February 26, 2013

Resistance members who have been around for awhile can recall we have been discussing the Astral Quest platform now in Beta for at least 2 years which is evident by the registration of our domains. Although somewhat late I have received notification from a fellow Resistance member that Google via Niantic Labs has launched Ingress on December 2, 2012 for the Android Platform. The word "Ingress" is defined as 1. (astronomy) the disappearance of a celestial body prior to an eclipse 2. the act of entering or going within. Sound like innerstanding to you or "just a speculation"?


With all of the internet data at their fingertips it is no wonder if Google is skimming the cream of the hottest ideas on the web and then attempting to develop them ahead of schedule. Ingress features 2 sides, Enlightened and Resistance. Looks like we made both sides on this one lol. There is talk of Resonators, Leveling Up, and Portals as this new augmented reality platform struggles to find its way and concept. Here is a quote from their Ingress Wikipedia entry "The top-level goal of the game is for one’s faction to control large numbers of “Mind Units”, the estimated number of humans within the regions of territory controlled by the faction."


Its also very clear that the app lacks a true storyline and retaining concept beyond augmented "enhanced" reality and can only bring more recognition to The Official Resistance website as we already accepted a member today who listed "Ingress" as their method of finding out about us. Either its backfiring on Google or all apart of the design anyway, we will have to see.


Lastly I would also like to comment on Augmented Reality and how it is being used as it raises some alarms in the area of eidolons or thought forms concentrations in many areas in the future. For those who know nothing about it I will explain as simple as possible one of the most common uses.


If you happen to be in an area that someone has created an "augmented reality scene" you can look look through any device that supports that augmented reality and you will see the scene through that device. An example is lets say I'm at a table in a park enjoying a meal with friends and I decide to record it and put it in to a platform like Googles new Glass. When another person comes to that area on a later date they will see nothing, but if they hold up their Augmented Reality device to that area they will see me there with friends.


This is being pushed because it has many applications ranging from getting directions when lost all the way to marking areas with certain symbols and clues to notify others who know how to follow those clues. On a spiritual level we have already discovered that in areas especially those that are haunted people see scenes of what took place and characters involved even if they have been long gone from the physical plane. It was later discovered this occurs due to concentrated thought and multiple mind links in real time remembering that occurance. It makes us ask the question will augmented reality populate the invisible world with new thought forms?

Still don't get augmented reality? Check out this video, talk about a Technology addiction and dependency coming on.


More images from NianticLabs Website




Views: 4359


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Comment by Oscar Gonzalez on March 4, 2013 at 1:00pm

Beautifully said Tr3s, you hit the nail on the head. There is no need to resist or illuminate. Everything is unfolding perfectly. Something new and beautiful will spawn from the Dualistic nature we are now experiencing. A new way of perceiving the reality will come from the relationship between carbon and silicon (silly con).

Comment by Mystic Fire on March 3, 2013 at 9:19am


Wow, that was interesting. Thanks for sharing.

Comment by Coresponse on March 2, 2013 at 7:11pm

Anyone seen the short film SIGHT? (7:50)

Comment by Sucram on March 2, 2013 at 5:24pm
My second thoughts are: If someone was able to accumulate suifficient energy, he will eventually run into the resitance 2010 site. Links, ads are not necessary.
Comment by Tr3s on March 2, 2013 at 12:26pm

Dear Sevan, and all family of resistance, first of all I want to thank you for grooving this great site. 
As mentioned in the article, the way I found out the resistance2010.com site was through my scanning of the internet related to the game ingress. I started playing the game  a couple of weeks ago, and I feel I have the need to disclose how I was "introduced" to the game. 

I was at a night club in an european capital, and met a cosmic brother that night. He basically came to me and introduced himself, as a grey/human hybrid. Although it was clearly unexpected at that moment, it wasn't the first time I was interacting with "nonhuman" presence. (As you know "human" is a very limited definition of our infinite and divine manifestations of the source. And it is a very powerful vessel capable of containing a large spectrum of existance, as planet earth is also a cosmic library..)

So he asked me if I knew about ingress, and by that time I had no idea whatsoever. He picked up his tablet from his bag, and showed the game to me. And then he added "The planet is at risk, some other et races want to totally annihilate, and we are trying to prevent that from happening". So as you see, there's a big frequency battle going on, and there are lots of other cosmic manifestations tied to planet earth, not only to "humans" but to animals, crystals, even to the elements as everything is interrelated cosmically.  And the very existance of greys are closely related to humans* since they are the result of a timeline manifestation of our current reality. So, what we are looking at is, a holographic model, call it a game if you will, of our timeline seperation, which is closely related to the harvesting of energy. Consciousness is like a battery, and in our dualistic model of existing, there has to be polarity in order to have energy. And from my point of view, what we are viewing here is the extreme polarization of our solar logos, (Sun and Saturn polarity very important at this point, and thank you Santos Bonacci for the awesome info) harvesting our energies in order to shift into the 5th dimensional expression of our planet, which is actually a STAR.
So, all those stars that we see when we look from our terra, are actually manifestations of life in different frequencies, usually in higher octaves than ours so that we percieve them as pure light. So when we completely make the 5d transition, "gaia" will express herself as a star. Which actually already has happened, as everything is in the NOW, ( in the know =) ). Speaking about the archons, or archetypes, it has come to my attention that we need to discern very carefully at this point, because what I have discovered through my own spiritual experiences, is that this parasytic energy ( which is tied to XM of ingress in my opinion) is actually replicating and distorting our Solar Logos. So in order for lower inorganic frequencies to exist within, we are now experiencing the organic and synthetic polarity at it's maximum, making clear that Gaia is such a "portal" to hold both existances at the same time.
But as long as we stay in our heartspace, which is directly connected to the source, I don't think there's any need to be "fighting" these energies or "agendas" if you will... because "they" are simply surviving and existing in their own ways. And their ways might not be the same as ours. I think balancing and accepting all life at this point is very cruicual, rather than "resisting", or "illuminating". Because the soul has to go through many elemental gates, or dimensions of existance, also called Daath of the Kabalah tree of life. Kabbalah meaning Qaba and Allah, Saturn and Sun. The cube and the circle, famously portayed in Vinci's Vitrivius Man.. So all this situation is creating a jumpboard for our new crystal existance, which is closely tied with the perfection of the Phi ratio.

