As promise we are forward for another round starting this year off with a complete segment on activation from every level. We will be doing several shows related to getting the mind, body, and soul in the condition that is necessary for it to go into its next transmutation fully functional. Join me Sevan and Guest Host Satori Mune this Sunday on Blog Talk Radio as we get you prepared for higher levels of interfacing.


This includes discussions related to the Eastern vs the Western approach to enlightenment, illumination, or activation. We will look deeper into the Crown Chakra down approach versus the Root Chakra up method.


Alkaline and Ph levels are becoming increasingly more important as we go into higher wavelengths. It is possible to restrict beneficial transformation with improper levels of Alkaline vs Acid.  We will show how to get Alkaline levels up and balanced through food and other products. We will talk about Minerals and Monatomics that aid consciousness and what they can be really used for.


We have all become much more closer in the last year as things speed up and the methods of how to live a balance daily life is in question. This month we will be spending time taking you inside of the home of Resistance developer Sevan to see just what goes on day to day while giving examples on how to maximize the potential of the advancement of your well being through all that has been provided.


We welcome everyone to not only join but invite a friend as they will get instruction on the most powerful breathing techniques, daily diet, and even how to apply frequency as medicine. These shows will be scheduled in 1 hour segment beginning on the date and time indicated. Injoy!



TIME - 4:00 P.M. CST

               10:00 P.M. GMT



DIRECTIONS - Press play on the widget below during showtime or go directly to the link above. Chat room will be available.


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Third eye wide open sevan
most excited :)
Honestly the Resistance thanks you.
Was this the fastest day of the year or what... lets stop time for the show, 4D here we go. 7 Roll out.
Beautiful! Thank you, Sevan  :)
Thank you, Sevan!
hey ayzrik where did you find out that info on the alkaline water, because i too drink water with a PH of 9.5 and i would be interested in knowing if thats just a waste of time.  I will check out the link you posted though for sure.
hi new to community greetings from Costa Rica i have a questions how does one know what are the ph levels in our bodies?
wow thanks complete answer thanks you very much for that information!

While there, you might also check this one out too.


i also take gotu kola regularly and im on alkaline water most of the time.I never have trouble staying on point(these days).I also take rhodiola another adaptogen,it helps to facilitate higher brain function.Dont forget vitamin BEEs as well.



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