Some say it hinders spiritual growth...

Some say it benefits....

I have been a smoker for the last 5 years, and am now just starting to wonder if it's hindering my spiritual growth...

I am on day 9 of not using, and I'm doing just fine...Haven't noticed any significant changes other than I can remember dreams more often...

I'm curious to others opinion about this that may have come to a higher innerstanding about this...

Greatly appreciative :)


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It's not ALL about what you do, but WHY you do it!

You'd probably have to ask YOURSELF about Marijuana.
Yes, Carrots and Garlic, among other things, were also created in a lab, I don't know about marijuana, but I highly doubt it because it's a plant and has roots that go far into the soil to absorb all the nutrients, unlike carrots.
If something inside of you is telling you to stop, then maybe your spirit or soul is ready for the "next level". Just may be your spirit is ready to evolve from that.
Mis creation? Has it ever occured to you that the universe doesn't revolve around us? That it was made not solely for us and thus something that feeds from us is not a 'mis-creation' as you put it, but is just another being sharing this space with us?

The marijuana plant is a being and should be respected as such. Do not think of it in terms of what it has to offer you, unless you are OPENLY okay with being totally selfish (that still requires acknowledgement of the plant's own free will and sentience). Ticks, mosquitos and the like have to eat. We also have to eat and I often wonder how many people have looked at life from an apple tree's perspective. Just as an apple does not 'need' the fruit and it tastes good precisely to spread the seed, we do not 'need' all the blood in our body and thus it is food for parasites, which are beings who have every right to share the cosmos with us. Perhaps an apple tree sees us as parasites and thinks of us as miscreants.
What if we ate the fruit Fallen from the apple tree?

Love this comment :)

nature not natural? then it wont be from nature if its not natural... it all depends on Your definition of natural. wow were ALL dreaming

mary jane's flowers have been around for more than 5000 years so i highly doubt they were artificially created. the potent weed is kind of a man-mad flower cuz its grown indoors plus to make it more potent, they seperate male from female plants and all the extra crystals (THC) is pollen. So pretty much potent weed = sexually frustrated weed.
lol, Yeah I haven't studied into marijuana, but I do know that there are several plants and animals that have been around for thousands of years that aren't "natural"
i just realized what i said. since all the history i've been taught is wrong, i really don't know if mary jane is artificial. after reading the Code, 5000 years doesn't seem like that long ago.
It opens you up to outside influences.
walking outa the house opens you up to outside influences....... so does mc donalds.......and television and politics .......



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