Hello all, I wonder if anyone of you have had the sort of experience that I have been trying to understand. I have begun to have the sort of "hallucination" that comes about with mushrooms or lsd or mescaline - but in a sober state. It is not the seeing what isn't there sort, but the seeing of what is there in a different way. I will look at say the textured wall in my room and If I concentrate, or become silent - a section will begin to move all together in a sort of collide-a-scope way. I have trouble describing it, but it seems like the surface is liquid and moving over itself if you will... Have i drunk one too many cups of cactus? Or is this something more? Hopefully some of you know what I'm talking about here - let me know. Thank you!

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Comment by Kyle Michael on December 16, 2009 at 10:52am
Thanks Agent! You know, I have come along way with the chemicals. I quit smoking about a year ago after 5 years of it, and I have quit drinking now for about 6 months. Trying to really stay away from sugar and my last thing will be coffee. It's a tough process. Thanks for the input and live well!


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