Today is a day like no other, I personally feel like We are actually turning the word around. I would like to welcome Lenon and Ayida Honor, cleary power houses in the field of awakening man and woman from the illusion. There will be great things brought about as We continue to ally with others who have skills even beyond thier own imaginations.
I would recommend everyone to visit Lenon's page at, and as talked about in the book, see excellent videos in regards to the profound things that have been revealed. 1: That Devil Disney (We shall smite his face) 2: The Borg Agenda (Take your knowledge to the next level) 3: The degredation of the sexes. Learn how to preserve your integrity.
We have arrived on all sides. It won't be long before they start running, then We shall have our Vision back. 7
Interesting Fact: One can see thousands of miles with an unaided eye in space because there is no gravity or atmosphere. (At Most Fear)
I'm sure Neil was saying that since they made him film the Moon landing in a studio, you can see he was so disgrutled during those times, being asked to betray so many pure American hearts. But tea is still at twelve and NAZI/NAZA will be in attendance.
Famous film company PARTIZAN mirrored NAZI TRAP our whole world in inverted and unparalled.
In theory if we were exposed directly to the cosmos We would have a direct connection with higher self, higher energy. The At Most Fear seems to be something of a deflector of cosmic energy. That is of course until the energy reaches very high levels like right now, then it can no longer be shielded. The draw back of that is like pulling back a sling shot until it pops. Meaning We will enter hightened consciousness "all of a sudden" not gradually.
The Atmosphere is coated all the time and the Spheres are divided into regions in which themselves are realms populated with forms of intelligence called the Buddahic planes. Another contraption of the slave gods, We shall tear them down bursting through their nets leaving enormous wholes that many can escape through. Thinking through portals We are. Small in number but great in mind.
Wow, everyday you really learn something new. I have always believed that the Englich language is one of the worst weapons used on us because one word may have so many different meanings. Guess I learnt a new one today, atmosphere (At most fear). WOW
Indeed its like the mind and the eye only catch so much in processing, I was even reading my book the other day and was reminded about a key point in the Sumerian panthiesm. I saw Lenon span 88 videos across youtube, that has to be either the record or close to it. One thing I always say is since everything is recorded the deeds and diligence of such personalities as yourself and Lenon can never be tarnished nor erased. We are truly leaving a legacy without the illusion of false aid. Jubilant