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We fly so high yet we find so many remain on the ground. Many ask themselves the question of how to change humanity but how can they do this if they do not know the true history of humanity? What  is it that the Gods, Goddesses, Kings, Lords, Sages, Mages, Prophets, and wise men and women are all proclaiming? Find out.


Join Host Sevan and Co-Host Mune this Sunday for a insightful look into the underpinning of every secret society, private group, or occult agenda.


Date: Sunday March 27, 2011

Time: 10:30 A.M. Mountain Time 4:00 P.M. GMT

Call In: 347-996-5688


Topics discussed:


Contracts (Khan Tracks) The binding effects over lifetimes of Oaths. "Our Contract to be Here"

The English/Anglish Language and the Phoenician Phonetics "The Conqueror's Mason Marks"

The Priory of Sion and the mission to appease the Saturno Jupiterian Pacts

The forbidden Knowledge of knowing your true history and the destruction of the church's foundation

The Incorruptible Ball/Baal and its uses.

Much Much More


Special Segment: The advancement of meditation through Ayurvedic Remedies. We will discuss our latest treasure of supplements.

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this will be great,lets get to the nitty gritty. It will be interesting learning about these contracts.I have heard through various sources people who are obducted have contracts for lives for this being done to them.Basically if it happens your subconcious or higher self is alowing it.Another i heard of is basically you your higher self chose to experience in this way simultaniously,life after life of not remembering.I would like to remember or spiral out or go back to my or the higher self to at least see a glimpse .I think this site is headed in the direction that i desire myself.Thanks 
cant wait, thnx for all the hard work you guys
Sevan, In my opinion your work has proven to be the most sound and accurate that I have ever come across and i am proud to be a part of the Resistance.
This I do for all of you as you are most worthy.
Thank you Sevan and Mune :) WBV
This is in 1 hour.
Missed this, I hope you got it recorded in HD :)

hey guys, I'm aware this is a fairly old post but can anyone enlighten me as to why it stops at N?
i believe i saw a post with two images one from A-N and another from P-Z
maybe I'm wrong?



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