Join us this Sunday as we expand in to what will happen, has happen, and can happen when it comes to Ascension. We will also do a side by side comparison of the Ascension process versus the more common Rapture concepts. We will look in to the various methods that bring about expansion and innerverse contact.


Show Time: Sunday March 18, 2012 4:00 P.M. GMT 11:00 A.M CST 1hr

We welcome all callers! Call in to speak with the Host:

1 (347) 996-5688



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Comment by learner on March 23, 2012 at 11:10pm

What recent movie is Sevan referring to in the beginning where the guy emulates being in a bubble or something?

Comment by Karrade on March 11, 2012 at 2:51pm

That caller that spoke of hoping to be in tune, thank you for those words too :), it is a thing I've faced many times since I started waking up.

Comment by Karrade on March 11, 2012 at 2:41pm

I've been able to reach many friends on the surface or even get one or two interested on a deeper level, but with astral quest I will be able to reach so many more.


This is all a long way from where I am now, but it is what made my past. On offering something for games, as that was my life for some 20 years here is a useful link:


This still holds true to making games appeal to many types of people playing them, a good cross section of people you might not otherwise reach. I am sure you have experienced people on staff, but if you want people to attract other people in gaming terms quickly, you want to give them an empowering reason for asking their friends, a space to call their own, and a driving force to challenge them.


Again I am no longer in that world, I created maybe 20 RPG boards, Beta tested many games, have played them since 93. Some of the games I made became popular very quickly, and I have written on more than I can count creatively, so I might be able to help with a few ideas here and there, or translating material to make it engaging to people who otherwise might have not understand it. This also corresponds to my karmic debt of 19, and one of the reasons I am on the world at the moment, connection, so there will be a lot of creative energy to harness if you would benefit from it.

Comment by White Knight on March 10, 2012 at 5:17pm

I don't know if this is big issue or not the comment dates seem to be dated back to January 2012 even thought this was posted on march 10th 2012. Otherwise SevON have a great show :)

Comment by esdsix on January 21, 2012 at 6:32pm


Comment by Sevan Bomar on January 8, 2012 at 7:20am

Lol, we have to be most considerate of others who do not know that is how learning is accomplished. 

Comment by Tyrone on January 7, 2012 at 3:09pm

awesome, looking forward to this 


Comment by iahim.andrei on January 7, 2012 at 12:04pm

sounds interesting although I think that the answers to some of these questions are already in the know since we are here :)

nevertheless see you all there, or should I say hear...


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