Researcher Observer Whats Next...

 Ive been an observer for along time doing research an matching the information up to whats going on right infront of me. knowing the difference between the truth an opinion is my specialty but whats next after being an observant researcher. Ounce I've figured out how deep it goes, u run into the stream of the all. An you realize that you do fit somewhere into whole rather than being an outsider going thru the motions just to get by, you eventually get filled enough to get in on the act. I made the choice along time ago to stay true to myself so i wont get caught up in falsehood an it has brought me here.


Thank You Seven an the Resistance family for ur dedication to humanity,

I kno longer have to pay for information or be subject to idealogical perspectives. I can now start my inner life with love an guidence



Light an

Wholeness To all

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