Greetings everyone,

I just wanted to share a website I recently came across recently, with some rather uplifting ideas contained within.

It includes the "Covenant of One Heaven," Canons for various types of law including Divine Law, Natural Law, Positive Law, and more and something called an Ecclesiastical Deed Poll - potentially for anyone who has been looking into the whole "sovereign Citizen / or Freeman of the Land" concept, this may me a more direct and appropriate document to create, according to the maker of this website.

Respond if you have looked into this website at all and please reflect your ideas on it.



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Comment by Darren on July 26, 2011 at 1:53pm

Hi Jewel Free!

I was looking for the website but that was wrong, it is:

with essays on the Papal Bulls ( Baals) written on the skin of sacrificial victims and outspoken heretics.

Ya gotta have a strong stomach to dig into this sociopathic behavior. This woman has some interesting

essays as well:


Take care,



Comment by Darren on July 21, 2011 at 2:45pm

Halo Jewel Free !

That's a great website for sure. Here's a talk he gave:

I resonate to his connection with earth changes.

He also speaks of ( which I cannot find ) where he describes douments kept hidden away that were written on the skin of sacrifice victims showing how deeply into ritual abuse and consciousness some characters are capable of going. Here is another article describing the virus that infects the collective mindset:

Etymology of the term 'wetiko'
From Cree Wīhtikōw.
wetiko (uncountable)
Cannibalism, or, figuratively, the consumption of humans for profit, wage slavery.
Now, here's an article that exposes the 'privately owned central banking system' using the term wetiko:
If you could stomach the painful truth of that article here's more of the same: 


Take care,



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