I am proud of these guys!  Well Done!!!



 A message from Men.


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Comment by Charles Magus on April 9, 2011 at 2:23pm

Thank you mjgpgh!  At last the Divine Feminine is returning,  it has been gone for far too long.  I, as a man willingly embrace the Divine Feminine Energy!


Love, Peace and Unity for all!



Comment by Charles Magus on April 8, 2011 at 12:44am

Sorry about any misunderstand Serge23.  I would never knowingly offend anyone.  I will change the post, I managed to find another version unconnected to any form of humour, as this is such a serious issue. 


To me Human beings are all part of the same beautiful sovereign/spiritual family.  Everyone is a Human being first, not a race, a gender or a religion.  The elite's divide and conquer policy must end, it has been responsible for all the hatred and division in the world.  I say We unite under one family to end this evil that has almost destroyed our wonder and beautiful mother Earth and has place humanity on the brink of exstinction.


Peace, Love and Unity for All!




Comment by SURGE23 on April 7, 2011 at 10:31am
Wholeness Charles.. all good, it just came off like that from my perspective at the time.
Comment by Charles Magus on April 7, 2011 at 6:13am

It is never my intention to offend anybody or any group. Only to pass on to others what I was given.

By the way Serge23, this post came from a black page, that is why the wording of the title was the way that it was.  It is black humour.  I thought it was speaking from a Native American perspective myself, until I clicked today.

Comment by Charles Magus on April 7, 2011 at 5:31am

Thank you unit4truth! I was fortunate that there was no male influence in my life as a child, I think that is why I have always understood the Divine Feminine.  The Human Race has a lot to make up to.  People are changing all over the world!  It is time for Unity and Love to touch every single area of our lives.


Love and Blessings


Comment by Charles Magus on April 7, 2011 at 5:26am

It is not about polarization, but about forgiveness and unity!  Goddessa Knows we need that!  I would love to also see a video on the indigenous Cultures that have just been pushed aside and murdered in their Millions!  Which is still happening to this day!  What about them Serge23?   I don't make the videos, but when I find one that is worthy of sharing I share it.  It was thanks to my Beautiful Black friend that I was shown that video.  I have placed many of his videos on many sites.   What men have done to women over thousands of years is beyond dispicable!  All races of men have done this to them.  It is about time we correct all the grave injustices of the past.




Comment by SURGE23 on April 6, 2011 at 11:33pm
That was nice n had validity, but it's all the same if we continue to polarize ourselves just in a different way by taking sides and tossing the hot potato from one side to the other. Black/White yada ya.. I'm surprised more ppl who aren't "black" or "white" aren't looking at both like omg u two again, get over your selves. What about mixed ppl, don't u think they have their lesson for Mankind either? Or are they just so easily blotted out? Guess what, the ppl who own this corp(se) we live in, don' giv a rats buttooty what cow brings home the goods, s'long as it's feedn time.


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