Earth Changes, Man made catastriohies=CONNECTION?

how connected are the end time prophecies to MAN MADE CATASTROPHIES? How much of the "END TIMES" was actually 'preordained' or PLANNNED? Were those prophecies of the Bible IMPLANTED in order to get the whole populace mentally prepared for exactly what was prophecied? How much was 'known' ahead of time and orchestrated by other-dimensional beings for just these kinds of scenarios? How much of our consciousness integrates into this? Is there any way to stop it?.....these are the questions, my friends! All thoughts and feedback are greatly appreciated!

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Comment by klove513 on June 30, 2010 at 7:48pm
YOU GUYS ROCK! I'm sorry to be so almost 'biased' but you guys have unequivokly said exactly what was in my heart with regard to these concepts! I often feel the 'press' of how the human race is manipulated into these thoughts/beliefs that end up manifesting true through those burdens my heart at times but to KNOW that YOU OF THE RESISTANCE have the awareness...*sigh
It helps me NOT to FEEL sooo hopeless for the masses...cause I want a MAJORITY to innerstand, but nonetheless, I REJOICE IN THOSE OF US THAT DO! (cuz its soo much better than I thought it was before I found this site!!!) I don't 'feel' so ALONE anymore as I do whatever I can to help others with the depth of deception that is all around! You, the RESISTANCE just warm my heart to NO END!! THANKS FOR YOU ALL!! Soulosophy, Aysik, Onesoul, Superstar...thanks for EVERYTHING! k
Comment by whole on June 24, 2010 at 8:27pm
THANK YOU FOR THE VIDEO, well said ayzik


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