Just a thought, if a frame is used to pour and mold brick, then couldnt the same be used to pour and mold the ton blocks on the pyramid. That would definetly be lighter, and being in direct contact with the sun and excessive heat would speed up the process of hardening. Dont know if that route was ventured or debunked but seems pretty logical.

Views: 48


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Comment by nicole stigliano on July 9, 2011 at 10:56am
If you could think for a moment in our time, natural and unnatural disasters have destroyed a many of man made structures. We as a people see what can and cannot survive such disasters. Wouldn't one/a people consider that to preserve their being/history/culture they would need better structures. What man mad structure do we have now that could measure up to the length of thousands of years standing pyramid? stone carving is anything but a primitive thing of the past. It is a knowing/unknowing intelligence making word of mouth last for a many. In order to find the answer you think would be better research i begin at the begining and place myself in the shoes of the architect. Ive read, watched, listened, and learned as many have on there opinion to the pyramids. Logic tells me it is much simpler then percieved. However being intelligent enough to build a long standing structure says that whatever they wanted to preserve was ment to last thousands of years, also to be discovered as to not have a culture/people lost from the history of the world. Lastly if i were to make a guess on why was the pyramids build 5 miles west of the nile or and why over a river bank (water is energy) taken from the American educator encyclopedia (1935) ( as long as the river flows, when we shall have harnessed all the flowing rivers of the country we shall have no further need of black coal)so where intelligence comes in if the people have learned to use the rivers for energy to run there citys then you could even say that giza was the operations center. Or built to use and hide this found technology to enslave the people. Enslavement is nothing new and has been eversince.
Comment by Debbie_Duberstein_Esd. on July 8, 2011 at 8:31pm

My two cents worth:

Enough is known now about how the pyramids were built.

hundreds of books and videos show that egyptian workers carved each stone and placed it with obvious skill.

You should be thinking about what initially motivated egyptian kings to demand that the entire social order be dedicated to forming a fake mountain next to the nile river.

Egyptologists claim each pharoh built a tomb for himself,but are the pyramids products of a simple edifice complex,or did the serve other purposes also or in addition...

this seems to me to be much more fruitful as a line of research.

Comment by nicole stigliano on July 3, 2011 at 11:04pm
The only way to debunk it is to actually do it with the materials they had available to them. Then of course the waiting period on how long it takes to harden. If i was to build a pyramid in that way i think i would start from the center out. And have shaped out frames for for gaping door ways. I would carve brick lines in it to make it look unique. I would dress it up with art work to beautify the wall ways. While keeping unnoticed the key to the hidden door ways of each level leading to the main chamber. I would confuse those looking for me in mt chamber by placing the first key/code/entrance in the middle they may find the hidden door to the way to the next level down but once they get down they will think they have reached the bottom but they have not. There is another door way to go up 2 levels and in that room a doorway to go up another level in that room a doorway to go down to the level just before the first one then in that room i will place a trickery because the entrance towards my chamber is in that room. Thats just how i would have built it.


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