Hay people, haz eney one thort of the link between Gaia = meaning Earth , Gaia is the name of Earth's aura the spiritual goddess, and Nibiru real name Orcus , Orcus was a god of the underworld, punisher of broken oaths who tormented evildoers ,, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpWBqDUwh-0&feature=related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKKc2U11ATo

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Actually that is false. Consider this, there is Gaia, Maia, Tiamat, Earth, Ki and various names given to the place you call home. In all actuality if a person imagines they are in Gaia, they are subject to the influences of Gaia and the pantheon attached to it. Likewise, if one believes they are on Earth the next thing they are ruled by UR. ANNO Domini, Dominion of AN, which shall be overthrown. The greatest error is we have malevolent factions seeking to usurp Our reality by infesting our minds with their words. You are where you think you are, which is also how teleportation works. Furthermore Nibiru is nothing other than Marduk-RA, who has 50 names, a being that is also attached to a hive mind planet size ship of pre-daters. Orcus is lord of the Orcs of the lower kingdom in popular lore called Midgard a section of the hollowed out center. I do hope one contacts the individual releasing this information and invite them to the Resistance so they can educate themselves properly.

In my thorts evey thing in this univers has a life force in which that it motivate's to move, ie, for you to move and grow you must have a life force in you , if you never your dead, so if you choud take your self out of your body and know the name that was giveen to you from your base of origin, wear your life force comes from , so you cont say Gaia is not real, but useing a planet to move throu space that i can believe , Now if you chod create your own univers how would you put your self in it.. Think



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