Melisa Bell's Comments

Comment Wall (14 comments)

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At 9:28am on April 12, 2012, T W said…

Hi Melisa,

Thanks for the warm welcome, love the open hearted atmosphere. Sooo much new ground here that one could easily get lost for an eternity…

Welcome Journey We Share




At 4:33pm on April 8, 2012, April Daugherty said…

Thank you so much! I appreciate your response and the invite. What you said decribes me fully..

At 1:55pm on April 4, 2012, robert 1111 said…

Greetings Melisa, Thanks for the welcome gesture.....

God Speed to ya


At 10:20am on March 31, 2012, Mikhtam said…

Thank you my sister! I appreciate the love! Shalom

At 10:01am on February 13, 2012, Mrs. Emmanuel said…
Thanks! glad to be here!
At 7:20am on February 13, 2012, Nic Marsden said…

thank you very much all the best to you and your journey

At 3:41pm on February 2, 2012, Jakir Hussain Ali said…

thnx for the welcome =]

At 1:15pm on February 2, 2012, AARU said…
Thank you Melisa....luv N light to you;)
be blessed,
At 7:47am on January 23, 2012, harmoneelove said…

thank you melissa~



At 8:13pm on January 16, 2012, Crystal said…

Wholeness vibration welcome to the resistance Melisa..

At 7:56am on December 31, 2011, Michael Sims said…

Thanks for the welcome Melisa

At 3:57am on November 9, 2011, Bert Ward said…

Hi Melisa, welcome to this cool community! I've learned so much here - hope you do too!


At 4:36pm on September 25, 2011, Rana said…
I intended to go to Ancient Healing Secrets, but it has apparently closed, heard of any other places around? I looked some up, but I could not really find anyone still operating. thanks and wholeness
At 6:21pm on September 15, 2011, Rana said…
thanks Melisa! I'm looking forward to my journey of innerstanding. Do you have much knowledge on crystals/ or know of anyone in the area that does?


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