hi ppl im just amazed by what i have came acros here wich ive known in my heart all my life was true, I realy hated life an the thought of, is this it, and then we die, but deep down i knew there was something more. thank our real almighty for ppl like sevan . anyway im stuck for ppl to talk to about this subject as everybody are literely asleep an dont want waking up but i know me changing will wake ppl up so im gona do it for not just me but everyone an everything an nothing is going to stop me but i could do with i litle help . I have moved out of my town an away from distraction an have started runing im packing the sigeretes in this week but for ever this time iv started breathing exercises an meditation and im going to buy nutrients etc this week. I could realy do with some support though as apart from my mum who i text daily who still thinks jesus is her savior i dont realy have any lol . does anybody know ppl or groups near me? maybe never know worth a try . Anyway ppl keep up the good work the word is spreading well get there in the universe lol thanks an love to all paul scouser liverpool england you know were john lennon was born lol :)

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Comment by Raymond Gene Key on May 6, 2011 at 10:55am
I think its great when someone does what you are doing for yourself.we all wish there where more people to level with and go furthur with.I think this is the only way for me as well everything drives me forword the more that i know and experience.wholeness to you
Comment by Mr. Spirit Matter on May 6, 2011 at 10:04am

Good day mr. Bateman man i know how you feel weve all been there at one point or another If there is anything i can do brother dont hesistate to ask the Resistance is here for you brother here check through this maybe some uk allies near you




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