For those of us who go through breakups, separation, any type of heartbreak, is there anything that we could do to help ourselves spiritually?
Those of us who fall in love and really truly do love our partners, then later we go through a breakup, because of thier or our fault, what do we do to calm or heal our soul?
the pain that we get from loving someone and watching it all fall apart is great.. is there anything that could help us in letting go?
Those of us who had our life planned, goals, dreams, with the one we love, when it all falls apart, what can we do? how should we think?
I wanted to see what kind of responses could come from this community..
please feel free to respond.
any light on any darkness will allow anyone to see
Ok This is a topic that gets everyone. love (in relationships) is like spirituality... you cant ever know everything about it.. is to vast and complex... No one can tell you what that is but i can sure share my inside to this from my own experience..
Love for another in some sense is the lack of love for self and ill explain. We are here looking for the "one" / the other. the one that we have been apart from... and that my friend for me is come to the point is the other part of me that is not found here. The one we want to connect with to be whole again. Since the biggest Duality program for us is women and men. the 1 and 0 is binary.. So we meet people we fall in love with them. Yes. we love them and very much at that but there is always something pulling you apart or pushing you apart or thing just dont add up or flow on the same frequency. The only way i see for one to be with someone is by accepting them for who they are. but you always have the choice to stay with them or not. So we can never blame the other person. We want to be complete at times through that other and it just cant be.. One has to complete them selves through finding one self.. The only way i see it fit. if women and men are vibrating on the same frequency and both are on the path of finding themself by going within.. That leaves both partys on a platform were they can have innerstanding about each others everquest and have respect for the private journey with the type of love that is eneternal for one another because we are all one in the same but without a dirrect attachment to the other.. I find love to exist in everything but with innerstanding of letting go because deep down emotion attaches you like a grouding force.
You come in here alone and leave here alone. twins dont have the problem for their other half comes in with them.. We may have soulmates and that does not mean intimate relationship only.. your friend or family memember can be your soulmate. yet that is not your other half... that why in the most deepest relationship we feel empty at times. I mean look how apart we all are and devided so how caan we even innerstand relatioships..? we are all disconnected most importantly from our other half. so with that said.. Love is missed use and missinterpret by our screwed up percetion. Attachments are addictions. Till we learn how to all love one another in the same for we are all one in the same humans cant comprehend what love is in a relationship if they cant look at the fellow friend or nieghbor as one in the same and love them just like they love their so called "child" wich they call it theirs.. wich is not... we all play the bother sister parent son daught friend characters and keep experiencing these levels of perception as a learning experience so how can we be so diluted to call the spawning ours..why? cause we birth it? the soul is not even the next SOULS property for us to call it ours.. we are sent out here to build each others mind not control one another on the other hand. with true wisdom that births respossibility for life does the best in there knoledge to pave the way for the next set of spawns to carry out a better example then the archetype that created them not confuse them and leave them lost with no dirrection.. we are here to work on our selves and live a life where we care and look after all creations and teach every creation to be its own force its own light and through example the next perception can learn the true nature to life and commonsense we are the solution we have come a long way so we can learn from our mistakes so we can care a take care of this planet and any other planet in the universe at that and pay back with love . love here has become some type of ownership or pain if one is without it.. is the lack of love for self..
so Relationship is all wrong because is not a relationship we need to figure out is our selves thats why love with eternal passion is loving without attachments because if you truely love some one you love them so much you let them go and keep growing so we can end this cosmic inbalance.. if we where all balance with true wisdom and non interference we would get this right and why? because is in our nature to love and care for one another but we for got so we love with ownership with attachment.. and that causes a huge trauma to one self leaving one hopelessly looking for love in some one else just to find out you love them so much but still something is missing.. is ok to love people but if you dont love and find the women in you> for men and the men in you for> women then we are never gonna get to the truth to what everythign is so we can innertsnad what is the most high and that is the totality of all .. is the catalyst to pave the way to rebuild with balance to allow an open/free soul the choice to seek balance through perception of anothers example and thats how we build our mind with out control with with out hate without pain without big father big mother symdrom.. we are not no ones .. how can we be if we are all one in the same in one big play learnign from the whole hologram experience... anywyas.. love her love your self if deep down inside you love her let her go so you can find your self and so can she and with free will and courage to walk the darkest of paths wich is in so one can find the fire witin to shine light to the darkness to remind them how pure they are for they are brave in the confussion and duality state they are in for they are lost and is the kidness when one comes out that takes it apound them selve to shine light yet with the right to let the other perception make the choice without interference of an external force.. we have to teach one anohter how to climb by letting them find their own way.. self master hood not some god telling you to make the same mistake of the reflection of lack of fire.. they forgot they held the fire within.. they need light and light needs thought order through balance.. that my frind is the most high when we learn how to climb with respect with balance and with love to care an nurture our universe for we gave our self life because we are pure creation manifesting itself at all times..
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