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Just go my sweat on at the gym, and on the way home I was thinking about how we are all fruit growing in a garden, and this lead into how when we see ripe, and juicy fruit we want to pick it, and eat it Before you pick the fruit you imagine the taste and your mouth may even water, you reach for it and pull it to your mouth expecting, and then experiencing the feel of the waxy skin against your tongue, the flesh of it as your teeth sink in, and the juice gently exploding flavor in your mouth. What a pleasurable experience when you are aware of it. when you choose to be aware of it. Then what about the seed/s? Tangible and intangible. Usually we don't even think of any of this but we know it. The tongue knows it, your teeth know it, the inside of your cheeks, and your lips. Remember how after eating some fruit your lips are sweet or tart and you can taste it. We store this and so it is in the sea of us, LOL! something tangible creating intangible. Later on you might even use the experience in a poem, or graphic. It is the same with flowers A memory came back to me of when I was younger and I wanted to pick beautiful flowers just to have them. Then the thought came if you pick the flower you will only be able to enjoy it for a short while, but if you leave it you could pass by it everyday and admire it all spring, then you could hold that image of the beautiful flower in your mind forever. You could use the experience you had with the flower to lift your spirit. intangible creating tangible. Driving in my car I saw how we behave with each other we see beauty and we want to have it instead of giving respect and admiring it enough to be symbiotic with it. We want to taste the fruit and not give value to the experience.
With alot of the information here on the resistance in the beginning I was "worried" that I would not understand. I thought of being thrown out into the sea unable to swim well. This would cause me to want to act to do something to make sure I survived and being mortal I would be in fear, panic and struggle and eventually drown, but the things is okay you have to act but do you have to choose to act like that? Couldn't you just decide to relax and float and move with the water let it carry you, calm you, and allow yourself to get to a point where you realize you and the water are one, and so there is no fear. Isn't that what the body does anyway in water, float? Don't get in the water trying to find out the molecular weight of the salt. Now, imagine being tossed in knowing your immortal.
We are always into whats tangible, we're cool if its tangible. When you know it because you can see it, touch it, taste it, hear it, or feel it. When we Know it to be fact, excepted by others externally, and you've studied or experience it for years, when we are lazy we take others words for things don't we? When it comes to the intangible we are so used to it being tangible, and solid we think like that towards the intangible. But it doesn't behave the same way hence the "in" prefix. I tended to want to in some way catch every bit of info and make it solid and still and instantly innerstand everything and see it tangibly and this lead to me feel like I did not have the capacity to innerstand when really I was in the sea panicking, and struggling attempting to find something to hold on to when I needed to choose to be calm and not expect anything just go with the flow. I innerstand that me and the "water" are one. There is no death.
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Hi Melisa,
Thanks for the warm welcome, love the open hearted atmosphere. Sooo much new ground here that one could easily get lost for an eternity…
Welcome Journey We Share
Thank you so much! I appreciate your response and the invite. What you said decribes me fully..
Greetings Melisa, Thanks for the welcome gesture.....
God Speed to ya
Thank you my sister! I appreciate the love! Shalom
thank you very much all the best to you and your journey
thnx for the welcome =]
be blessed,
thank you melissa~
Wholeness vibration welcome to the resistance Melisa..
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