Glenn Beck's Theme Song Forms a Serpeant!

Okay, so I know this is going to soung like a stretch... but in my gut, I feel it!

I am living in the house of my father, who watches four to five hours of FOX (FAUX) political ranters every single day. Needless to say, earplugs are my best friend.

Well, I was in the kitchen, which is right there by the TV room (aka family room, living room...but I fail to see much living or family gathering in this space when that crap is on all the time)...and even through my earplugs, that damned shakra blocking theme song of Beck's was playing.

I am sooo bothered by their frequencies, sound effects, and so called music that FINALLY this afternoon I had this gut impulse to pick up a pen and paper towel and draw a "map" of the sound that was buzzing through my earplugs. They do a pretty good job filtering out voices talking, but the sounds they play relentlessly bleed through.

I am a musician, but I play by ear. I've tried learning theory but it just seems to stop the musical proccess for me. so I just mapped out the notations using dots. And when I was done, I was looking at the shape of a slithering serpeant!

I took a picture and emailed it to myself...twice..but it has not appeared in my inbox I will post it as soon as it does. In the meantime, I had to post this blog.

I just KNEW there was something about the resonance of this that was occult. This, you have to SEE...

Sooo... to be continued!

Wholeness! LoveLight! <3 )))

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Comment by Marilyn Mae on November 30, 2010 at 2:22am
Well, all this time , I have been attempting to send that image from my phone to my email. I must have sent it at least a dozen times! Sometimes it will take a few days, then all the sudden I will receive something I sent from my phone in my inbox. but not this one....ever! I'm getting pretty frusterated because I really wanted to show you all! It is absolutely crazy disturbing...just like the friggen "song" itself!
Comment by Marilyn Mae on November 4, 2010 at 1:10am
Yeah...I should look in "his" books he supposedly wrote and see what kind of black magic "lies" within has them all!


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