And in this crystal existence, duality is certainly overcomed, as we are experiencing intensely right now. One has to clear all the karmic connections we have had through out our somewhat looped state of incarnation, thus becoming re-incarnation. So what we are looking here is actually the flattening of a spiral force, becoming a circle, and creating this dualistic experience. I clearly do not know the motive behind this, but what I feel for sure is everything is where it's supposed to be, and the omniverse is constantly seeking perfection, for all of it's beings. What kind of womb or mother, denies it's own offspring? As everything came out of the initial zero, beyond the gods and demiurgs and whatsoever, when we totally embrace ZERO, what is there to be worried about? 

Now coming back to Ingress, what I feel about the game is, first of all it's very fun to play =) It is helping me to discover my city in such a way that I was never able to see before, and it keeps me very fit and focused during my surfing in 3rd density. I agree with the over enigmatic and hard to follow storyline of the so called niantic project, and infact I don't even give a flip about it. I use it as a tool to navigate, an activity to motivate my long walks in the city. And it certainly puts you out of your regular boxed timeline, into a constantly evolving and funky one instead.

About the borg agenda and data usage of google, don't you think they already have all the info they need and want from you? Yes it is further mapping the data flow of the people, and specially with this glass thing it's gonna get even creepier, but for me, I really have passed beyond the spiritual threshold of having the fear of control over my data. What is data anyways? The soul is immesurable, it's infinite and ever existing. The brain, and all the fluff we are talking about is already the product of the matrix, so I  stopped trying to save my territory over this massive change.. 
I'm greeting all my cosmic brothers and sisters, infact even synthetic or organic I really do not care anymore. Divine harmony is inevitable and thus will it occur to full potentiality, and those who are divided within the divine have to care about themselves, as each soul is exactly deciding how to live through their own universe. 

Life will not cease to exist, and all this movements are for the final harmony of all that there is. We are temporary passangers in these "timesuits", on this "timeship", in this "cube" ( For now on at least). And I'm eagerly waiting to see how all this will get even funkier than ever.. I agree with the P.A.Chapeau's word of today on the niantic website, we are experiencing a "Jamais Vu". This is quite a unique time in our omniverse, and we are the cocreators of this magnificent spectacle. So instead of fighting over the pencil, I would rather sit back and enjoy the uni-fiction =) 
Hope I made myself clear as possible, since the "rabbit hole" is increasingly getting deeper, words and letters will become inadequate at some point. But hey, doesn't that sound like the end of phonetix?

“I am not interested in communicating something to you,
I am interested in communion.
Communication means my mind talking to your mind.
Communion means I am not a mind,
you are not a mind –
… just your heart melting into my heart,
no words.” Osho 

Unitiy and Agape <3 to all.


Comment by Tr3s on March 2, 2013 at 9:45am
Comment by Kyle Channel on March 2, 2013 at 3:08am

Also, I just realized that the member that joined and listed ingress as the source that referred them to join, is essentially The Kid, from the Animatrix sequence, who "self-substantiates" himself out of the Matrix...

"After the Kid thanks Neo for saving him, he is corrected "I didn't save you Kid, you saved yourself". Clearly, the Kid has accomplished something no one else has done in this version of the Matrix - he got himself out. Somehow, during his fall to the ground, he believed strongly enough to wake himself up."

from: http://www.thematrix101.com/animatrix/kid.php


Also, just wondering Sevan, is that member's signup when you first became aware of this project?

Comment by Kyle Channel on March 2, 2013 at 3:00am

Fully agreed, I'd also like to know how Sevan feels about it, and I love your webportal/video idea that would link both sides to the site eventually.

Comment by Sucram on March 2, 2013 at 2:33am
Kyle, amazing how thoughts / vibration spread! US, San franciso - DE, Hamburg.. Its just a thoutgh away :)

I also only see pros and no cons getting involved and game the Game ...but maybe others? Sevan??

If thats the right action we should form a group and discuss how to game the Game in depth
Comment by Kyle Channel on March 1, 2013 at 11:50pm

Sucram, oh.my.god. I was thinking this EXACT template thought around the same time you were typing it. I am 110% down, let's fractal hack this. I can work on Monterrey and San Francisco, not sure if there's more player zones in this area, or more Real RESISTANCE members who would like to help "play the game" on THIS layer of reality. We need massive amounts of stickers with QR codes, tagging, posters, seriously, it's right there...and if some other interested group (landmark owners, google, city DPW) takes it upon themselves to try and remove or paste over OUR REAL RESISTANCE "resonators" (the stickers/posters), then they will have shown themselves to be a finger of the Enlightened (Illuminated/Masons/etc) and it will have truly become the game in this world as well. My mind is blown, totally blown. I'm so tripping on this right now.

I'm gonna go eat the best sprouted raw almond hummus ever, ponder some more, and report back. P.S. I already have an invite code as well. Just realized there could be people assisting the "bridge construction and maintenance" from INSIDE the game as well. This s*** is straight up turning into the Matrix (the movies), lol.


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