Okay, this one took me 6 months of sitting in a glass bathroom testing individual frequencies for hours listing to there effects and positions according to the bodies harmonic scale, finally I discovered it. 3.9 Over Zion

I will say that this month has launched off so rapidly I could not stop this if I wanted to. One day is like one month and I have so many things that I need to upload to you. This is also my birthday month the 22th to be exact and thus I feel the rise is now. I thought I actually lost "3.9 Over Zion" and in fits of shear madness and bouts of disdain grumpiness, all of a sudden I found it, which made me so happy since I no longer have the frequency generator ever since my computer broke that last time I have been unable to buy the software again.


So here is how it works: take a glass or if you would like a hearty supply, something of a glass vase and fill it with your water of choice. This Vase must be glass. Then place the Vase or glass Pitcher, or Wine bottle "no wine please" in front of the speaker and play "Over Zion". What I discovered with this frequency is We can actually raise a column wave in your house the will assist you greatly with energy. Plus it changes the crystalline pattern of the water thoroughly and once the recording is done. "Drink Me" should come to mind, and one now has another key to getting out of wonderland.


You can also refill the glass when it gets no less than 25% empty and the new water will change frequency to that of the existing water, you could also just play Over Zion every time and charge the water and the environment for fun and purified pleasure. Thank you all so much for being here, it is most certain the future is getting brighter as We continue to open Ourselves to being proactive. That is all I had to say for tonight, you are free to roam about the ship, please stay clear of all lowers levels you will find the doors clearly marked. :-)

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What a ride with the heasphones on...The most fascinating part of the experience was I still heart it after it finished...like it just finished and I still hear it (through the headphones that is).  Its been like 2 minutes and I still hear it.  I also felt very warm to hot (kinda) tingling, wierd feelings down my spine, where I had an epidural at (yeah i know, was still sleep) and I felt tingling almost crawling on the top of my head toward my forehead.  Thanks Sevan!
For those that prefer a flac version of Over Zion. I hope this help. Enjoy. Thank you Sevan. Once again, great job.

the FLAC version. I have downloaded it but can't play it, can anyone tell me what I need to do in order to play this? Thanks!





It's amazing sevan.  Right at the end of the tape I looked at my pitcher of water and it said "drink me".  Two seconds later the clip finnished. Beautiful work sevan looking foward to hearing what else you have for me and I will send my appreciation back.  Cheers!




If I transfer the water to plastic afterward will it stay the same or does it have to be kept in glass at all times?
Thanks for bumping this thread. I was noticing a bunch of Zion stuff around town today. Zion Properties, Zion Restoration, and my dad pointed out that he likes that new Scion car. Time to go Over Zion.

Question for Sevan..or any Resistance fam that might have some insight.  Since our bodies are made up of 60 - 70 percent water, can I simply listen to the frequency and just let it effect my bodily water content without using the vase of water...or would that also effect some other part of me "negatively"  or adversely in some way?  I am aware of Dr Emoto's work with changing the energy signature in water and think that its wonderful. Any thoughts?    


Wholeness to All~


cheers man im putting this on my mp3 player gotta charge some tattoo ink


Eye Have 2 Say Sevan...It Is Truly an Honor 2 Have U Among Us. Ashe Nagga...Ashe.

This sounds closer to the brilliant white noise project in parts, it really is pure and awe inspiring work. I've just had it on for maybe 10 minutes sitting here as a run through, and I can already feel more solid energy channeling. A better word - more whole :).

Now time for a meditation session to help heal and connect. Thank you once again.




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