Japan Tsunami Fukushima Disaster

Leuren Moret is an international expert and researcher on radiation and public health, specifically advocating against the use of depleted uranium - who is telling all who will listen about the dangers of Nuclear Power.

Here is a video from a public speaking event where Lauren Moret talks about the Fukushima and nuclear issues. I transcribed parts of her talk as the video is quite long. I hope you can learn something from this to inform and empower yourselves and others. Apple pectin has the ability to remove ionizing radiation from the body and also Potassium Iodide tablets.


Don't know how long YouTube will leave these up, so please watch and if you can download them, please do so.

Part One https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOYhZlEf5gI
Part Two https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Be0ow2Jjs9E

"I'm a quaker, I do not work on weapons of war, I do not believe in war. I'm doing this to inform and educate the public, about what is happening with the public health and the weapons that are being used now to affect the health of the biosphere and the entire planet.

a Magnitude 9 earthquake releases the energy of 1 million Hiroshima bombs. That earthquake was followed by a 30 foot tsunami.
Indigenous technology cannot be improved on. If we return to indigenous technology we would be safer and better off, have foods that are 10 times better than what we have today.
There are 600 000 spent fuel rods, from 40 years of operating those reactors. A spent fuel rod weighs about 1200 pounds, it has over 1300 isotopes in it, and is exactly what is produced when a nuclear bomb explodes.
 4 of the reactors have blown up and that have now contaminated the whole Northern hemisphere.
After 24hrs without cooling they were in advance stages of meltdown. The melted cores have burned through the floor and into the soil, down towards the drinking water.

Iodine-131 in drinking water, it is staining it yellow. Drinking water and dairy products are the main pathways for the radiation into your body. This is so horrible, I've been stunned since March 11, seeying what's going on. I'm sorry to tell you this, but people should know.
Tincture of iodine to prevent uptake of radioactives in the body. Rub on skin over thyroid, between Adams apple and collar bone.
Most important thing to protect, have to do it for the next year as the radioactive material is still in the air and will continue to come in untill they stop it and entomb it. Kelp powder from health food stores, half a teaspoon in water every day.

Half-live of iodine is 8.5 days. It takes 10.5 lives for the radiation to diminish, that's 85 days.
You want to flood your thyroid and body with iodine, so it prevents uptake of the radioactive iodine. When the thyroid is damaged it causes obesity, immune system damage and all sorts of problems.
Pregnant women, children and old people are most harmed by these free radicals.
Please take iodine for at least 6 months, it may save your life. You can also rub it on your stomach or other areas, it will wash off in the shower. It is so cheap to do, $2.50 from drug store. Don't listen to dept of healthcare, you have to do the best you can for yourself and your body.

This event will cripple the farmers in Japan as well as in N. America where farms are affected. This will allow the bankers to buy this land and own the land and then farm
the contaminated land and sell the food back to us. The Rothschilds have bought big farming areas in India and Monsanto is also there.
The Rothschilds have planned a long time ago to cripple the European farmers and then sell them food. Why are they doing this?
There are 3 ways to create new wealth. Banking, agriculture, mining. They control banking, they're getting control of the food supply and they certainly control the mining.
These are the factors behind disasters like this...and there are going to be more. This is just the beginning.

These areas are so affected that the only way to survive is to move to the Southern hemisphere, especially small children.
Recorded levels on the US east coast, west coast, Hawaii, west-Russia, Germany, the Assos (eastern atlantic), Iceland and Sweden shows huge number of radiation fallout. The levels are higher in some areas than
during the levels from the Chernobyl disaster. The weather and rainfall determines how the radiation is spreading and rained out.

