I have a question to ask or maybe Sevan could answer this one. But this has been happening to me for awhile. At first i just blew it off but now I'm starting to see that maybe i need to address it. I want to know from you while going through your activation process if you ever had experienced any kinds of dreams that were telepathic in nature sexually? I had experienced on four occasions but this morning it was just crazy because i was aware that it was telepathic. In the dream I was at a museum in France observing the artifacts there when I would see a nice looking man in is mid 40's in the room full of people. He was dressed casual in beige and white linen. However somehow we would speak only once or twice with our mouths then go our separate ways. Somehow, he would speak with me telepathically sending me strong signals of wanting to mate with me and i would not entertain the thought. But it was like he had some kind of strong energy that would trigger me to give in to him. I had eventually gave in to the point that the experience felt so real on the physical level. When we had got together in the dream, the energy was extremely intense and every time we would have "sex' it would be on some higher stronger energy vibration. When i woke up i wasn't drained physically at all but mentally i was charged up.
It's kind of hard to explain it since it's not involving the physical body and it had taken place in my dream state , or maybe it was in another dimension all together. But i do know this, I always see the same man when I'm in the museum in France.
I know some of you may say that you may just need to have sex but this kind of dream isn't anything like that. Something is happening, I'm not sure if i'm dreaming of the future or what. Perhaps Sevan can elaborate on this topic a bit.
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