Im going through a lot now in my life.. I have for the first time discovered that for these many years i have lived on this planet the man i believed to be my father isnt. At this moment i dont know what i should feel.. sad? or liberation? I am now free to express myself with no quilt whatsoever .. no longer will i be living up to someones expectations of me.. This may be one of the biggest chapters in my life.. whatelse does this transitional time period have for me? I was forced to grow up hearing "money is what measures your life, get a education! , wear a suit and tie and cut ur hair LOOK DECENT!, Eat real food! , stop reading books and learn what they teach you in school.. and other foolish talks..

Last week i was still thinking on how i could get around to finally transitioning into the breatharian state and how i could do it without my parents getting in my way.. how i could finally be free and let them know i dont believe in the education system.. how im not motivated by money neither do i believe in it.. how i dont believe in cuttin my hair.. how i would like to travel to safe jungle where i can finally be free from it all..

And right when i was most vulnerable the Universe has revealed to me that really it was just all a illusion.. now i have the power to either realize that absolutely nothing can stop me on my path or continue to pretend..


I havent told my mom that i now he isnt my father.. and I dont kno wether i should keep it in my mind or just reveal it.. but its funny how the universe works.. it gave me signs on this very matter but you just gotta have the eyes to see i guess...


i dont really have no one to talk about this with.. but im so happy i got a family here! I love you guyz!

Views: 53


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Comment by nima on April 18, 2011 at 6:23pm
i always remember these words when i feel compelled to do something..."so what's stopping you???"
Comment by Estrella on April 15, 2011 at 7:48am

Wholeness Melanated,

just a reminder:  Keep yourself in wholeness and balance and cultivate your love about this situation, staying focused and centered - allow the pain and your love that you cultivate to rise you above these circumstances.  Once you feel this, and you will know that you are there when you reach there, then you will know what to do and how to do it.


Comment by Jon Vincent on April 12, 2011 at 5:45pm

Wow Mel, I'm having going through a very similar experience we well - the the point where I got really down and negative about it - "Why is this happening to me?"  At times I felt like eating the "steak and wine", because it was causing so much tension - but somehow I've managed to stay on course and not give it to all the illusion.   Thanks for sharing Mel,  what you said really got to me.  stay strong. 

Comment by Interbeauty on April 8, 2011 at 6:34pm

Hello Brother,

I can relate tremendously with feeling you are in the wrong place and getting closer to nature.  I have recently cut my hair, almost cut out meats all the way (really just eggs, I like to bake), began speaking out on these systems and just overall speaking my truth that no one cares to hear or feels it is relevant.  Sometimes I feel like I shouldn't say anything, but I find myself feeling more recently you may wake this person of with this small statement.  One of the best things we can do is not to deny ourselves of ourselves.  I was recently told "I wish you had a regular job like everyone else, so you wouldn't have so much time to look for truth."  I responded with where every I am, I AM and there I will find truth.  I can't run away from myself.

Comment by Larry on April 7, 2011 at 6:54pm
..dude your consciousness has elevated you! You are exalted above time/matter so matters don't matter. I love the strength I hear coming through your words.. Eternal-Potency! Please continue to write.. I'm excited about what's unfolding in and through your life and transitions to higher states..
Comment by Lola on April 7, 2011 at 5:53pm

Hi Melanated1,

I'm just gonna ask questions, but you don't have to answer me.

Why wouldn't you tell your Mother? Fear of upsetting her? Maybe that would be the start of your journey, letting her realise that it changes everything for you, maybe she wasn't feeling his energy either, just a thought. It could be a relief for her, I'm sure it will be a shock, just let her know you're not mad, don't pressure her for answers unless she's ready to tell you. Show her some love, be calm and listen.

I love how you'd want to go to the jungle and live a simple life, me too, I feel I was born in the wrong time or place, re-born I should say.

We can see the signs or not. I'm not sure what signs to look for, but I have been told about them, numbers. ?? What signs have you noticed?

Comment by Estrella on April 7, 2011 at 5:34pm
Hello Melanated :)
Last year when we visited an uncle, uncle who is about 87 told us,"our parents gave us life but they didn't give it to us made". That was profound. At that time my life had taken a turn also, I was looking directly at a new situation, knowing that I was making my path like I never had before. I knew this yet I wondered if I would get a little help out there. the help has come in many different ways. When I found the Resistance I took yet another turn, one I didn't expect. I'm learning, making changes and also expressing what I learn.

Wholeness, balance and love
Comment by Mr. Spirit Matter on April 7, 2011 at 12:28pm
Thanks for sharing Mel1 Best way to predict the future is creating it I learned that from you that statement didnt make sense to me then one day It hit me Funny how the "Universe works" and it was that liberation feeling let nothing stop us again thanks for sharing big dog. Wholeness


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