"The key to revelation is emptiness, because the cosmos is already locked in the subconscious mind.

"The key to revelation is emptiness, because the cosmos is already locked in the subconscious mind.
In order to remember we must stop trying and witness revelation." By cosmos, i mean eternity, infinity, everything that there is to know can be taped into. But just like trying to think of something like a song title that you havnt heard in a wile or something like that, you have to almost forget about it to remember. that's what Buddhas talking about, empty the mind, to let the mind show you rather then for you to show the mind. Within the mind there's a mind that knows everything, The higher mind. Now the processing mind... that is what we usually think with, and its just clouding our higher mind. To attain the state of thinking in the higher mind we have to be the director rather than the actor in this drama called life. Thinking with nothing but the processing mind is over thinking. stress, depression is caused by this too... so is anger and lust and well.. just about every single negative thing in life. The zen masters speak of simplicity bc no thought brings enlightenment. Patience doesn't come easy, emptiness is not easy at first, thats why so many give up, the results dont show like the over thinking processing mind seems too... its a dead end street though... shallow answers. do not indulge in the endless chatter nor try to force it out, just observe it, watch it and laugh at yourself.

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