The contaminated seawater have been dumped back into the sea, millions and millions of gallons. This water is getting caught in the great conveyor belt of the oceans,
moving from the warm shallow water and then to the cold, salty deep water. These currents run through-out the world's oceans. These water will wash up on all the shorelines of North America and Hawaii.
This is what bomb testing from 1945-1963 has done, it's cause a 50% decline in fishing catch in 8 years, due to Astronium 90. Tests from the Norway have proved this.
As soon as the radiation stops the fish population increase again. Once it becomes genetic, it becomes unstoppable.
We're playing with technologies and don't really know whats going to happen. We're only seeing the tip of the iceberg. When DNA is damaged in a sperm cell and egg it will be present in the body of that human and animal.
Its so imperative for people to understand how to protect themselves. Meseo soup is another good way to protect your body.
 Free radicals are produced in greater numbers from ionizing radiation than any other source. Dr. Levin, who studied the effects of radiation after the hydrogen bomb tests of Russia in the arctic,
 said that Ionizing radiation is 10 - 100 million times more damaging to organisms in their developing stages than the strongest chemical.
When chemicals are present they work synergestically and the effects are multiplied. So chemicals and radiation are even worse together.
These are the chronic disease that have increased so much since 1945 in Americans: Atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, chronic inflammatory diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, lung damage and the adult respiratory distress syndrome,
cystic fibrosis etc.

Talks about friend of hers in Japan who got HIV from infected blood sold by US company and how he had to take medication to stay alive. He started doing Tai Chi. Tai Chi balances the energy and restores energy to areas in the body where it is malfunctioning. He no longer needs hemophilia or HIV medicine.
That's the miracle of trying alternative medicine and indigenous technology. It works, it's free, non invasive and it frees you from the burden of disease and poor health. It's not hopeless.

Two thirds of breast cancer cases happens within 100miles from a nuclear reactor. You can see on this map Los Allemos, New Mexico and California. The coroner of San Francisco stated that every body he did an autopsy on had cancer, no matter the cause of death. I'm showing this to you to demonstrate that nuclear reactors have
a devastating effect on public health...and whats coming out of Fukushima and coming tomorrow is causing death in the US.
Official health statistics from Japan shows - before the 1950s the main cause of death was infectious diseases and cancer and diabetes were very very low.
With the increase in nuclear technology there has been mortality from radiation illness, which replaced the death of infectious diseases.
Female polar bears and fish have been found with both female and male organs.

I've worked with Native Americans and shamans and healers and the work they're doing is really phenomenal. I've sent people to a medecine woman on Vancouver island and she cured their diabetes. Every indigenous population I've asked about diabetes has a root, bark or fruit to solve the problem.
Their is no reason for us to use insulin if root bark from plants can be used. There are certain plants that have a certain vibrational energy coming from the photons of the sun.
We have all the medicine to cure the illnesses we have, right there in the woods and orchids to heal us. It's been forgotten or moved out of legislation by the decision makers, who are usually the pharmaceuticals and weapons makers that cause widespread illnesses.

What im giving you here is just information, to build a framework for you to work from. What people are doing is building their own database of information, that you've collected yourselves, that you can trust and can share with others.
So please, please, talk to everyone you know...and share this information. Because it's only a global awareness, all these small lights go on in the world, sharing information, that will save us...and help us.
And makes us realize that it's not personal, it depersonalized the pain and the fright and suffering, and it empowers us to speak out, to act in a positive way to help each other.

No country, no government, No region, no state, no city, no family can afford nuclear power anymore. This is what the aftermath of Fukushima looks like. How in the world can they send these kamikaze workers off to a fate of death , a place that is so destroyed, to try to make it work.
And now with the Stuxnet virus, the fate of any country can be determined with a pen drive.
This is what the hidden agenda of nuclear power is really about. It's for economic warfare, it's for land grabs, it's for depopulation. How could you not see it now?
It's so obvious. I'm not going to be silent, and let GE poison the whole world and destroy humanity...and I hope you will help me, by telling other people, by sharing the information, and by finding the strength and the spirituality within you, because we are all being poisoned to death."
 - Lauren Moret

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