Whats the best thing that i can do for someone excepting to die from cancer anyday???  they are at the stage when the body is in lots of pain all over and it is retaining lots of water. they are gaining fluid weight rapidly and is expecting to die anyday. and suggestion???

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thank u ur info is greatly apprecited much love right back at ya

Cancer of what?  Have they lost the use of the limbs yet and are bed ridden?

I'd make sure emotional healing has been done by a good healer if it is close.

If there is fluid retention and they are still moving they need to get the lymphatic system going...

Rebounding I recommend for that.

MMS would be good too.

Reading the attached guide.

Alkalise the body too (MMS also).



im not sure of what myself. im just trying to help the family with as much information as possible. your information is greatly appreciated thanx, love, wholeness, vibration and energy to u:)

Here is something I've found from an energy worker on another forum:


thanx!!! lov wb to u:)
thank u, lov wbv to u:)

urine theraphy! .. have him go on a 3 week urine fast.. that should do it..

Good point Melanated, Yes David Jubb's book says Urine is FULL of anti-cancer molecules and nutritents...


This thread started by Melanated should cover it. My post has David Jubb discussing it...



And page 6 has the post I made with links to 2 hours of aware radio where David Jubb discusses HOW GOOD it is for us... I try not to waste any since listening to this back in November... And drink ~3 pints a day...




thank u! wbv and lov to u:)



the most effiecent way of treating cancer and scientifically proven (but not widely accepted) is doctor Simoncini's Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) treatment. He developed and proved te theory that cancer is a fungus.

Homepage of Dr. Simoncini


I wish you and your familly and close ones well,


thanx your info is greatly appreciated lov wbv to u

Here's the book Jim Humble wrote about MMS. Has all the information you can need.




Love to you and your mother Sophia



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