Goodnight white pride: Anonymous hacktivists expose Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul’s connection with American neo-Nazis.
LOL! RON PAUL annagramed = OUR PLAN
I wouldn't trust too much from either Anonymous or the ADL.
Most computer viruses are written by the US navy.
The Islamic faith was started by a Catholic cardinal in the 5th century as a tool for war. Hegelian dialectic.
Muslims are forecast to win the ratings game of religion.
Hegelian Dialectics is based upon four concepts:
The concept of dialectic existed in the philosophy of Heraclitus of Ephesus, who proposed that everything is in constant change, as a result of inner strife and opposition.[7][8][9] Hence, the history of the dialectical method is the history of philosophy.
@Darren you can say that again surely Psy Ops colliding, however, the Ron Paul deception is going to be one of the biggest upsets America has seen if they are foolish enough to believe any Presidential Candidate if in their favor. When people are let down it really dampers things, so in this case all disclosing intel on Ron Paul is something I do not mind sourcing, in fact I may dedicate this entire page to it. What say ye? Θ
Ron Paul clearly stated all that has been written under his name!
I know that voting doesn't count. But the military people strongly support Ron Paul in his effort to "End the Fed" as this protest march video shows:
Irish people are becoming very aware of their common law rights as this video shows:
I do strongly support the information of this man regarding birth certificates and slavery:
Richard Hoagland said that Obama will get a second term because of the Mars "Curiosity" mission to the Gale Crater with a car sized nuclear powered rover going to explore the very ancient 96 mile wide building, that is a 3 mile high tetrahedron:
Interesting that DNA is a repeating 5 tetrahedron, triple bonded tetrahelix!
Myself, I am awaiting the June 5-6, 2012 transit of Venus!
Which in turn makes me wonder in which direction theyre trying to steer consciousness in light of these revelations.. after all it is presumed tht this may very well be the candidate whos next on the throne... maybe do to the supposed let down of the previous "african american" leader the masses will subconsciously vote for the exact opposite as they often do.. quite a curious development if i may say so
Thank you for this. People need to be shaken awake with the knowledge of who and what this guy is affiliated with and why. I have been telling people for awhile the anagrams of this guy's name and they write it off as coincidence, but we know there are no accidents and so we push on to uncover more of the truth. I personally don't waste any time and focus on what's important and all we need to do is plant the seed and it will grow and gather the essence it needs. Occasionally, we speak to our creations in thoughts and guide them to fruition (fruit).
wholinescessities and balanced vibratory strucuralizations to all nations
It is amazing that a lot of the conscious people still want to believe to the" savior" . consciousness is wholeness. You cannot split consciouness into categories...I have seen so many people being health conscious and going to pray the lord...some are very aware of the media manipulation but won't see the food are a way to manipulate ...ect ...division of the mind...Famous people are part of the game...nobody is going to save you.. You would have to reclaim yourself... think ,, act feel out of the black cube ..
dont watch tv much. but this guys name, game or campaign never even attracted this i attention, ever... must be the frequency... not much on poli tricks. yet first attempt at linking this post to a new agey site that speaks on this stuff all day with a large following, not successful.. server block, oh oh, will keep it movin. in that this disclosure seven. can assist in releasing a great deal of teter tottering human soul energy stuck in his long drawn out
ronpaul-luapnor.. L U A P N O R domain...
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