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  • Blacksburg, VA
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At 11:42pm on October 8, 2013, LORD SANADA said…

i realized early on that life was not what it appeared to be, it appeared that the mass of individuals in this reality had little if any knowledge of their existing reality and believed everything that they were being told. If you questioned authority you were punished for not accepting the existing order.   I wanted the truth above anything else and when you want that you get it. That exactly what i got, it was difficult, i read everything esoteric, but what is theory without practice, therefore i practiced everything esoteric. I went to mosque, temples, churches meditated, became vegetarian, raw foodist etc., took copious notes on my experiences.  i talked with others concerning there experiences.  I came to the realization that beliefs are powerful and if you invest your time and energy into these system you give them tremendous amounts of energy, whatever that system may be.  This is a great forum for people to exchange ideas and to exchange energy, however, one must be aware that some that bring their own energy(words) may not resonate well with everyone at this level and that there are subliminal energies that you do not see that exist and affect and implanted, like a seed being planted and watered and given sunlight and oxygen to cultivate it's growth.         

At 8:14pm on October 8, 2013, LORD SANADA said…

All things to all people do not mean the same things. Perception, perception, perception. Sharing theo-ries are just that theo-ries.  The application of those theo-ries can be frightening, having an experienced, qualified teacher, can have a positive result.  One is the loneliest number, just a song, actually one is never alone and is always being guided. whatever you learn, irrespective of how it is learned is for one's benefit.  I t is always a powerful benefit to be able to share ideas, perspectives and experiences. 

At 8:37pm on October 7, 2013, LORD SANADA said…

prior to doing raising the kundalini, i was an undergrad taking a class in what is eastern and western modes of learning.  My professor was a dr. from India who told me to jump up and down with my eyes closed and report the progress back to him.  In those days i did quite a bit of jogging and i was in pretty good condition.  So i went to a park with a friend and did as he suggested.  what took place was that i was not jumping up and down i was performing some type of dance, now over the days and weeks this progressed into some type of tai chi movements, which later progressed into speaking into some unknown language which later progressed into me being able to think in this language.  Unfortunately i did not understand what was happening but i now do, took me a while to figure it all out.  The community of 35 years ago knew nothing of what i was going thru.   

At 8:28pm on October 7, 2013, LORD SANADA said…

I see you are from blackburg, virginia are your near the monroe institute, some very interesting things were/are going on there if ....



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