This by far is one of the most informative documents put together. This document was composed for High level Inititiates so they will innerstand certain details of the spiritual nature. This document must be read with care and one should always read between the lines. We do not support the calling on of any Dieties, this document is to make our readers aware of what is going on right now, and what is being practiced by those who call themselves Elite. One can skim information from this document of great value. If you have any questions, just post it.

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"Read between the lines" is an understatement, but well-worth it.

"The sign of the Microcosmic Star....To that effect, the
arms are raised upwards until the palms of the hands touch each other above the head.
Next, they are extended laterally so that they remain in a horizontal position, forming a
Cross with the rest of the body; lastly, the forearms are crossed over the chest, touching
this region with the palms, while the fingertips reach the front of the shoulders.
Our adorable Savior of the World, Jesus the Christ, used this mysterious Clue not
revealed until now by us, when He studied in the Pyramids of Kephren."

Wow, I do that all the time. I always wondered why....THanks again, 7.
Mantram ANRA for Memory of Past lives. Are they serious? [=
That's what We were talking about to be aware of.
Audio for the book..
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