Gaza 2009: The Palestinians Holocaust. SOME SHOCKING SCENES OF CASUALTIES.

Why is there nothing being done to redress the injustice of what is going on here!
I oppose any nation or group of people that can use excuse after excuse to cause genocide!!! If this was happening in Britain or America, it would have caused a war against the aggressor! These people don't seem to matter!! All people everywhere matter! No one should be excluded! THIS IS JUST PLAIN WRONG! IT IS EVIL!

Gaza 2009: The Palestinians Holocaust.

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Comment by Charles Magus on October 14, 2010 at 5:51am
Hi Rev. Dr. Shaun A Delage! Yes, I had posted a blog on OV about the Canadian Nuns and Priests who had beaten to death Native Canadian children in their care! It is government sponsored murder in their own country!

I can tell you that the Holocaust in Nazi Germany was a complete and utter hoax, perpetrated by the Zionists who financed and started the war! It was to get sympathy for a state of Israel! though 33,000 did die in the camps, but it was not from Zyclon B, but from Cholera and Typhoid caused by starvation when the allies cut off the German food supply! This is one fact that the
Anti-Deformation league wanted to suppress more than anything else. Jewish factions would threaten to kill anyone who denied the Holocaust because it would mean that they would be disgraced by the world and forced to give Palestine back to the Palestinians!



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