Opening the 3rd eye, attempt one.

Last night I attempted to open my 3rd eye for the first time. My first step was alkalizing my body. I just finished making batch of Lugols Iodine, to flush my thyroid of ll the mercury I've accumulated over the years, followed by a shot of colloidial silver. Then I concocted an herbal tea made with GotuKola (Third Eye Flush), Ginkgo (blood flow to the brain), Alfalfa (for eye health), Dandelion root (the "red" herb, an enhancer) and Cayenne (to open all the pores and tissues in my mouth/throat, plus "Red Herb"). I then made an alkaline salt water and Lemon juice mixture to make my body more conductive.

I don't have any "blank" walls in my house, so I placed a rather large piece of drawing paper on the wall next to the Light Switch, then it was lights out.

I sat down facing north after I had stretched and straightened my back. The windows were covered, and the room was dark. I began by vibrating my larynx. Only after a few breaths did the inner vibrations come. Then I connected tht vibration with my already vibrating "third eye." Then I waited, fully aware of all the vibrations within me. It was like all of my chakra points we're stimulated and excited. foggy lights began to fly through my closed eye vision. At one point, I observed a ring of light, with a corona round the edges, I speculate that this was my 3rd eye trying to open. I finlly stood up, walked over and flipped on the light. Gazing into the paper, I found it covered in a grid of squares colored black with a green glow. This however faded.

I was reminded of the initiates at giza who had to sit in the great pyramid for 3 days, in total darkness.

Maybe that has a lot to do with "gaining the ressurection" More innerstanding is needed. also I will need to get hold of some homeopathic metals, or make colloidial versions of gold, copper, and cobalt.

Can't wait for round two

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Comment by Jon Vincent on March 16, 2010 at 9:50am
nice. I'm also attempting to open up my 3rd eye as well. Keep updating!
Comment by Michael A Brito on March 15, 2010 at 7:24pm
Don't read to much into the grid. Be careful with the metals. The alchemy you seek is "meta" physical, and not physical. Just keep practicing. You will see! You will see!
Comment by Brizzle on March 14, 2010 at 12:37pm
awesome I can't wait to keep up with you on this journey, you have my full support and love


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