personalities, and program the alters to create an “Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Cyborg Slave” for the NWO.
The Man in Position to Know Dr. Bateson’s Formula to Create Cyborg Slaves, Dr. Ralph B. Allison
Dr. Ralph Allison, Johnny on the Spot, provided the clue to its significance. Dr. Allison is an S factor (Stanford University) psychiatrist trained by another Bateson’s protégé at MHRI, Dr. Jay Haley (1923-2007). Dr. Haley was a SRI Master Hypnotist.[104]
Dr. Allison appeared in Santa Cruz at the same time that the city became the Deranged/Satanic Mass Murder Capital of the United States; [105] and Neuro-linguistic Programming was being developed commercially for mass consumption at the University of Santa Cruz by Dr. Bateson, Richard Bandler and John Grinder.[106]
If you believe your lying eyes, Dr. Allison just happened to be in the right position to diagnose and treat a sudden appearance of females suffering Multiple Personality Disorders (MPD) and satanic possession in Santa Cruz. Dr. Allison expertise and specialties are DSM-IV (Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), and Psychological Exorcism.[107]
In 1995, Dr. Allison produced a very interesting and suspect abstract for several reasons. One, Dr. Allison admitted that dissociates such as what were being created by stress-trauma were usually “highly hypnotizable individuals”. Second, He proposed that if the first dissociation (sufficient trauma to dissociate) was before the age of seven, a condition that should be called MPD will be created. “MPD should be reserved for those dissociators who suffer their first major psycho-sexual-physical assault (emphasis. mine) before their seventh birthday…They feel too immature or untrained to defend themselves with physical means, so they resort to making defenders of their bodies within their minds.”[108]
Dr. Allison continued, “If the first dissociation occurred after the seventh birthday, a condition that should be called Dissociate Identity Disorder (DID) will be created…DID should be reserved for those who suffer the first assault to which they respond by a defensive dissociative after their seventh birthday.”[109]
Dr. Allison then made the following important observation, “Child development specialists have long considered that it takes an average of seven years for any child to develop the personality that will be theirs for life. The personality of a child less than seven is too fragile to absorb life threatening trauma without reacting in some fashion. Obviously not all children react to early trauma by dissociating, but those who do develop psychological entities which are different than those created at an older age.” [110]
Dr. Allison further explains of the role of the Inter Self Helper in the mind of a MPD, “In the younger group, which I call MPD multiples, the first entity to dissociate from the Birth Personality (BP) is the Inter Self Helper (ISH). The ‘Mind’ that is left I shall call the Original Personality (OP). The ISH is then the creator of all subsequent alter-personalities, no matter what type. The ISH creates them to assure the physical survival of the child, who is known to the ISH as his/her “charge”. Prior to the this first source of inspiration, the “still small voice within” which I prefer to call the Essence of the patient. The ISH role is only a temporary “job assignment” for the essence, which desires to return to an original state of unity within the multiple’s mind. In the case of the MPD multiple, the second dissociate entity to form would be the False-Front alter personality. This must be created by the ISH to replace the (OP) which has been deemed by the ISH to be too inadequate to stay in social control of the body. This first False-Front is designed and manufactured by the ISH to present an image to the abusive parent which will assure survival. It may be made completely compliant, cooperative without crying, and able to absorb abuse without responding angrily. This will be the child the abusive parent can continue to abuse without any adverse reactions being created.”[111]
In other words, if a child’s first major psycho-sexual-physical assault take place before 7 years old (impressionistic stage), the Birth Personality (ISH) act as a monitor/conductor to split off alterative front personalities (dissociates) according to additional programmed stresses with sufficient trauma to dissociate, each of which are highly hypnotizable.
During WWII, the infamous OSS-CIA consultant, Colgate College Professor of Psychology and Hypnotism, George H. Estabrooks, reportedly was creating “perfect spies” and couriers for the military by hypnotizing and programming alter personalities that were unbreakable if caught and tortured. Only secret key army officers had the keys and triggers to call forth the alter personalities with military secrets. According to Allison’s abstract, Stanley Armour Dunham fit the profile for a U.S. Army mind control spy. At eight (8) years old, Dunham found his mother suicided. It was a sufficient trauma to dissociate and a resulting Dissociate Identity Disorder (DID). He would have been a perfect early U.S. Military Intelligence secret spy and courier, a prefect Keeper of Secrets.
I believe that the Dunhams and Frank Davis were MK ULTRA/MONARCH programmers trained to help create MK ULTRA “Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Cyborg Slaves for the NWO.”
