The 2012 Endeavor

Wholeness and Balance to you Resistance Member and Supporter. I wanted to first start off by saying thank you for reviewing this letter and even more-so I want to thank you for your continuous support and belief in our worldwide cause.

We have been making a great deal of progress with consciousness on a whole in our continuous advent out of duality. 2012 has started off with an energetic wave that promises a great deal of awakening for our reality. We feel our greatest task is now at hand, this of course is to do everything that we can to make the process of enlightenment as harmonic as possible for others now choosing to embark on the quest which entails the true meaning of their existence. We must always keep in mind that we are all Family united with a common ground of our Mother Earth.

The Resistance has developed a realtime platform that has given live instruction on how to maximize the existence of self through the discovery of the Truth. This Truth, which is the only Law, is that we are everything. Once this realization is complete within the individual a vast expanse awaits for them to continue self discovery with no fear and unhindered energy.

It is clear, the choices of 2012 are; one either expands to higher planes and states of existence by exercising  love and compassion or choose to symbolically die in the illusion to only return for another round. We feel it is our duty to do all we can to prevent the latter from happening. In addition we all share a collective frequency so in effect the mission we have been designed for is now at hand.

We ask you personally to review the current progress and future plans below. In doing so we ask that you consider us again in making a contribution as we have a great deal on our plate and are in need of the necessary current to speed up the process. The faster we can bring about completion in various areas the quicker we can get to our next duty. To make it clear, anything you can spare will help us.

I want to let everyone know that just as this began as a free portal of knowledge and ascension it will always remain as such. This however is greatly due to your support so you should know that your contributions are very similar to scholarships that allow those with little resources more than access to the internet to enjoy the most valuable things in the Universe, the discovery of self and a connection with everything.

You should know that I will keep pushing for everyone no matter what it takes and at all costs, this has already been proven just as The Resistance motto states, "it is not what we plan to do but what we have done already and continue to do". Lets get some innerstanding and go do something outstanding!

James Evans Bomar III

Developer of the Planetary Resistance


Its that Time Again

Due to the 2012 phenomena and a plethora of predictions many people worldwide feel it is time they get themselves in order. Many religious organizations are using this vulnerable time to lure more seekers into their stagnate folds. We are making a paramount effort to gain maximum exposure in all major arenas, search engines, and related sites.

The Resistance Alliance has already began propagating the knowledge everywhere we can. Our groups meet regularly to discuss and implement new strategies. This takes a great deal of effort and we are all pulling together to do everything we can to ease the troubled minds scrambling for truth amongst a web of disinformation, confusion, and hidden agendas.

We are doing a complete overhaul of the site that will allow all posts to connect on a fluid level based on keywords and inquiries most pertinent to the seeker. This will in effect cut down the time it takes for the person to grasp what they need to do next. This will ultimately answer that question for good.

Allies of Humanity

There is a great deal of unrest worldwide caused by the after effects of the Occupy Everything Campaign which began in the United States. The U.S. has always set the trends and idealism of the reality and in many cases this can be used to counteract the negative impact the west has had on the world. We must not forget this is our world and to tear down it foundations before a new plateau has been fully established is not at all wise.

We are currently structuring videos and pamphlets encouraging citizens of the world to build rather than tear down and to think several moves ahead, hence the term "Chess not Checkers". If the U.S. collapses many have no place to go, it should be clear that it is not a matter of the economy but a matter of how much we believe in what we are a part of. It is also clear many have lost faith in their countries but this does not mean we have to lose trust in each other. We are talking about a whole world full of Indigo, Rainbow, Pyramid, and Crystal people so don't count true change out so fast. A big ship can be turned around by a small rudder, let us not forget this.

The 2012 Harvest

We have discovered the exact principles of reaping and sowing. 2012 is the year of harvest however what will that harvest bring in for you and those in your environment? Will it be abundance or thorns and thistles? Teaching others these exact methods which can be monitored every month around the full moon will allow them to become not only more responsible for their actions but also eager to plant good seeds.

At the beginning of the year we restarted our weekly Q&A and life couching Skype Sessions. There has been a strong turn out and people are getting more clarity than ever. Topics such a neutralizing fear, how to eat, mediation, and much more is covered. We feel that tools such as this will give everyone an opportunity to connect and have a dialog rather than a monologue with myself and other Resistance enlighteners. This is a powerful key to allowing others to clearly innerstand how they can succeed in various areas from others who have done so already.

Answering the Call

Answering the call of the Universe is what we do. So far this year we have made our library completely downloadable, we have rolled out brand new and exciting Resistance Positions for all to get involved and share in cycling pure energy. This is a great effort to balance karma and reduce idle time especially for the youth. I ask all to keep in mind that the Resistance has several young minds and those mind must be nurtured properly and with innerstanding.

I would like to take this time to mention that the Youth have a great deal to teach us also. It is important for us to continue to make this interesting for them as they are the future and the ones who must carry the torch. This means making sure our content is future forward and able to gain their attention. We ask our Elders and Adepts to keep this in mind when questioning why we use certain images and jargon, we do have an obligation to build bridges to all states of consciousness.

You should know that you are the Resistance's strongest line of Alliance and it is with your support all these things have been brought about. In effect I'm asking for your permission to continue as I'm very aware that without your support we will have to desist as the size of our network has grown to such a level that I can no longer support it alone and continues to grow daily. We are making a huge impact.

If you can support we ask you to click "here" or follow the link below to be directed  to the contribution portion of our site. Thank you again for considering us. Wholeness

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