This isn't the first day of the journey, but my first blog post. I came to realize I need to sort my thoughts out in an organize  fashion and reflect on experiences to amplify the experience in my mind. I encourage blog comment so I may find out more about myself through you. Today's highlight is my pineal gland. I've been working towards stimulating it everyday  to detox it from everyday life and keep it running smoothly. It likes to pulsate now at different times without my focus or breathing technique and it sort of acts like a "spidey-sense" now. Now when its alive I listen to something higher than analytic thinking, my intuition and emotion. For so long I've my third eye has spoke to me but I dismissed it as my own voice wanting something society wouldn't allow for. Now a flicker of light appears behind my eyes when I meditate and requires very little to activate if nothing at all. Since practicing focusing on subtle energies within my body I can amplify it along with my eye. I can always stimulate my root, solar, and third eye chakra ( sometimes crown) but I don't about the others. the three mention above are very critical to well being but to be activate I need to concentrate on the ones that need work. I will now practice something I learned in healing meditation which is allow a golden light to pass through your chakra as a way of visualization healing. It worked before for my body maybe It'll realign me. the purpose of my blogs is to not only clarify my own ideas but help those who have crossed my same path. wholeness

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Comment by Paulo Dias on January 6, 2012 at 2:39am

hey knight, what did you feel when you actived those chakras? i´m asking that because i feel some kind of pressure, in my crown and third eye chakras, i met a reiki master couple days ago he told that my energie wasn´t flowing out properly, like there was some kind of blokage. Can you tell what breathing technique you use and a bit more about the healing meditation that you do? thank you :)


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