The sea is colored of red, but nothing to do with a climatic effect of the nature watch this by yourself

The must of this cruelty with which the human beings (to be civilized) kill hundreds of the famous and intelligent Dolphins Calderon. All this happens year after year in the Feroe island in Denmark, in this massacre participate mainly young people WHY, just Because? In order to demonstrate that these same young people already have arrived at an adult age “maturity”

To this celebration regularly nobody lack not to lose “ the diversion ”. All participate in a way or another one, killing or seeing the cruelty “ supporting it like spectator.

It is possible to mention that the dolphin Calderon, like almost all the other species of dolphins, one approaches the man to interact and to play solely with peaceful friendship gesture.

Thus, so play the human beings: they ended up all it throwing to lose or violently and destructive until insanity that allows our nature.

They don't die right away, they are penetrated with hooks, at those moments the dolphin are crying under this torture!

There is no compassion from this barbarian young peoples until this docile one bleeds slowly and suffers by tremendous wounded until fighting itself and dying in its own blood.

Finally these heroes of the island, now either are adult reasonable right facts and, or have demonstrated their maturity!

It is already enough! .......RE POST this message until it arrives at some protective animal association, we don't watch it only that turns us into WATCHING accomplices.

Views: 64


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Comment by RobertODurantE on November 18, 2010 at 11:20am
"Please do some research on this...Its not what it seems...we are so quick to persecute.......Please do your research.."
Good merry, if you can justify this massacre, I accept your reason to make this comment, may your day be filled with love, RobertO
Comment by merry weathers on November 18, 2010 at 11:10am
Please do some research on this...Its not what it seems...we are so quick to persecute.......Please do your research..
Comment by Marcus Fields on November 9, 2010 at 2:34pm
Wow! Unbelievable. I am at a lost for words.
Comment by RobertODurantE on November 4, 2010 at 3:41pm
here is few link's where you can sign a petition to stop this barbarian tradition..............
lets stop this for ever, lets protected our sea family who was long long time before we appear on this planet..............
tahnk you my dear family for your support in advance, RobertO
Comment by Simone Gloser on November 4, 2010 at 3:52am
It is so sad that human being need so much time to understand that they are on the wrong side doing things. I am always with u Roberto.


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