New, and could use some help.. please read and give me the time.

hey guys, im completely new here and ive never ever been on a forum before. as a matter of fact ive never ever talked about anything of the real, reality with anybody. its kind of frustrating, ive been all alone on this journey and well i dont know i guess thats it.hope people are eager to help me out, ive got alot to contribute! also, i could really use some help, its been really rough.. no need to explain really you all know. im not trying to sound like one of those people, i read about when ive skimmed through things on the net, people that say "im an indigo" and you know.. i dont know, please dont doubt me.. i think im an indigo. and my little brother is to. and he's about to get shipped away to a mental hospital. he's only 11. i think he's an indigo to. ive always felt like ive been running... ive been on drugs, ive faught everything in the system i can.. i know how to learn 106 times more than my peers have demonstrated and have failed school ... because of the fakeness. i always knew this wasn't real. i have no idea what my next move is... please help, some advice? im sorry for ranting, i dont know if this is how you should even post a thread, but i know somebody will help me out? on another note, i feel really goood energy coming from this site. like its pulling me in. im 20, life is rough, im watching my family destroy themselves and swim through this lost manipulated world and i could use some assistance. i apologise again for the length of this thread, and if im being to open? i don't think that's inappropriate.. hey guys thanks and i hope everybody's life is going smooth and i hope everyone's feeling okay :) thanks guys!


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thank you very much andre. yes ive been telling myself this about anger for awhile, and as much as i still can get angry ive been getting a handle on it. can you recommend some books? ide really like to learn more, i naturally have concepts and idea's come to mind but i cant put a label on them as far as language. im really close to something amazing but i just need to break this barrier. you know what i mean? reading isnt a problem i can read things some would see as a foreign language :p


Hey Pat


Hold on there and don't lose hope. Depict the situation surrounding you must keep your head up high as we're all working to get to the same destination. Like Andre said we all have our problems more or less but once you let them get to you anxiety and stress can produce blockage. Check out the master library under library, its a good start. I have found myself looking for books outside this site and it all comes back as garbage because names have been changed or techniques have been altered to entrap one's self. That just my personal experience, you just have trust your intuition if something feels right or not but Im sure you're know that :)

guys thank you so much! :) your support is outstanding and well im just speechless. the world is incredibly rough.. especially in my line of work, shell fishing. which i actually feel terrible about, because well.. i dont like raping the sound! thats what i feel like im doing. lol thank yo ufor all these wonderful points an awesome direction. :)
andre i am very intrigued by this book, ide like to learn more. really lab reports and everything? thats impressive! im going to look into raja yoga. im not to sure if im more mental, more physical etc. im actually positive im mental and yet, i wish to be all of these honestly. i mean i dont like limitations what so ever lol which makes think this raja yoga maybe key. but i guess to start you are more of one of these? i feel very powerful as a person as a matter of fact, i feel flooded, and then when i absorb negative energy, well ive even gotten dizzy. people are often saying, "whats wrong with you?" "are you feeling ok?". most people call me lazy. but they dont understand what its like to be attacked by so many different vibes. my point in this, i know im getting a little off track, is youve created a couple different self awareness realizations for me :) that im a kinked hose at the moment. so im going to try this yoga, and please money is tight, if you have another way to read the book please advise. oh and sorry if ive rambled a bit! lol

Another amazing thing you can do to get up to date is Listen to the audio recordings on blog talk radio Theres about forty but theyre all packed with the purest info.. U can put them on your ipod as podcasts and listen on the go.. im about halfway through them and each episode just boosts my knowledge base.. Wholeness Fam


Heres the link to the Esoteric library so u can verify things for urself


And the partner site For the wholeness foundation:


Wholeness Fam :-)

P.S. Reading the code of the matrix




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