Barack Obama, Division 5, NASA, Star Kids and Astronaut Gus Grisson
The East-West Center/University of Hawaii has been linked to CIA/USAID student operations that were conducted through the CIA’s Covert Action, Division Five, within the Plans Division. Division Five (D-5) is an ultra secret counterespionage domestic intergovernmental agency intelligence department. D-5 was responsible for COINTELPRO assassinations. Some sources maintain that D-5 was/is an arm of the Office of Naval Intelligence (Dr. Charles Savage) associated with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy and many others under the cloak of the Defense Industrial Security Command (DISC). [112], [113]
D-5 acts dually with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) which acts on behalf of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Pentagon. Directly under the two-pronged leadership of D-5 and the DIA is a control group, the highly secret policy agency, the DISC. [114]
The DISC is headquartered at Muscle Shoals Redstone Arsenal in Alabama and on East Broad Street in Columbus, Ohio, which is the SECURITY DIVISION of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) that was headed byStrumbannfuhrer SS Dr. Wernher von Braun (1912-1977).[115]
Fritz Gustane Anton Kraemer was a special assistant, adviser and strategist to the U.S. Army Deputy Chief of Staff of Operations (DCSOPS), [116] and the National Security Council (NSC). The NSC was patterned after Hitler’s Security Council, and its jurisdiction was to oversee the CIA by dictate of the National Security Act of 1947
The extraordinary researcher Mae Brussell identified Kraemer as “Number One” most powerful person (Secret Team) in the United States. She suspected that he was the very same Brigadefuhrer SS Fritz Kraemer [117] who was very high up in Hitler’s regime and personally responsible for extremely strategic fascist atrocities in WWII. [118]
According to Linda Hunt’s Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990, the OSS, the CIA (its successor), and several other U.S. government agencies began the “Paperclip,” “National Interest” and “63″ classified projects close to the end of World War II. These highly secretive projects were designed to covertly recruit thousands of Nazi scientists, whitewash their records, and then relocate them to new homes in America, with the understanding that the recruits would then share their technology with the U.S. government. The technologies that these Nazi recruits shared with the U.S. government included rocketry, which eventually became the basis of the Nazi-created NASA program, and “trauma-based mind control”. [119]
In 2000, Astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr. (1927-2004) one of the original seven Mercury astronauts, confirmed during a radio interview the existence of a mind control program administered by NASA in the 1950′s and 1960′s involving gifted American school children called “Space Kids.” According to Cooper,”The space kids were children with exceptional mental abilities [Star Kids] run through a kind of MK [MKUltra CIA mental programming] program, like the things that are coming out now.” He went on to describe how NASA’s mind-control program, which emphasized cultivation of the children’s psychic abilities, involved such things as telepathy, remote viewing, and out-of-body-experiences (OBE’s).”[120]
Virgil Ivan “Gus” Grisson (April 3, 1926 – January 27, 1967) was another original NASA Mercury astronaut.[121]
The following may represent some of Obama’s repressed “Star Kid” memories, “One of my earliest memories is of sitting on my grandfather’s shoulders as the astronauts from one of the Apollo missions arrived at Hickam Air Force Base after a successful splashdown,” Obama wrote in Dreams From My Father, “I remember the astronauts, in aviator glasses, as being far away, barely visible through the portal of an isolation chamber. But Gramps (Stanley Armour Dunham) would always swear that one of the astronauts waved just at me and that I waved back. It was part of the story he told himself. With his black son-in-law and his brown grandson, Gramps had entered the space age.”[122]
First, how does an alleged ordinary furniture salesman like Dunham gain access to an isolation chamber at Hickam Air Force Base on the island of Oahu, Honolulu to watch a NASA Apollo base landing from a successful splashdown? The answer has to be related to Stanley Armour Dunham and D-5. It also may verify that Dunham was a U.S. Army Intelligence operative of D-5 and Obama was one of NASA’s secret “trauma-based mind control” Space Kids ran through MK ULTRA. Who was the astronaut that Dunham from some selective knowledge waved just at Obama?
Who really is the Man on the Beach with Little Obama? What is the hand sign he is trying to flash? The man appears to be trim and fit with a military styled haircut unlike the dark haired Gramps who would have been in his late fifties of drinking, smoking pot and chasing prostitutes. During this time, Astronaut Lt. Col. Gus Grissom would be no more than forty and military-NASA fit.
The significant Obama-Gus Grissom Connection was uncovered in The Secret Sun.[123] Astronaut Grissom didn’t live long after this photo was taken if it was him that I believe it was. Little Obama appears at the “impressionistic age” between the ages of 4 to 5 years old (1966-1967).
On January 27, 1967, Grissom was killed along with fellow astronauts Ed White and Roger Chaffee during a pre-launch test for the Apollo 1 mission at the Kennedy Space Center. They were burned alive in an explosive fire that enveloped the pure oxygen atmosphere of the space capsule. Grissom’s son, Scott Grissom, maintains the fire was an act of sabotage and that his father had been murdered. Before his death, Grissom had been receiving death threats.[124]
Above, Occultists and Racialist Mass Murderers Strumbannfuhrer SS Dr. Wernher von Braun and Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler. The very same SS Officer von Braun was the leader of NASA and D-5, he was an unrelenting occulted Knight of the Black Sun; Himmler’s SS.[125] To justify Billions from the U.S. taxpayers being poured into the secret coffers of the SS racialist mass murder and NWO Luciferian agenda , Von Braun had promised America a great deception, “A Man on the Moon.”[126]
Shortly before his death, Grissom had taken a large lemon and hung it around an Apollo space capsule as the press looked on. He had suggested publicly that von Braun’s Man on the Moon project was technically not possible and could never be accomplished within the time frame von Braun had promised.[127] Grissom had been on extremely perilous grounds with one of the world’s most ruthless and greatest mass murdering cults in history trying to expose the Man on the MoonDeception, and maybe NASA’s secret Space Kids (Himmler’s Lebensborn) mind control program to save Little Obama. By the way, Gordon Cooper didn’t live too long after exposing NASA’s secret children (HIMMLER GUINEA KIDS) Cyborg project.
