It is finished, a great work achieved, the Chakra tuner from bottom to top perfectly calibrated for the 7 Chakras.

Just so everyone knows there are 7 of these and you will find them by going to the "first" page of the comments. You will find another post by me with the rest of the tones attached.

Views: 17933


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thanks alot will give this a go

thank you for all your time and energy onour behalf...:)

How does one know if a chakra(s) are open?
Does a closed chakra benefit from cleaning?
How does one open a chakra(s)?
Which tone goes with which chakra?

Be sure to download all 7, the other 4 being located on the first page of responses. The are numbered from 1-7 load them on a play list starting from 1-7 if you are bringing up you field or 7-1 to take it down meaning ready to relax. See sections on Chakras for related info. We are here for you.
How do I download, do I need to get quicktime pro?

@ Del 

for me Del it feels like a contained force of energy is surging through me on all seven different spots. You'll know it once you place the stone on your body, it's a great experience

Where can I go to get crystals?
Thanks for the info!
it wont play on my player either...the 7th cuts off too...
is there any way i can remedy this?
Thank you much Myriam!



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