Finally, I have gone as far as I can down the rabbit hole. The above may be hard to believe but these people are real, and they leave no stone unturned in its quest for power to dominate the planet with a Luciferian NWO white supremacy agenda for a future without GOD and racial mass murder. I stood by during my father’s entire life not believing my lying eyes and mind that the American government would never bend so low to hurt its universal innocent citizens. Do you believe your lying eyes; can you believe that Tom Morello and Barack Obama could be 21st Century NWO Cyborgs with implanted satanic layers? What do you think? An informed citizenry has the rirght to know and question. Nevertheless, you know exactly what I believe.
Donny & Psychotronics (NWO Mind Machines)
In 1977, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) declassified a report describing how vast advances in Soviet psychotronic technology can create the ultimate big brother society, by using electronic mind control against populations to implant ideals and thoughts into the heads of unsuspecting victims: “sounds and possibly even words, which appear to be originating intracranial (within one’s head) can be induced by signal modification at very low average power densities” (VLF & ELF).[123]
Ron McRae’s 1984 book, MIND WARS, described research in the 1970′s at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) on the subject of ELF and mind control which demonstrated that the brain could mistake an outside signal for its own, and mimic it (a process known as Bioelectric entrainment), and respond when it changes.”[124]
In 1979, before his death, Donny was describing (brain connected to a machine to steal his music) bioelectric-brain entrainment experiments. In other words, EEG electrodes were attached to his head measuring and recording brain wave electromagnic impluses to let say creatively developing melodies and melodic patterns and motions and then playing back the recorded electromagnic impluses in very low electromagnic frequencies (VLF) or extremely low electromagnic frequencies to fool the brain to the mimic the same creative thought processes creating the same melodies and melodic patterns and motions which was the state of the art science in 1979, Psychotronics (brain machines) and Bioelectric-Brain Entrainment.
Just as in the case of Frank Olson, Donny was openly resisting and complaining about secret bioelectric-brain entrainment experiments that he was being subjected to. Over fears that he would expose the mind control experiments to a public that dearly loved him, he was thrown out of a 15th story window as recommened by the CIA assassination manual.
The last studio album that Donny recorded was “Extensions Of A Man“ in 1973. The album contained the single “Someday We’ll All Be Free“, which was written by Edward Howard about the mental anguish and suffering (paranoid schizophrenia) that Hathaway was plagued with. After Hathaway recorded the song, he listened to the play back of the studio cut. Hathaway cried as he listened to the song for the first time. After Hathaway’s death, Howard added in the liner notes of the song: “Donny is no longer here, but the song [Someday We’ll All Be Free] gathers momentum as part of his legacy… Donny literally sat in the studio and cried when he heard the playback of his final mix. It’s pretty special when an artist can create something that wipes them out.”[125]
Sourced From
We will do what we must to let Truth ring clear.
[19] Id. At footnote 8
[20] Id.
[21] Id.
[22] Id.
[23] Id.
[24] Id.
[30] http ://
[31]Id. At footnote 8
[33] Id. At footnote 8
[37] Id. At Footnote 26
[40] O’Reilly, Kenneth, Racial Matters, The FBI’s Secret File on Black America, 1960-1972, The Free Press, NY (1989) pg. 13
[42] Id.
[46] You should like what you are getting from me!”
[48] Id.
[62] Id. At footnote 8
[63] Id.
[64] Constantine, Alex, Psychic Dictatorship U.S.A., Feral Press (1995) pg. 7
[75] Constantine, Alex, Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A., Feral House (1995) pg. 7
[77] http://8420546424309982600-a-1802744773732722657-ssites.googlegroup...
[82] Id. At footnote 8
[87] Abramson, H.A., The Use of LSD in Psychotherapy, Transactions of a Conference of LSD-25, Princeton University, April 22, 23 & 24, 1959
[88] Id.
[90] LSD and Psychotherapy,
[91] Freedom, A Clockwork Orange Career, The maestro of “mind-control” continues to haunt America,
[92] Supra, at fn. 58
[94] Supra, at fn. 58
[95] Chaitkin, Anton, British psychiatry: from eugenics to assassination, July 2002,
[100] Id.
[101] Id.
[102] Id.
[103] Id.
[109] Id.
[110] Id.
[111] Id.
[115] Id.
[126] Id.
[127] Id. At Footnote 123